****College Football In-Game Thread****

First I thought my under here was toast, then it looked good again.

Now we get 10 points in less than 30 seconds before the half...

The losses always sting more than the good feelings from a win, that's for sure...

Schopenhauer wrote about this:

It is the good which is negative; in other words, happiness and satisfaction always imply some desire fulfilled, some state of pain brought to an end.

This explains the fact that we generally find pleasure to be not nearly so pleasant as we expected, and pain very much more painful.
Schopenhauer wrote about this:

It is the good which is negative; in other words, happiness and satisfaction always imply some desire fulfilled, some state of pain brought to an end.

This explains the fact that we generally find pleasure to be not nearly so pleasant as we expected, and pain very much more painful.

So do we seek the pain, by subconsciously wanting to lose?