Chris Davis tested positive for amphetamines

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Uh oh we got the defensive police out writers are the worst

  • Ace of MLB Stats@AceballStats <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 4m</small>
    Chris Davis tested positive for amphetamines (assuming adderall) and now will be permanently labeled a "PED using cheater" by ignorant fans.
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  • Peter Gammons@pgammo <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 2m</small>
    @AceballStats Thank goodness none of the players in the 1950's-60's-70's-80's used amphetimines.
IF adderrall, then this is stupid. MLB allows teams to designate 2 players to use adderall legally. Davis is one of their best players. If he wanted to use adderall, don't you think Balt would have added him to the list? I don't think this is for adderall
IF adderrall, then this is stupid. MLB allows teams to designate 2 players to use adderall legally. Davis is one of their best players. If he wanted to use adderall, don't you think Balt would have added him to the list? I don't think this is for adderall
Danny Knobler@DannyKnobler <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(136, 153, 166);"> 14m</small>
Chris Davis, in statement, admits to using Adderall. Says he had exemption to use it in past, but not this year. Apologizes to team, fans.
What a moron. Fuck him. They're doing it without Weiters and Manny. Take your 195 batting average and beat it. Go birds
What a moron. Fuck him. They're doing it without Weiters and Manny. Take your 195 batting average and beat it. Go birds


I will be at the yard on the 20th and 21st and won't miss him one bit.

In the playoffs the pitching is much better and I can't imagine how many times he would strike out in key situations.

also no coincidence that this suspension occurs the day the Orioles start a 4 game series with the Yankees.

Major League Baseball will do anything to try to get the Yankees into the postseason as a wild card
this guy can't even reach around to wipe his own ass because he's on horse steroids...adderall, what a joke