Deshaun Watson Sweepstakes...

No one forced him to sign the contract. Watson needs to end his complaining and play out the deal that he chose to sign.

that kinda where I was going with it. He knew when he signed what this organization was all about! Hell, they had just moved Hopkins for nothing right before signing!! He could have told them “hell no” instead of signing then crying. I understand it be tough to pass that money up but not like he couldn’t have gotten it elsewhere if he said no!

Them lying to him was business as usual, if it was hugely important to him he should have gotten in writing!!!! I feel like the timing works against him perception wise. He has no leverage if houston decides to flex!! I’m assuming he keeps the 20+ mil he got this last season but would stand to lose the majority of anything he has coming? They can say money isn’t important to him all they want, money important to everyone!!! How much of it is he willing to lose? Sounds like not participating in the offseason stuff or camp, then missing the preseason could cost him around 2.5-3 mil, then once it gets into reg season games I have no doubt the money he stands to lose gets insane!!!

I guess if I’m him I show up and air mail every pass 10 feet over guys heads, play the worst football imaginable, refuse to scramble, throw the ball to the wrong team over and over again! There nothing houston could do then, paying a guy huge money who intentionally tanking would not be good!! It be a pathetic terrible look for him, I dunno if he can do it??? If he does then what does houston do? Bench him but then has to pay him the whole contract?!?!?? Guess he might have more leverage than I thought if he willing to go here with it!! Not gonna lie, I’m sick and rooting for this situation!! Lol
that kinda where I was going with it. He knew when he signed what this organization was all about! Hell, they had just moved Hopkins for nothing right before signing!! He could have told them “hell no” instead of signing then crying. I understand it be tough to pass that money up but not like he couldn’t have gotten it elsewhere if he said no!

Them lying to him was business as usual, if it was hugely important to him he should have gotten in writing!!!! I feel like the timing works against him perception wise. He has no leverage if houston decides to flex!! I’m assuming he keeps the 20+ mil he got this last season but would stand to lose the majority of anything he has coming? They can say money isn’t important to him all they want, money important to everyone!!! How much of it is he willing to lose? Sounds like not participating in the offseason stuff or camp, then missing the preseason could cost him around 2.5-3 mil, then once it gets into reg season games I have no doubt the money he stands to lose gets insane!!!

I guess if I’m him I show up and air mail every pass 10 feet over guys heads, play the worst football imaginable, refuse to scramble, throw the ball to the wrong team over and over again! There nothing houston could do then, paying a guy huge money who intentionally tanking would not be good!! It be a pathetic terrible look for him, I dunno if he can do it??? If he does then what does houston do? Bench him but then has to pay him the whole contract?!?!?? Guess he might have more leverage than I thought if he willing to go here with it!! Not gonna lie, I’m sick and rooting for this situation!! Lol

if all this happens it then tanks his trade value even more! Then it can get even more tricky cause he could refuse any trade where houston feels they gettin a good return!! Maybe that his next move, let it be known to them how I’m gonna play, that if they don’t honor my wishes now I will refuse any trade and force you to bench me and I’ll sit for 7 years while collecting my check! Man this could get so ugly!! Like the biggest game of chicken in history!! Very exciting! It like a soap opera!
It is pretty funny that the no trade clause can be leveraged like that, you fuck me, I can fuck harder kinda thing
It is pretty funny that the no trade clause can be leveraged like that, you fuck me, I can fuck harder kinda thing

big time. Really the one thing that gives him any leverage. He gonna have to stop playing this ignore them game and let it be known what he willing to do to fuck them!!
I doubt very few guys who make it to this level would have a very easy time swallowing their pride and tanking their play, willing to be benched and sit thru his prime!! Me on the other hand, I’d love to figure out a way to collect that money and not have to really work!! Lol. He could be like harden and come in 30-40 lbs overweight! Lol
As long as the Jets don't trade for him I don't care what he does. Its always my belief that if you sign a contract you play it out.
As long as the Jets don't trade for him I don't care what he does. Its always my belief that if you sign a contract you play it out.

you wouldn’t want jets to give up darnold and a couple 1s for him? You crazy.

im more of the belief teams can discard you whenever and often get out of a bunch the money so players shouldn’t be beholden to them either. I do think it redic to sign one in sept and already trying to bail but again if teams can cut you then don’t see why the contract should be any more sacred for the player?
you wouldn’t want jets to give up darnold and a couple 1s for him? You crazy.

im more of the belief teams can discard you whenever and often get out of a bunch the money so players shouldn’t be beholden to them either. I do think it redic to sign one in sept and already trying to bail but again if teams can cut you then don’t see why the contract should be any more sacred for the player?
The Jets are basically an expansion level team at this point. If Watson won only 4 games with Houston how many is he winning with the Jets especially once they include all the high picks necessary to get him.
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If owners don’t have to honor them why should the players?
The owners have to honor the guaranteed portion of the deal which I am sure is a lot in this case. He knew that the organization was not well run when he signed the deal so now he should have to live with his decision.
The owners have to honor the guaranteed portion of the deal which I am sure is a lot in this case. He knew that the organization was not well run when he signed the deal so now he should have to live with his decision.
They only have to honor the guaranteed money if he follows the terms, there's a reason guys have to give some back.
Watson signed his contract after his best receiver was essentially given away and knowing that O'Brien was ruining any chance he had of winning. He chose to take the big amount of guaranteed money and now he should have to deal with the consequences.
Watson signed his contract after his best receiver was essentially given away and knowing that O'Brien was ruining any chance he had of winning. He chose to take the big amount of guaranteed money and now he should have to deal with the consequences.
But you're introducing a verbal contract into the equation now if they did indeed agree to something then bailed on that contract after he signed. Naturally it's he said/he said and normally would just be a throw away in your day to day dealings, but not a contract like this, and gonna guess an arbitrator might well side with the player. Never know, who knows if they did that. But if so, the org breached the contract, pretty black and white.
But you're introducing a verbal contract into the equation now if they did indeed agree to something then bailed on that contract after he signed. Naturally it's he said/he said and normally would just be a throw away in your day to day dealings, but not a contract like this, and gonna guess an arbitrator might well side with the player. Never know, who knows if they did that. But if so, the org breached the contract, pretty black and white.
When he signed the contract O'Brien was still in place as coach/GM so I seriously doubt they told him he would have a say in who would be replacing him.
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When he signed the contract O'Brien was still in place as coach/GM so I seriously doubt they told him he would have a say in who would be replacing him.
Good point, I need more details on how it was presented (ie owner or others, what was told to him and his agent?) They had to know they'd suck this season and BOB had a foot out the door.
The owners have to honor the guaranteed portion of the deal which I am sure is a lot in this case. He knew that the organization was not well run when he signed the deal so now he should have to live with his decision.

I don’t disagree completely and I’m sure he got tons of guarantees but long as that the only part the contract worth a damn I have a hard time holding players to a standard the franchise not held to. I do think in this case it pretty silly to have signed the deal in sept and already trying to jump ship, as been mentioned several times he knew what a shit show it was when he signed on!
When he signed the contract O'Brien was still in place as coach/GM so I seriously doubt they told him he would have a say in who would be replacing him.

yea I doubt that came till afterwords. He certainly not the 1st and won’t be last athlete or any other worker who gets lied to by management. It happens.
yea I doubt that came till afterwords. He certainly not the 1st and won’t be last athlete or any other worker who gets lied to by management. It happens.
Little management getting 43 instead of 45k/year is just gonna have to suck it. This is a bit of a different level.
Hou gonna fuck themselves by waiting. Mia, jets, bears seem like the obvious choices but am sure there’s a dark horse out there, like a sf although they don’t have the draft capital
They got some speed at wr too

for sure. Cant think of dudes name, the one who been there for several seasons who like a Swiss Army knife, he a really good weapon. The anderson kid they got from the jets was a steal! No clue why jets didn’t wanna hang on to him? Think he a underrated wr! Obviously mccaffery a beast. They are pretty loaded for a group nobody talks about!
for sure. Cant think of dudes name, the one who been there for several seasons who like a Swiss Army knife, he a really good weapon. The anderson kid they got from the jets was a steal! No clue why jets didn’t wanna hang on to him? Think he a underrated wr! Obviously mccaffery a beast. They are pretty loaded for a group nobody talks about!
Yeah I was saying the only wr jets needed was Robbie
Yeah I was saying the only wr jets needed was Robbie

of course I dunno how long they will be able to hang on to Joe Brady as OC? His star rising pretty fast, if panthers offense takes off he be a head coach in next few years!! I kinda like teddy b but he isn’t really a franchise qb, I’d expect they players in the watson sweepstakes or they look to draft someone. Teddy b a great qb for a kid like lance to learn behind for a season or half a season depending how fast he is ready!
for sure. Cant think of dudes name, the one who been there for several seasons who like a Swiss Army knife, he a really good weapon. The anderson kid they got from the jets was a steal! No clue why jets didn’t wanna hang on to him? Think he a underrated wr! Obviously mccaffery a beast. They are pretty loaded for a group nobody talks about!

You mean Curtis Samuel. He was the Panthers' top weapon when CMC got injured and Mike Davis faded.
No one will want to deal with this shit now, he's in Houston and dealing with the rub n tugs
Great advise from attorneys, all these civil suits won't mean shit when he's broke from attorney fees
The only contract Watson will be signing next is "Do you want fries with that?"

you would think these athletes being so well versed in contracts would make these woman sign one before fucking them! If I was worth 100 mil im having any chick sign something before I dip into the water!!