***Champ Week and NFL In-Game***

best performance by a team this year in a half. dominating a top 15 team in december like this is insane
niu bus just tried to run over a ten year old kid. the bus driver put in a long year and deserved his moment.
As a reward for winning their conference Rod Carey is taking his team on a special trip where they will get to look at polar bears and club baby seals.
this is incredible. And zona gonna be gassed .... oregon gonna score about every drive next half
NIU coach Carey sent his players into the childrens ward to visit sick kids last week. Not to cheer them up ... he needed his players to get him some lollipops
Just took Oregon tt o 20.5 for a larger than normal wager

A bit smaller on Oregon -7.5
you can ask alex .. when i lost a legit way with the hail mary last night, i took it rather well. Tonights game was such bullshit it boggles the mind.

what a dick that guy is
under 34 looks to be a nice one.. oregon cant go hurry up all game especially if there defense keeps crushin they will wanna extend drives and burn clock and the first half with the hurry up seems slow moving and mariotta cant passs tongith worth shit he might be having control issues