Danny Green got his Championship party after all

one of the comments on that site...

"I heard Manu showed up too. However, he couldn't get in because he accidentally threw his ticket away."

To be honest, I think its just so wrong...
I was crushed because of Spurs loss and I wasn't their fan, not to mention player. I didn't even lose money and still sad. To go out and party with the team that beat you...
I'm a Heat fan & I think this is disgusting. Especially for a player who went 1/7 FG in Game 6 and 1/12 FG in Game 7. I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Much less go out to the championship after party of the team that BEAT you!

"Thanks for your help in game 7 Danny, we really needed it" said Lebron.
That shit is just wrong on so many levels. Duncan and Frenchie had to be pissed. Good thing is no one will even know who he is in a year's time. Nothing more than a role player that got hot.
Gonna take more than a few firecrackers to kill Danny Green ...

Yeah you'd think anybody associated with Lil Wayne would be off the guest list for the Heat.

He (Drake) was off the guest list for their locker room, as he was denied access when he tried to enter during the post game celebration. Then, he evidently followed them to the club for the celebration, which after his denial of access to the locker room is bordering on stalkerish. Wonder if the team just thinks he's a fucking clown and made fun of him for showing up at the club after they gave him a hint back at the arena that he wasn't welcome.
I think you are over analyzing the Drake thing Lareux

As for Green showing up for the heat party...ummmm, wtf
I think you are over analyzing the Drake thing Lareux

As for Green showing up for the heat party...ummmm, wtf

Probably, but I was just having some fun with it. From most accounts Drake is a pretty big douchebag, so I just ran with it I guess.
haha, I knew you were

but, does anyone else have a problem with Green. I mean who the fuck parties with the team that just beat them
haha, I knew you were

but, does anyone else have a problem with Green. I mean who the fuck parties with the team that just beat them

That's just how it is for these young guys in pro sports these days. That coddled, participation trophy generation doesn't see the issue with fraternizing with the opposition and seemingly don't care about winning as much as they do their money. You should hate to see the sight of LeFraud, D Wade, the Yag Velociraptor and the rest of their crew for, at the very least, one fucking night after they beat you for the championship (especially when you shot the way Green did in games 6 and 7). It's pathetic but it's the way of the sports world right now it would seem.
I know Lareux I hate it... TIger, Kobe, Jordan, could you imagine any of them celebrating with the winner?
I know Lareux I hate it... TIger, Kobe, Jordan, could you imagine any of them celebrating with the winner

Not a chance. Kobe may be the cut off for the true competitors. I don't necessarily mean Kobe himself, just his age or maybe a few years younger than him...and then it turned. It would be interesting to pinpoint the exact year that things started to change. When did "everyone gets to play, everyone gets a trophy, we don't keep score so they are no winners or losers" really start? Those kids then grew up and now play pro sports with the attitude they have.
I know Im in the minority on this, but I think Lebron is in that category. I think he just wants to win
I know Im in the minority on this, but I think Lebron is in that category. I think he just wants to win

He may be, but he's more interested in people liking him than anything else. I found it funny when he said something about that the other night...that he didn't want people to like him, he just wanted to win. Ummm, that's pretty much the opposite of most of his actions since he's been in the league. It's easy to say that after you've won.
but, after saying that the league is as healthy as it has ever been, right there with the Jordan era
I think that Green thing is just strange.
Not only LeBron, can't imagine any other player in the league doing this.
It's jusr sick...
I think that Green thing is just strange.
Not only LeBron, can't imagine any other player in the league doing this.
It's jusr sick...

There are many, many, many other players in the NBA who wouldn't see an issue with it. Other sports as well.
i think Lebron, CP, and KD care about winning titles, the rest, not so sure

You're right, there are definitely 'outliers' in the new generation of pro athletes who don't see an issue of fraternizing with the enemy and really only care about their paychecks.
I can't remember such a thing even once. Thunder had a very young bunch last season and lost in Miami as well, but no one came to Heat party...
That's because the players on the spurs actually respect other players in the league.

This is seriously not a big deal at all. Basketball is their job. End of story.
If only there were cell phone cams in the '80's, we'd surely have pics of Bird and Magic hitting the clubs together after a tough game 7.
I think it's a huge story.

In my eyes, you can't smile and party at all few hours after you lost in the NBA Finals and you can double it when it's in Game 7 and you can triple it when it comes after Game 6 like Spurs had.

When you add to that, the fact that he partied with the same team that beat them, celebrating the fact that they won them, it's just mind blowing in my eyes.

I honestly can't remember such a thing in any sports in any league...

I don't get those that think that it's not a big deal or that all/ most players in the league would have done the same...

Show me one Thunder player in Heat celebrations last year. Celtics player in Lakers celebrations in 2011 or Lakers player in Celtics celebrations in 2009 (the years when the winning team won the trophy at home - unlike Dallas in Miami or Lakers in Orlando)...
If only there were cell phone cams in the '80's, we'd surely have pics of Bird and Magic hitting the clubs together after a tough game 7.

No you wouldn't. Twitter and today's media doesn't allow celebs and athletes to have the same amount of freedom as 20 years ago. A big reason why they get paid so much.
No you wouldn't. Twitter and today's media doesn't allow celebs and athletes to have a the same amount of freedom as 20 years ago. A big reason why they get paid so much.

You're missing my point. Of course public figures are more exposed now. And of course Bird, McHale, and Parish didn't party with Magic, Worthy, and Kareem a couple hours after the finals. The NBA is a joke, has been for years.
How's the NBA a joke?

How do you not understand where these guys are coming from? I bet ivy a spurs fan and I'm sure it's not his job to be one wouldn't want to party right after a heartbreaking loss. Bad example im sure but Jesus dude
Or 7 months or 8 months. God, that's a long fucking season. Reason it's a joke #101.
This is seriously not a big deal at all. Basketball is their job. End of story.

This statement, while true, is why the NBA has become a joke.

and i honestly have no problem with danny green going to this party, because the NBA has become entertainment, not sport
Danny had to collect from Lebron for tanking the last 2 games in miami

word has it he slept with Mama Lebron and it killed all his mojo
Or 7 months or 8 months. God, that's a long fucking season. Reason it's a joke #101.

They don't call traveling (this may not seem like a big deal but I don't get it...when you get to the top level of a sport they should call the rules more strictly, not less). The refs influence the outcome of the games on a regular basis (seemingly with the go ahead from the top). Players whine and cry anytime a foul is called on them. Most players couldn't care less about anything but their money. For a vast majority of the games, you can simply watch the last 3 minutes or so (which will take about 20 minutes in real time) with no need to watch the rest of the game.

Those are a few of the reasons between #1 and #100, I'm sure tip or others can help fill in the rest.
They play music DURING the games. While the actual game play is taking place on the court, they are blaring music for whatever reason.

Let's call that reason #87.