Danny Green got his Championship party after all

Don't forget the embarassing flopping. That'll be #88.


In all honesty, we could easily come up with 101 reasons right? I say 101 because Tip's reason was labeled #101 by him. But we could fill in the rest couldn't we?
Slotting everyone's submissions correctly, I could easily go 200. Give me some leeway on ugly faces.
the fact that more then half the teams in the league make the playoffs

the fact that we already pretty much know who's gonna win these series. I mean I guess every once in a while there is an upset like GS over Dallas, but where the Bucks ever gonna be the Heat?

Wanna know how to make it better, FOUR playoff teams. Eight at the MOST, and I think I'm stretching it. Then the regular season would actually mean something.

Every hard foul doesn't have to be a flagrant

The season being 82 games, when the seeds are basically set by Christmas...fucking stupid.

Idk..theres a probably a million more. My biggest beef is the length of the season and the playoffs
I like gurv's start to the list, those are all biggies. Let's get this started, see if we can get nbafan to see the light ...

#1. Boring. The first 36-42 minutes of most regular season games are like watching a pick-up game at the Y. Elite athletes in their prime, letting each other shoot, ghost defense, jogging back on D. How can a professional sports league look itself in the eye when 80%+ of the effort is suspect?
#2. Bad teams make the playoffs, this after a fucking six-month season. Fuck, the fucking playoffs go on for another two months, and there's rarely any mystery who's going to win a series. How much crappy, predictable hoops are we expected to take?
#3. Players league. Good for players, bad for professional basketball. Super teams, big threes, players firing and hiring coaches and orchestrating trades ... Looks like pro wrestling.
#5. The officiating is extremely shady, and slanted star and home team.
#6. Even housewives who don't watch basketball think flopping is out of control. If a ref sees a ridiculous, excessive flop, he should be able to T the guy up or even eject him. That would end the silliness of a 280-pound man acting like he was run over by a rhino when a point guard scratches him.
#7. The fraternal relationship among opposing players, the spur of this thread. Bad for business.
#8. Coaching. It's not even coaching, it's ego-massage. Anyone else think the greatest coach that ever was or will be blew the finals? Game six, up 5, foul and get fouled, you let 'em shoot two 3's. Plus the player rotation was weird. I don't know, I don't watch much NBA so my #8 has an asterisk. But where are the coaches? Cavs just RE-hired worst coach ever.
#9. Euros, etc. It's the NATIONAL BA not the international BA. It's not even their fault. Our guys can't shoot or pass, they can.
#10. The draft lottery is shady. Too many convenient, improbable coincidences over the years. Gotta be a better way to do it.
#11. Off the court. Eyeglasses without lenses, capri pants.
#12. This isn't completely the NBA's fault, but I hold the league complicit. We're heading into a draft on Thursday comprised of a top 10 that make you go, "meh".
#13. I believe Lareux referenced. Is this a basketball game, a monster truck show, a cockfight ...? Turn down the fucking volume.
#15. Traveling, crab dribbles, bunny hops ... Call the most basic of basketball violations.
#16. Free throw shooting. Your freakish athleticism has allowed you a nice living. You don't have the professional courtesy and self-respect to be able to knock down 7-out-of-10 when no one's guarding you? WTF are you doing all day?
Lame? I'll give you #9. #11 resonates. Besides, these are in no particular order.
#17, the Brian Sipe of reasons the NBA is a joke. David Fucking Stern, thank you, Pyp.
#19. What other sport plays for two months before anyone starts to give a shit?
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Oops, I skipped 18 and went straight to Bernie Kosar.

#18. Tats. When little scrawny white guys have barbed wire around their pipe cleaners, your league has a problem.
#20 Defense. Defender has no rights, offensive player can initiate all the contact on drive, pump fake, etc... and still get called on blocking foul

#20. Dilution. Luke Walton still collects a check in this league. I say that' a sign of a dearth of talent.
#24. Scheduling. We gamblers know to fade or account for a team playing its 3rd game in 4 nights. The league doesn't acknowledge or address the slip in the product in these spots.
#25. Ticket prices. I make a decent living, we used to split season Cavs tix (pre-Lebron), but Jesus Christ. I haven't gone to an NBA game on my own dime in years, costs an arm and a leg. Not to sound like Mr. Wholesome, but I genuinely prefer St. Ignatius v. St. Edward for five bucks over the Cavs against the fucking Bobcats or whomever, who even gives a fuck, it's the Cavs.
In-list sidenote ... I kind of want the Cavs to take the Maryland guy.
OK. 25's enough for now. Don't want to overlap or force reasons the NBA is a joke.

OK, one more.

#26. The most compelling games in league history were almost 30 years ago. Now that's a down cycle.
I admit, I sort of expected more help on this thing. So far I have a couple from Pyp, but had to endure the heckling. I can almost guarantee 75 more NBA annoyances, just might take me 75 hours.
#27. The complete and utter disconnect between players and fans. Think it's more pronounced in the NBA, actually I think it's the modern player's goal. Mansion > legacy
#27. The complete and utter disconnect between players and fans. Think it's more pronounced in the NBA, actually I think it's the modern player's goal. Mansion > legacy

what the fuck are you talking about?

You're saying that NBA players get paid too much? And for that reason they dont understand how the life of the average fan is? Serious?

I really hope that comment is a joke because I don't see how you can say NBA players are worse than MLB or NFL players in that regard. And I in no way think that athletes get paid too much money.
so entertainment is indeed > sport

i don't think anyone was disputing that in this thread, it's just that we collectively prefer sports to entertainment
so entertainment is indeed > sport

i don't think anyone was disputing that in this thread, it's just that we collectively prefer sports to entertainment

how is the nba entertainment?

how is different from any other professional sport?

I really think the point of the game being a job to players cannot be stressed enough... sure there are players that make it more than a job... and those are the players that make it to hall of fame... but in principle its a job

because the games look shady? i know i talk a lot about the officiating being shady and what not but it honestly is a self fulfilling prophecy usually
how is the nba entertainment?

because the games look shady? i know i talk a lot about the officiating being shady and what not but it honest is a self fulfilling prophecy usually

well, for one, you already used the danny green excuse that "it's a job". and it is. just like broadway, a vegas show, the wwe...

baseball players don't look at it as a job, in tennis, hockey, football, soccer...it's sport. ask a golfer if it's a job, promise, it's not, it's competition

the nba IS a job to these guys, and that's too bad
any professional sport is a job. by definition... idgaf how players look at it... you cant tell me you know how a player looks at it because you dont know... and thats why players in their contract years tend to perform better than players that just got paid

golf is a sport just like bowling is a sport... but i dont put in the same light as the other major sports... just my opinion...
then you believe the integrity of competition has been compremised

i do not, except in the nba for the most part. there it has