CTG Dynasty League


Pretty much a regular
I know it is a little late but I'm a little pissed right now. I joined a Dynasty League who was having their draft at EA Sports (who the fuck uses that sight?). Well anyways we got thru 5rds in 2 hours before people starting leaving and also EA fucking up.

Is anybody wanting to start a dynasty league on Yahoo?
What are the rules. Whats the buy in? Im always down for a keeper leauge, but I want to make sure that it stays together.
I'm getting ready to head to work and CTG is blocked. I'll post some futher info when I get home from work tonight...
To be honest I'm using similar rules to the league from last night which are as follows:

Entry Fee -$100 per team/per year, payable BEFORE the draft. All new owners are required to put down a 50% non-refundable deposit for the following season.

Draft Order - to be determined at random once the league fills.

2008 Draft – The draft will consist of 19 rounds with team #1 drafting first, continuing down to Team #12. This order will be repeated in all odd number rounds. In round #2 and all even rounds Team #12 will draft continuing up the order to Team #1.

Future Drafts - The draft will consist of 5 rounds in a straight draft, no snaking. The draft will include all first year players and free agents. All subsequent draft orders will be determined in regards to the previous season’s rankings (Ex. 2009 draft order will be determined by 2008 rankings).

Picks 1-4: Will be determined at random from the four teams with the worst regular season records the previous season.
Picks 5-8: Will be determined at random from the remaining four teams that did not finish in the top four.
Pick 9: 4th place from previous season
Pick 10: 3rd place from previous season
Pick 11:2nd place from previous season
Pick 12: Champion from previous season

To break a tie for draft order grouping.
1. Head to head competition. Team with win(s) will be rewarded l-4 grouping.
2. Most Points For, Season To Date. Team scoring more points will be awarded 1-4
3. Most Points Against, Season To Date

Note: Owners may expand their rosters to 22 during the draft. Owners may cut rosters down 1 week prior to the draft to allow for drafted players. Rosters must be cut down to 19 prior to the opening of the NFL season. However, following the draft if an owner wishes to add players they must be under the roster max of 19. The draft roster expansion is to allow for further evaluation of players before deciding on final roster.

1 - QB
2 - RB
2 - WR
1 - TE
2 - Flex (RB, WR, TE)
1 - K
1 - Defense/Special Teams
9 - Reserve (any position)

Lineup Deadline: Each week your game roster will consist of a maximum of 9 players, 1 Kicker and 1 defense/special teams. Keep in mind of the teams that have byes each week.

Each game roster must consist of a maximum of:
1 - QB
2 - RB
2 - WR
1 - TE
2 - Flex (RB, WR, TE)
1 - K
1- DST

Retaining players - all players can be retained each year if you want. There is no maximum as to how long you can keep them either...

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Passing Yards (25 yards per point)
Passing Touchdowns (4)
Interceptions (-1)
Rushing Yards (10 yards per point)
Rushing Touchdowns (6)
Receptions (1)
Reception Yards (10 yards per point)
Reception Touchdowns (6)
Return Yards (25 yards per point)
Return Touchdowns (6)
2-Point Conversions (2)
Fumbles Lost (-2)
Offensive Fumble Return TD (6)
Field Goals 0-19 Yards (3)
Field Goals 20-29 Yards (3)
Field Goals 30-39 Yards (3)
Field Goals 40-49 Yards (4)
Field Goals 50+ Yards (5)
Missed FG (-1)
Point After Attempt Made (1)
Missed XP (-1)
Sack (1)
Interception (2)
Fumble Recovery (2)
Touchdown (6)
Safety (2)
Block Kick (2)
Return Yards (25 yards per point)
Kickoff and Punt Return Touchdowns (6)
Points Allowed 0 points (10)
Points Allowed 1-6 points (7)
Points Allowed 7-13 points (4)
Points Allowed 14-20 points (1)
Points Allowed 21-27 points (0)
Points Allowed 28-34 points (-1)
Points Allowed 35+ points (-4)
Roster Moves:

WAIVER PRIORITY LIST - Waivers will be based upon reverse draft order. Once you add a player that is on the WW you go back to #12. List does not reset during the course of the season.

ROSTER MOVES - Owners are given an unlimited number of add/drops. Add/drops can also be made during the off-season.

TRADES - Trades are unlimited and may include an unequal number of players. Owners may trade draft position (current or future) for/or in combination with players, to another team for players and/or draft picks. In the event of a trade with an unequal number of players each team is required to add or drop players to fill the legal roster. Trades are not reviewed by the comissioner but put to a vote by the league - majority rules. In a chance of a tie the commish will be the tie breaking vote.

Teams may acquire more than 6 draft picks. Teams acquiring more than 5 draft picks will not have to forfeit a pick, but will have to trim their roster to the league maximum before the start of Week 1 of the NFL and fantasy season.

Owners may trade draft picks as far into the future as they desire, however, league fees must be fully paid up to that point and with a 100% deposit for the year in question. All prepaid years are non refundable if the owner decides to leave the league. Example: Team A gives up Larry Johnson, 2009 round 1 and receives from Team B Adrian Peterson and 2009 round 6. Before this trade is allowed the league must receive $100 payment from Team A and Team B for the 2009 season.

TRADE DEADLINE - Trade Deadline will be after the week 12 games (exact date to be determined)

Final regular season standings will be complete after Week 13 of the NFL season. Playoffs will begin Week 14 and finish Week 16. There are no games played during Week 17 of the actual NFL Playoffs.

Week 14
Regular Season Champ - BYE
Regular Season Runner-up - BYE
Regular Season #3 v #6
Regular Season #4 v #5

Week 15
Regular Season Champ v #4/#5
Regular Season Runner-up v #3/#6

Week 16 Super Bowl
Prize Money Distribution (Up for Negotiation)

Total Buy In $1200
Web-site Free (Yahoo)
Total Season Purse $1200
Super Bowl Winner $700
Second Place $350
Third Place $150
I cant see this post correctly.....WTF...I can only see the last post by smith. Very Wierd. Smith, Please pm for details.
Alright I'll try this again - all in one post. Figure it would be too long though...

Entry Fee -$100 per team/per year, payable BEFORE the draft. All new owners are required to put down a 50% non-refundable deposit for the following season.

Draft Order - to be determined at random once the league fills.

2008 Draft – The draft will consist of 19 rounds with team #1 drafting first, continuing down to Team #12. This order will be repeated in all odd number rounds. In round #2 and all even rounds Team #12 will draft continuing up the order to Team #1.

Future Drafts - The draft will consist of 5 rounds in a straight draft, no snaking. The draft will include all first year players and free agents. All subsequent draft orders will be determined in regards to the previous season’s rankings (Ex. 2009 draft order will be determined by 2008 rankings).

Picks 1-4: Will be determined at random from the four teams with the worst regular season records the previous season.
Picks 5-8: Will be determined at random from the remaining four teams that did not finish in the top four.
Pick 9: 4th place from previous season
Pick 10: 3rd place from previous season
Pick 11:2nd place from previous season
Pick 12: Champion from previous season

To break a tie for draft order grouping.
1. Head to head competition. Team with win(s) will be rewarded l-4 grouping.
2. Most Points For, Season To Date. Team scoring more points will be awarded 1-4
3. Most Points Against, Season To Date

Note: Owners may expand their rosters to 22 during the draft. Owners may cut rosters down 1 week prior to the draft to allow for drafted players. Rosters must be cut down to 19 prior to the opening of the NFL season. However, following the draft if an owner wishes to add players they must be under the roster max of 19. The draft roster expansion is to allow for further evaluation of players before deciding on final roster.


1 - QB
2 - RB
2 - WR
1 - TE
2 - Flex (RB, WR, TE)
1 - K
1 - Defense/Special Teams
9 - Reserve (any position)

Lineup Deadline: Each week your game roster will consist of a maximum of 9 players, 1 Kicker and 1 defense/special teams. Keep in mind of the teams that have byes each week.

Each game roster must consist of a maximum of:
1 - QB
2 - RB
2 - WR
1 - TE
2 - Flex (RB, WR, TE)
1 - K
1- DST

Retaining players - all players can be retained each year if you want. There is no maximum as to how long you can keep them either...


Passing Yards (25 yards per point)
Passing Touchdowns (4)
Interceptions (-1)
Rushing Yards (10 yards per point)
Rushing Touchdowns (6)
Receptions (1)
Reception Yards (10 yards per point)
Reception Touchdowns (6)
Return Yards (25 yards per point)
Return Touchdowns (6)
2-Point Conversions (2)
Fumbles Lost (-2)
Offensive Fumble Return TD (6)
Field Goals 0-19 Yards (3)
Field Goals 20-29 Yards (3)
Field Goals 30-39 Yards (3)
Field Goals 40-49 Yards (4)
Field Goals 50+ Yards (5)
Missed FG (-1)
Point After Attempt Made (1)
Missed XP (-1)
Sack (1)
Interception (2)
Fumble Recovery (2)
Touchdown (6)
Safety (2)
Block Kick (2)
Return Yards (25 yards per point)
Kickoff and Punt Return Touchdowns (6)
Points Allowed 0 points (10)
Points Allowed 1-6 points (7)
Points Allowed 7-13 points (4)
Points Allowed 14-20 points (1)
Points Allowed 21-27 points (0)
Points Allowed 28-34 points (-1)
Points Allowed 35+ points (-4)

Roster Moves:

WAIVER PRIORITY LIST - Waivers will be based upon reverse draft order. Once you add a player that is on the WW you go back to #12. List does not reset during the course of the season.

ROSTER MOVES - Owners are given an unlimited number of add/drops. Add/drops can also be made during the off-season.

TRADES - Trades are unlimited and may include an unequal number of players. Owners may trade draft position (current or future) for/or in combination with players, to another team for players and/or draft picks. In the event of a trade with an unequal number of players each team is required to add or drop players to fill the legal roster. Trades are not reviewed by the comissioner but put to a vote by the league - majority rules. In a chance of a tie the commish will be the tie breaking vote.

Teams may acquire more than 6 draft picks. Teams acquiring more than 5 draft picks will not have to forfeit a pick, but will have to trim their roster to the league maximum before the start of Week 1 of the NFL and fantasy season.

Owners may trade draft picks as far into the future as they desire, however, league fees must be fully paid up to that point and with a 100% deposit for the year in question. All prepaid years are non refundable if the owner decides to leave the league. Example: Team A gives up Larry Johnson, 2009 round 1 and receives from Team B Adrian Peterson and 2009 round 6. Before this trade is allowed the league must receive $100 payment from Team A and Team B for the 2009 season.

TRADE DEADLINE - Trade Deadline will be after the week 12 games (exact date to be determined)


Final regular season standings will be complete after Week 13 of the NFL season. Playoffs will begin Week 14 and finish Week 16. There are no games played during Week 17 of the actual NFL Playoffs.

Week 14
Regular Season Champ - BYE
Regular Season Runner-up - BYE
Regular Season #3 v #6
Regular Season #4 v #5

Week 15
Regular Season Champ v #4/#5
Regular Season Runner-up v #3/#6

Week 16 Super Bowl

Prize Money Distribution (Up for Negotiation)

Total Buy In $1200
Web-site Free (Yahoo)
Total Season Purse $1200
Super Bowl Winner $700
Second Place $350
Third Place $150