****College Football In-Game Thread****

Here is the NCAA Rule.....three steps will ball secured sure seems like it would fall within the definition of a catch.....he was trying to avoid the defender

To catch a ball means that a player: 1. Secures firm control with the hand(s) or arm(s) of a live ball in flight before the ball touches the ground, and 2. Touches the ground in bounds with any part of his body, and then 3. Maintains control of the ball long enough to enable him to perform an act common to the game, i.e., long enough to pitch or hand the ball, advance it, avoid or ward off an opponent, etc., and 4. Satisfies paragraphs b, c, and d below. b.

Could be. Most likely their response would be that 3 was not achieved. He didn’t advance the ball, and clearly didn’t avoid or ward off an opponent as he dropped the ball.
Here is the NCAA Rule.....three steps will ball secured sure seems like it would fall within the definition of a catch.....he was trying to avoid the defender

To catch a ball means that a player: 1. Secures firm control with the hand(s) or arm(s) of a live ball in flight before the ball touches the ground, and 2. Touches the ground in bounds with any part of his body, and then 3. Maintains control of the ball long enough to enable him to perform an act common to the game, i.e., long enough to pitch or hand the ball, advance it, avoid or ward off an opponent, etc., and 4. Satisfies paragraphs b, c, and d below. b.

but but but... the refs said it wasn't a catch
LSU has played a better offense than either of these teams, and possibly a better defense, but not a team that has both. OSU nor Clemson has played anything close to the LSU offense. Should be fun
JUST as I was going to say this play calling has been horrific Fields makes a sweet TD pass down 5 on 4th and 3.5 from the opponents 20. No denying this is a different brand of football. A great game indeed but I do feel the Zebras have made a game altering call or 3. OSU needs to continue to dominate with its DL if it want to win this game.
I have parlays depending on Clemson -2, OSU +3 and OSU +4. While not going for 2 is borderline insanity I’ll just lean OSUs D for now. OSU D making a difference last couple drives. One more time!!!!
Can we discuss not going for 2 in here or elsewhere?

For sure. The only thing I can think is they’re thinking of Clemson scores a TD, they can go up 7 with a 2pt conversion of their own down 1. This way they only go up 5. It’s horrible logic, and it’s doubtful they thought that hard about it, but I’m trying to figure out why else they would kick the XP.