Renewed the league on Yahoo
Invited everyone back from last year except Alex (and before he inevitably complains about not being asked back, he did not make one move the entire season and abandoned his team in November, so...)
KowboyKarl - pm me your email and ill send you an invite
Who is Flight 6 in the fantasy league?
Yahoo has this season up and going and I'm going to call my shot now and win back2back.
Who is in ?
You ain't winnin shit...
I wasn't in last year, but, I'm in this year. Make sure you find me a spot, AK, cuz you're goin down!
Goin' down to the wire tonight, AK.opcorn:
Well, that's a wrap... It was a great season, fellas. :cheers:
1st $700 - KowboyKarl
2nd $350 - ArizonaKid
3rd $150 - Renew
Good deal...these confirmed?
Ill get it done in League Safe when I get into work a little later today
Congrats to the winners
See you bastards next year