CFB Bowl Season News, Picks, and T&A

Rumors again prove false - Muschamp staying

from Texas Longhorns Football: - Texas Football Headlines by Chip Brown
Despite repeated denials, Will Muschamp's name continues to surface in rumors that he might be a candidate for the vacant head coaching job at Auburn. This weekend, there was even some talk that Muschamp was near the top of Auburn's list and had met with the reps from the school. We checked with some sources, and it once again appears to be good news for the Longhorns.
Shiancoe Wants to Know 'How'd it Look?'

from The Sporting Blog

You’ve probably already heard (and seen) more than you’d ever like to about Viking Visanthe Shiancoe and his man-area. Shiancoe was clearly comfortable being nude around his teammates and the owner, but how would he feel once he realized that a nation of football fans had seen him naked on FOX yesterday? Embarrassed? Violated? Outraged? Nope, his reaction did not fall into any of those categories. Instead, he simply wanted to know if the ladies liked what they saw. This is from Star-Tribune columnist C.J. (via Deadspin), who you should know is a female:
And the website has a big black vertical bar covering the interesting area. A big one, I stressed. That brought on more laughter from Shiancoe. Then I told him I had also seen a clip that included no such editing.
That's when Shiancoe cheekily inquired: "How'd it look?"
I won’t speak for C.J., but to me, it looked like the image of a man who will forever be know as that dude whose penis was on FOX instead of anything he ever did/does on the football field. (Also: Nice of C.J. to give credit to Sports by Brooks, a site that stole our original screen grab of the incident, but then cut out our TSB logo. Blog wars have been waged over far less.)
The College Hockey Brawl to End All College Hockey Brawls

from The Sporting Blog
Thanks to our old friend Greg Wyshynski at Puck Daddy for uncovering what has to be the Hockey Fight of the Year, a no-holds-barred brawl between the men's club hockey teams at the University of Illinois and Eastern Michigan University: <embed allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="never" src="" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344">Popout
Once it was all said and done, the toll was impressive: 20 penalties, nine game misconducts, a goalie fight and blood on the ice. And through it all, as near as we can tell, nobody's ex-girlfriend got insulted.
In case you're wondering, The Fighting Illini defeated the Eagles, 10-1.
How dare Oklahoma continue to compete for an entire game?

from Dr. Saturday - NCAAF - Yahoo! Sports by Matt Hinton
First, I should say that, unless you're Chattanooga or The Citadel, I think "running up the score" is a lame excuse for failing to play 60 minutes. It's weak. No one in a game between reasonably competitive teams should ever be expected to throttle down to spare the other sideline's feelings. I can't stand allegations of "whining," but I'll make one: "Running up the score" is whining. It's for fragile losers. I bring it up now because it gets thrown around too often, and it's come up a couple places in response to Oklahoma's overwhelming beatdown of Missouri Saturday night: The Oklahoman's Berry Tramel wonders if it might have cost the Sooners some votes, Kirk Bohls calls Bob Stoops out for "poor sportsmanship," Burnt Orange Nation is predictably upset and John Feinstein (with whom I always disagree) called Stoops "a coach who likes to run up the score" this morning for the NPR crowd.
All of which is bogus. I appreciate the killer instinct, for one thing. And not only do I not care if one team runs up the score in a championship game -- it's the championship game; the opponent is supposed to be competent enough to defend itself -- I don't even think the charge against Oklahoma and Florida this year is all that fair. They're certainly scoring a lot, and winning by wide, wide margins, but those margins aren't coming by inflating the score in the fourth quarter. The vast majority of beatings are already long over by then -- take a look at the games OU and UF have put away by the third quarter this year (games with at least a three-score lead entering the fourth), and how consistently they throttled down:
I charge each team with "running up the score" once: Oklahoma against Missouri, and Florida against Georgia. The Sooners and Gators continued to throw late in both cases, but then again, these were two of the biggest games of the season for any team, against worthy, ranked opponents who began the year in everybody's top 10 and which should never be so pitiful as to cry about the big, bad meanies who continue to score on them.
Otherwise, Oklahoma consistently let its foot off the gas in the fourth, time and again, even against teams like TCU, Nebraska, Texas A&M and Texas Tech, which ought to be able to at least make the Sooners break a sweat; for the season, OU has outscored opponents in the fourth quarter by all of eight points, and that's after outpacing Missouri by fourteen. I don't charge Florida with running up the score against Arkansas, LSU or South Carolina, because of the specific circumstances: Against Arkansas, UF scored on the first play of the fourth quarter to go up 34-7, then effectively went into hibernation mode by running the rest of the game; this still produced two long touchdown runs, but there was clearly no effort to score by throwing the ball. Ditto South Carolina, where the Gators scored a touchdown seconds into the fourth and later ran several times in a row for another with the backup quarterback in the game. I don't even count Brandon Spikes' interception return for a touchdown early in the fourth quarter against LSU, but the 10 points that followed came as a result of running the ball. In none of those cases was there an effort to throw and play scoreboard pinball. The other team -- in two of the cases, ranked teams with highly-paid coaches of their own -- just couldn't stop even the watered-down version of the offense. That's their problem.
I'm fine with taking a knee, but the point of the game is to score points. We only have a handful of games by which to compare teams by that standard. I expect those comparisons to be based on complete, 60-minute performances. If you're so good that people get angry at you for not going out of your way to quit trying halfway through, your day has been a staggering success.
McWhorter earns national assistant of year

from Bevo Beat
Offensive line coach Mac McWhorter was selected as the top assistant in the country by the American Football Coaches of America.
McWhorter is in his seventh year with the Longhorns. He coached a line that helped allow the Longhorns to score 43.9 points per game and gain 476.4 yards per contest.
“It’s a tremendous honor,” McWhorter said. “It’s a great tribute to our program and to Coach (Mack) Brown. No assistant coach is any better than the coaches that surround him, and I feel like I’m surrounded by the best staff in the country. Also, no coach is any better than the players he coaches, and we’re very fortunate to have real quality offensive linemen, and our team in general is full of great players and great people.”
Each team nominates an assistant coach for the honor. A committee within the AFCA then selects a winner.
Colt McCoy shall return, and Texas will contend again

from Dr. Saturday - NCAAF - Yahoo! Sports by Matt Hinton
After briefly flirting with the draft, Colt McCoy is returning to Texas in 2009, no surprise since Colt was conceived, genetically engineered and reared in an oil-drenched bunker underneath a nondescript dude ranch outside Calf Creek to fulfill his destiny as the quintessential scrappy Longhorn quarterback. It's what he was born -- and spent his infancy lassoing mutant jackrabbits -- to do.
He can also dramatically increase his draft status by hanging around another year, and possibly avoid leaving in the same class as Matt Stafford and Tim Tebow. Texas fans are more interested in what this means for 2009: Namely, a virtually automatic top-five ranking in August, and a legitimate hope of the mythical championship shot that so narrowly eluded the 'Horns this year. If Colt can out-duel Sam Bradford again, at least Graham Harrell and (probably) Michael Crabtree won't be around to rip his heart out.
Texas Football: Regular Season Wrap Part 1

from Burnt Orange Nation by PB @ BON
A few final thoughts after one more disappointing weekend. More team-, player-, and performance-specific thoughts on the '08 season tomorrow.
Bullets? Bullets.

  • Time to move on. I absolutely believe that the second best team from the South went to Kansas City, but there's no easy way to settle a three-way tiebreak when each team has a victory over one of the others. Whether or not the chosen tiebreak is the best one heading forward, there's no "clean" way to solve that kind of riddle. I'm pretty sure we've said everything we can possibly say about it, and now we move on. I'd love to see Texas aggressively prepare for and play against Ohio State; a lackluster effort would dampen an otherwise incredible season.
  • Keep the blame in-house. The tiebreakers suck. The BCS sucks. No playoffs suck. The corrupt coaching clans suck. All true. For my money, though, accountability has to start at home, and I do think it's fair for Texas fans to say the team isn't in Miami because of one botched play. And no, asshole, not the Gideon play. The Longhorns lost on 1st and 10 in the first quarter, when Texas meekly ran a sore-ankled Chris Ogbonnaya from the I-formation five yards deep in its own end zone.

    The blame in Lubbock falls on Mack Brown and Greg Davis, who tip-toed through that first half like barefooted divas afraid because a single beer bottle had been broken somewhere on the Jones Field turf. The I-formation play (which we'd hardly seen all year); the pass into the flat to Greg Smith (wtf?); the first half shelving of the four-wide ambrosia which fueled the RRS win: Add it all up and any attempt to drop that loss on any player is a below-the-belt post-bell slug. Tech got everything they needed in the first half because our offensive approach was tepid.

    The buck stops with the coaching staff. On the bright side, our DC and HC-In-Waiting gets that:
    "I look at wins and losses and we didn't get it done in that particular game. It's easy to look back and say what you could've and what you should've done, and the most critical person of me, is myself. There are obviously things you'd like to have done a little differently. But, these kids have played hard and they've played with great effort and passion. I told them from the beginning that the effort is on them and the execution is on me. As long as they play hard, everything else is on my shoulders. If we don't execute well, then it's my fault."​

  • Schedule like 'We're Texas'. I applaud Texas' commitment not to schedule any 1-AA teams. But the point is practically lost by scheduling two Sun Belt teams (in addition to Rice). Though I'll be the first to tell you that part of scheduling just comes down luck, a team like Texas should at the least maximize that which it can control. My preference: Two BCS Conference teams, Rice (good for Houston presence for Texas alums and recruits alike), and one other non-BCS Conference foe. That's neither outrageously demanding nor a self-inflicted wound to the kneecap.
  • Quadrennial step forward? Four years ago, a maddening 12-0 loss to Oklahoma was a big reason for Mack Brown's first big step forward (the VY elevation). Nearly four years later, the 2008 season has seemed to me a big step forward for Mack Brown, similarly catalyzed by a eye-opening loss (A&M '07). Though it's horribly painful that our '08 Cinderella story ended roadside in a broken down pumpkin, watching that stupid pony-wagon gallop past us, the parallels are both interesting and -- starting our look ahead -- exciting for 2009.

    Colt McCoy announced today he'll return for a run at -- you guessed it -- the Rose Bowl. The only shame in Penn State not getting a bid to Miami this year is the lost opportunity for Colt McCoy to tell Texas fans that "We'll be back." With McCoy back all the pieces are in place for the Longhorns to make the title run we started talking about early this summer. Replacing the dominant production Texas enjoyed from Roy Miller and Brian Orakpo looms as the only potential dark cloud on a roster loaded with talent and experience. I rather like the guy in charge of the defense, though.
  • Sunken treasure. No coach lost more points in my style book this year than Texas Tech head pirate Mike Leach. My ability to look past the incessant whining about officiating and alleged Longhorns bias was heretofore offset by his quirky charisma and penchant for humiliating Aggies. But Leach's schtick this year devolved like a scene straight from Lord of the Flies.

    So much for the conch shell being kind of cute...
The 2008 season has in my mind brought to unflattering light the ugly sides of Mike Leach's personality. From his voting in the coach's poll to the widely-reported rumors that he threw himself at Auburn's door (rebuked, according to sources), the Mike Leach song and dance has started to look to me like a junior high musical two acts too long. I'm out.

  • The battle for the Ann Landers Cup. I've always cautioned fans from getting carried away overplaying the "class" card. Opposing fans storm the field? "Classless!" Opposing player jaws after a good play? "No class!" And on and on. Overwhelmingly, the card is played after the opposition does something that -- if we're being fair -- is a routine part of the game/competition. Fans are going to go berserk when they win. Players will mercilessly taunt their victims (Rudy Carpenter, anyone?). Big hits and exciting touchdown strikes will be celebrated with obnoxious animation. In my mind, they're not so much acts of classlessness as they are the routines of victory in a game as emotional and big-play oriented as football.

    With that said, I don't consider the environment an anarchistic free-for-all. Kellen Heard is a classless thug. And I think Doc Saturday is on the wrong side of the Kansas City run-up-the-score chatter:

    First, I should say that, unless you're Chattanooga or The Citadel, I think "running up the score" is a lame excuse for failing to play 60 minutes. It's weak. No one in a game between reasonably competitive teams should ever be expected to throttle down to spare the other sideline's feelings. I can't stand allegations of "whining," but I'll make one: "Running up the score" is whining. It's for fragile losers.​
    To the extent Matt's making a similar point to what I disdain about overplaying the class card (too often just whining from sore losers), I absolutely agree. I even agree with Matt's reasoning and, applied generally, don't fault teams for dropping the hammer on their peers. The feelings of the opposition shouldn't much matter in how a team performs.

    Still, I diverge from Matt in thinking that the principle extends far enough to cover what we saw in Kansas City from Bob Stoops. Taken in the abstract, Matt's reasoning is sound, but in context this past Saturday night, it doesn't speak to what was animating Bob Stoops. The cover that the heat of battle ostensibly provides simply doesn't exist when you lead by five touchdowns with four minutes to go. He wasn't just competing to the final gun; he was being an asshole, consciously choosing to be a dick. This has nothing to do with Missouri's -- or even Texas' -- feelings. I'd just suggest that "All is fair in love and war" doesn't mean what you do can't result in your being revealed to be an A-grade asshole.

    It's a fine line, to be sure. But Big Game Bloodhound Bobby made very clear which side he's on. Here's to five-straight BCS defeats.
[FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif]Fiu's Cavalcade of Whimsy ... Dec. 9[/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif]
[/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif]
a.k.a. Frank Costanza's Festivus Airing of the Grievances [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif][SIZE=-2]

By Pete Fiutak
What's your beef? ... Fire off your thoughts
Past Whimsies
[/SIZE][/FONT] 2006 Season | 2007 Season
Preseason Cavalcade | Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4
- Week 5
| Week 6 | Week 7 | Week 8 | Week 9 | Week 10
- Week 11 | Week 12 | Week 13 | Week 14

If this column sucks, it’s not my fault … I wasn't properly motivated. If only I had someone to scream "let's go" over and over and over ....

And by the way, THAT … WAS … PAINT
In case you haven’t heard, Tim Tebow is William Wallace, Albert Schweitzer, and Frank T.J. Mackey all wrapped in one big, messy package.

Media, coaches, and everyone surrounding college football, I’m begging you to quit with the insufferable fawning and deification of Tebow like Dick Vitale and the college hoops-types like to do with Tyler Hansbrough, a marginally talented, grindy player who’ll make a nice living sitting on someone’s NBA bench. Tebow is a better football player than Hansbrough is a college basketball player, but running around and screaming “let’s go” all the time and getting in players’ faces doesn’t make him special. It makes him annoying.

Florida is loaded with high character leaders who don’t spew out clichés and high school we-got-spirit-how-bout-you caliber schlock. Tebow is a great player. A once-in-a-generation player who epitomizes everything that college football should be about? No, that’s probably Florida State’s Myron Rolle. The greatest leader in college football history? Vince Young, Tommie Frazier, Nile Kinnick, Sammy Baugh, Red Grange, Jim Brown, Jim Thorpe, and a slew of others might have something to say in that debate. Let Tebow be a special player. Let him be in the discussion of the greatest college quarterbacks ever. Don’t force anything more than that.

Tebow Hansbrough motivational leadership, take one … “Let’s go! Quit reading this column and get back to work. Those TPS reports aren’t going to write themselves! Let’s go! C’mon! God bless.”

“Honey, Frank the Tank is not coming back, okay? That part of me is over. It's water under the bridge.” … How many times was it said last week that Alabama had an “old school” offensive line? The idea was to point out how it’s a tough, hard-nosed offensive front that likes to pound away for the running game. Of course, if it really was a true old-school Alabama line, there’d be no Antoine Caldwell or Andre Smith because they’re, um, uh, big. Yeah, that’s it. A true old-school line would be about 250 pounds per man.

But he knows how to get to Miami … Does Frank Beamer get credit for figuring out that Tyrod Taylor was the best quarterback, and the best offensive player, on the Virginia Tech roster, or does he get dogged for wanting to redshirt him to start the season?

Tebow Hansbrough motivational leadership, take two … “You got the missus a toaster for her birthday? To your wife and everyone in Gator Nation, um, you know what, I’m sorry. I’m extremely sorry. We were hoping to get her a better present, and an undefeated season. That was our goal, something Florida’s never done here.”

Like the guy has time to watch a whole playoff … How does an African-American Democrat from Hawaii by way of Chicago become the guy the red staters would want to have a beer with? Easy. Go to the most politically safe, folksy, Joe the Plumber debate there could possibly be. Who likes chocolate chip cookies? Who’s for more flags and more honoring of the troops? Who wants a playoff in college football?

The guy's the smartest one in the room, any room, for a reason. You don't talk your way into being the President of the United States without knowing exactly what you're saying at all times, and why. This is a designed side rant that he knows will unite the country. Obama couldn’t go NASCAR; too obvious and too obscure for anyone who lives in a city. He couldn’t take on the steroids issue in baseball and the NFL; too polarizing and too vague. How about the idea of early entry when it comes to the NBA? Whatever. By championing a college football playoff on 60 Minutes, he was crafting out his image every bit as much as he did with the whole First Dog storyline. It’s brilliant, and it still has fans buzzing weeks after the interview, but don’t think that anything is going to come of it.

My bailout plan to save us all from incessant whining about how much the system sucks … Continuing to stay on point, I’m going to continue to stump for my playoff dream until it happens. The six BCS conference winners, the top ranked non-BCS school, and the top remaining team that doesn’t fall under the first two categories as a catch-all in cases like this season. Starting December 29th, No. 1 Oklahoma vs. No. 8 seeded Virginia Tech; No. 2 Florida vs. No. 7 seeded Cincinnati; No. 3 seed Texas vs. No. 6 seed Penn State; No. 4 seed USC vs. No. 5 seed Utah. December

Tebow Hansbrough motivational leadership, take three … “C’mon, let’s go! Those shoes don’t go with your belt. And you’re wearing your hat backwards?! Let’s step it up! C’mon. Let’s go! God bless.”

Caffey: Then why the two orders?
Jessup: Men can do things on their own.
Caffey: But your men never did. Your men obey orders. So Santiago wasn't in danger, right? …
Urban Meyer went on the Mike Tirico show and gushed over the way Tebow led the way to a late scoring drive in the first half against Florida State. Meyer said that coming up with a five-play, 76-yard touchdown march in just 1:03 in monsoon conditions was one of the most impressive things he has ever seen (much, much more on this drive in an article later this week). Okay, then if you have unflinching confidence in your Heisman-caliber quarterback and your high-powered offense, then why wuss out at the end of the first half against Alabama?

Up 17-10 with over a minute to play in the half and with all the timeouts left, Meyer chose to let the clock run to go into the locker room with the lead rather than call a timeout before the Bama punt. Florida ended up getting the ball on its own 31 with 14 seconds left when it could’ve been able to go for late points had there been time left on the clock. And remember, this was in dome and not the quagmire of Tallahassee. So either a) Meyer never really thought his team could lose to Florida State and he was showing respect for Bama, b) was full of beans when he praised Tebow’s drive against FSU and was worried that his infallible quarterback was going to throw a pick, or c) he screwed up.

And about the Auburn job … just walk away … just walk away …
It’s generally acknowledged that Bill Snyder did the greatest job in the history of college coaching by turning around Kansas State. I’d argue that Barry Alvarez did a better job, and accomplished far, far more by creating a woeful Wisconsin program from scratch, but I digress. Turner Gill’s job with Buffalo has to be in the team photo. UB won 12 games in eight years since moving up to the FBS/D-I ranks, but under Gill’s reign the Bulls have won 13 games and a MAC title in the last two years. Not enough love is being given to the win over an unbeaten Ball State.

Tebow Hansbrough motivational leadership, take four … “C’mon. Let’s go! No mayo on that chicken sandwich. We can do better than that. The effort has to be better. Let’s go! Get a salad and Diet Coke. And I said the non-fat latte … THE NON-FAT LATTE … C’mon! God bless.”

Anyway, the good Lord would never disrupt ...the best game of my life. I'm infallible, young fella! Come on! One more hole!” Reason I’m a horrible, horrible person part one. I have a big problem with the entire concept of combining prayer with a sporting event unless it’s asking for everyone to stay healthy. 1) It assumes the Supreme Being is picking sides. 2) It assumes that if you do well, God is for you, but if you screw up, then all bets are off. And 3), if you succeed, God is making you better, as opposed to everyone else who spent hours upon hours of hitting the weights, practicing, and studying in order to prepare for the game.

With that in mind, I always root for players to make plays and to not screw up. I hate to see kickers miss and for quarterbacks to meltdown like Tulsa’s David Johnson did in the Conference USA title game loss to Tulsa with five interceptions and with the offense turning it over seven times. Even so, with the Golden Hurricane down 27-24 and still able to overcome the disastrous day, there was a sideline shot of Johnson in deep prayer/meditation that was played up/exploited by ESPN before the final ill-fated drive. Johnson’s receiver fell, hurt himself, and East Carolina came up with its fifth pick to seal the game.

“This is pretty sweet. Free clothing. Look at this stuff. Chicks in New York paying top dollar for this garbage.” … Reason I’m a horrible, horrible person part two. No wonder Army got shut out by Navy; it was wearing awful, awful camouflage uniforms. If the entire idea of camouflage is to conceal and be hidden, then how were the quarterbacks supposed to complete a pass or make a pitch?

Tebow Hansbrough motivational leadership, take five … “That camouflage blurb was awful! Let's go! The lines have to be better than that ... it was a good concept that went nowhere. Let's go! C’mon! God bless.”

The C.O.W. airing of the grievances followed by the feats of strength
Prove it time. Fair not, the bowl season often answers several questions raised during the season. Which conferences are for real? Which teams can validate their seasons with a big win, and which seasons all of a sudden go from impressive to disappointing because of a glorified exhibition game. Here are the ten biggest questions, storylines, and/or thoughts heading into the bowl season.

10. Can the “little guy” play?
All eyes will be on Utah in the Sugar Bowl against Alabama. After what happened in last year’s Sugar Bowl debacle, with Hawaii getting blasted by Georgia, Utah has to at least make this competitive. It’s not quite fair, but a blowout loss would hurt the non-BCS league’s cause going forward; they non-BCSers have to keep winning. There are six other matchups between BCS and non-BCS teams. Out of the six, Buffalo will need a miracle to beat Connecticut in the International Bowl, Nevada needs to beat Maryland in the Humanitarian, BYU has to beat Arizona in the Las Vegas, East Carolina has to beat Kentucky in the Liberty, Memphis will have a tough time with South Florida in the St. Petersburg, and Navy has to find a way to win the rematch against a struggling Wake Forest.

8. Does the Georgia Tech offense really work?
The nation’s third leading rushing attack, the option, tore up North Carolina for 326 yards, ran through Miami for 472 yards and four touchdowns, and shocked Georgia for 409 yards and five scores. Those teams had to deal with the Yellow Jackets at the end of a long season and only had a little while to prepare. LSU will have a month before the Chick-fil-A Bowl. If Tech runs wild again, then Paul Johnson’s attack might start to become more fashionable.

9. Is the Pac 10 really that bad?
It was an awful year for just about everyone in the Pac 10 other than USC. Hurt mostly by the nightmare up in Washington and Washington State, the league got even less respect than usual on a national scale. Just as USC how the BCS standings shook out. Penn State will give the Trojans a defensive battle in the Rose Bowl, while Arizona vs. BYU in the Las Vegas, Oregon vs. Oklahoma State in the Holiday, and Oregon State vs. Pitt in the Sun will all be challenges. California has to win the home game over Miami in the Emerald.

8. Notre Dame going forward
Merry Christmas to the Hawaii Bowl. Had Hawaii not been bowl eligible, this might have been the least attended bowl of the bunch. Not only does the game get its hometown Warriors, instead of a team like Western Michigan, it gets Notre Dame and all the national attention that comes with it. Hawaii always looks to make a statement in games like this, while the Irish have to set the tone for the BCS or Bust 2009 campaign. This is the first game since Charlie Weis got his stay of execution, and his team needs to show up to prove it was a good move.

7. The economy and the empty seat
Few things are more demoralizing than watching a game that no one’s at. If the fans of the teams aren’t going to show up, then why should I care about the bowl when I could be spending my time doing something remotely more productive? That’s your “too many bowls” argument. It’s not that having a bazillion bowls is really that big a deal, outside of giving non-college football fans something to smugly rip on in order to appear to have an opinion, it’s that the ones that do exist don’t really mean much except to the gambler, the superfan, or the incredibly bored. Watching a game with a sold out crowd makes the event seem more worthwhile. However, with the economy in the tank and leisure travel diminishing, fewer and fewer fans are going to drop the few thousand dollars for all that’s entailed in going to a bowl game. That’s why there were more home game bowls this year (Rice in the Texas Bowl, Louisiana Tech in the Independence, and Georgia Tech in the Chick-fil-A are just a few), and that includes the national championship with the Miami location a dream for Florida. If ticket sales are a disaster across the board, there could quickly be a shift in the bowl structure as even more pressure will be on the TV dollars rolling in. ESPN is going to want the top matchups and they’re going to want to make sure there are butts in the seats.
6. Is the SEC really that bad?
Call it a cycle, call it a rebuilding year, call it an aberration. Call it flat-out bad football. Florida is great and so is Alabama. That’s about it. The rest of the league took it on the chin all season long, and now it’s time to make amends. SEC fans love to boast about the big wins in bowl games, and there will be plenty of chances to show that things weren’t that bad after all. Just because Florida might win the national title, that doesn’t mean the league was strong. Alabama has to beat Utah handily in the Sugar, but Vanderbilt will have its hands full with a Boston College team that deserved better than the Music City. LSU gets to deal with Georgia Tech’s offense in the Chick-fil-A, while South Carolina has to get past the Clemson loss by beating Iowa in the Outback. Georgia needs to get healthy and beat Michigan State in the Capital One or Big Ten fans will live off this win for the next nine months. Kentucky can’t lose to East Carolina in the Liberty, while Ole Miss might be overmatched against Texas Tech in the Cotton. Set the bar at 5-2 for the SEC.

Tebow Hansbrough motivational leadership, take six … “Let’s go! Call your mom. C’mon! She ate relatively healthy and stopped smoking for seven of the nine months while you were growing inside! Let’s go! Get her some flowers. C’mon! God bless.”

5. If you’re going to have a minor bowl game …
… it had better be high-scoring. Leave the defense to the Rose Bowl. The GMAC Bowl needs to be fun, fun, fun for you to care, and you should with Tulsa battling with Ball State’s attack. The Armed Forces Bowl will be worth the watch on New Year’s Eve Day as Air Force gets a rematch with Houston after a 31-28 Falcon win earlier in the season. Air Force ran for 380 yards and four touchdowns, while Houston threw for 362 yards and four scores. You don’t know it yet, but you’re going to be talking about the Florida Atlantic – Central Michigan Motor City Bowl shootout, while Rice and Western Michigan are going to combine for 700 passing yards in the Texas Bowl.

4. Texas Tech’s offense vs. Ole Miss in the Cotton Bowl
The forgotten element in the 45-35 debate, remember, Texas Tech tied for the Big 12 title, too. This has been a phenomenal breakthrough season for the program, but a loss to Ole Miss could be devastating. The team has to show that it wasn’t all a mirage, but it’ll have deal with the best defensive line it’s faced all year.

3. Is this when the ACC makes a statement?
This was the best league in the country when it came to non-conference wins, and it wasn’t even close. There wasn’t the killer statement win, but there were a whole bunch of Wake Forest over Ole Miss-type of mid-level victories that added up. Still, there’s still a segment of the college football world that would like to see the ACC lose its automatic BCS bid. After all, Virginia Tech? The Hokies have to break the recent ACC BCS game slump, while there must be some big wins to generate a buzz, and a reputation, going into next year.

Wake Forest can’t lose to Navy in the EagleBank, Florida State needs to use its great run defense to stop Wisconsin in the Champs Sports, Miami will have a tough time against Cal in its home bowl, the Emerald, North Carolina has to win its home game over West Virginia in the Meineke Car Care, NC State has to slow down Rutgers in the PapaJohn’s, Maryland can’t lose to Nevada and its running game in the Humanitarian, Boston College’s defense has to stuff Vandy in the Music City, Clemson has to prove it’s for real against Nebraska in the Gator, and Georgia Tech faces a nasty test against Kansas in the Insight. That’s 10 bowl games, and the ACC has to win at least six of them.

2. Ohio State, and in general, the Big Ten
The Big Ten has been better in the bowls than it’s been given credit for, but it could really, really use a big bowl season to overcome the horrendous national reputation. Culprit No. 1 is Ohio State, who doesn’t get any sort of a break despite losing its last two bowl games against the best teams in America. It doesn’t have to beat Texas in the Fiesta, but it has to be close.

The Big Ten desperately needs to do something right in the Rose Bowl, and Penn State has a better shot than you think against USC. Wisconsin can make up for an awful regular season with a win over Florida State in the Champs Sports, but don’t expect anything out of Northwestern against Missouri. Minnesota has to overcome a disastrous final few games against Kansas in the Insight, Iowa has to prove it deserved the New Year’s Day bowl over Northwestern by beating South Carolina in the Outback, and Michigan State needs to pound away on Georgia in the Capital One. Ask for 5-2, expect 3-4.

1. Did Texas deserve to play for the national title?
It’s a fight I lose every March. It’s my belief that the only team with a legitimate beef for being left out of the NCAA men’s basketball tournament is the winner of the NIT, while I also believe that if a team wins its first round game in the big tourney, it justified the selection. For Texas to have any legitimate beef for the rest of eternity about getting screwed out of the Big 12 title shot, it needs to wipe the Glendale turf with Ohio State in the Fiesta Bowl. Lose, and there’s no complaint. If you can’t beat Ohio State, then why should anyone think you could beat Florida?

Random Acts of Nutty … Provocative musings and tidbits to make every woman want you and every man want to be you (or vice versa) a.k.a. things I didn’t feel like writing bigger blurbs for.

- Fun stat for the week: Oklahoma and Missouri combined to convert 23-of-34 third down chances. That’s really, really good.

- Sarkisian vs. Kiffin, Kiffin vs. Sarkisian. If these two fail at their new gigs, USC might not ever get another assistant coach hired for a big gig. Nick Holt gave up on Idaho, Ed Orgeron was canned at Ole Miss (after recruiting his tail off), and Norm Chow didn’t work out for the Tennessee Titans.

- Texas players always stick around. The place has a hold on its players. Roy Williams, Ricky Williams, Cedric Benson, Quentin Jammer, and the list goes on and on of players who could’ve left early for the big payday, but didn’t. Even so, it wouldn’t be stunning if Colt McCoy reversed field and chose to turn pro after all, especially if by some miracle Matthew Stafford and Sam Bradford stick around.

Tulsa didn’t fill its home stadium for the Conference USA title game. Ford Field was mostly empty for the MAC Championship. Whole sections were there for the taking at the ACC title game. And you wonder why the Fiesta Bowl was interested in Ohio State?

Awards voters, quit being so wishy-washy. You wanted Oklahoma vs. Florida in the national title, and you got what you wanted. Now vote accordingly when it comes to the post-season awards. Tebow isn’t even among the finalists for the Davey O’Brien award for the nation’s best quarterback. Meanwhile, Colt McCoy was the AP Big 12 Player of the Year, but Sam Bradford was the First Team All-Big 12 quarterback.

- If Detroit gets the first pick in the draft, as expected, it then becomes a question of how much Stafford can get up front. If you’ve invested in a wide receiver with the upside of Calvin Johnson, you have to give him someone who can deliver the ball.

“I hearby designate Tim Tebow, Florida as my First Choice to receive the Heisman Memorial Trophy awarded to the most outstanding college football player in the United States for 2008. To the best of my knowledge he conforms to the rules governing this vote.”

My Second Choice Is: Sam Bradford, Oklahoma
My Third Choice Is: Colt McCoy, Texas

I agonized over this between all three players. I voted for Tebow because I believe he, at the moment, is the signature player of the 2008 season as a combination of the most outstanding and the most valuable player. Take McCoy off Texas and the Horns are probably 9-3 and they still wouldn’t have made it to the national title. I know I’ll get blasted for this, but take Bradford off Oklahoma and the Sooners are 12-1, Big 12 champions, and on the way to the national championship. With that said, I want the right to change my vote after the BCS Championship. If Bradford is great and OU wins, he’d be my pick.

“You know I'm born to lose, and gambling's for fools/But that's the way I like it baby, I don't wanna live forever” … The three lines this week that appear to be a tad off.

2-1 for a fifth week in a row?! Get those traders back in here! Turn those machines back on! TURN THOSE MACHINES BACK ON! … I rally to close out the regular season 20-24-1 overall, which isn’t bad considering where I was six weeks ago.

I press on by taking the three bowl games I’m sure of … 1) BYU +3 over Arizona, 2) Notre Dame +1.5 over Hawaii, 3) Louisiana Tech -2 over Northern Illinois

Last Week: 1) East Carolina +13.5 over Tulsa (WIN), 2) Oklahoma -17 over Missouri (WIN), 3) Cincinnati -7.5 over Hawaii (LOSS)

Sorry this column sucked, but it wasn’t my fault … Tommy Tuberville’s mom said Auburn said it was awful and that I didn’t resign to the fact that it sucked.
Fun with The Coaches Poll Outliers

Monday, December 08, 2008

It's the last poll of the year, so the USA Today kindly gives us this beautiful interactive chart featuring all of the coaches who vote. Let's have some fun looking at some of the more ridiculous and random outliers.

My Team is Better than Everybody Else Thinks It Is
Hey Mike Leach, the Red Raiders are #2 in the country? Ahead of Florida, Texas, and Alabama? Awesome. Butch Davis thinks North Carolina should be ranked, the rest of the world does not. Bo Pelini knows Nebraska should be ranked, other coaches do not.

Grr We Beat You, You Aren't As Good as People Say
I'm not saying I'd vote for Ball St. in the top 25 either, but Buffalo's Coach Turner Gill doesn't think they're that good as he was one of the 12 coaches who left the Cardinals off his ballot.

That Team Beat Us Because They Are Super-Dooper Awesome
Ole Miss had some good games and emerged as probably the 3rd or 4th best team in the SEC this year, but Urban you seriously voted them in at #12?

Hey You Used to Coach With Me, I'll Rank You Higher
Hal Mumme used to employ Mike Leach as his offensive coordinator from 1989-1998, so I guess he's got a little loyalty there when he ranks TT at #3. Gene Chizik was one of 4 who voted Texas #1, it just so happens he was the Co-Defensive Coordinator of Texas in 05 and 06.

My Daddy Should Be Ranked
Fired Tommy Bowden still has a vote and he voted daddy #21. Daddy on the other hand left the Seminoles off his ballot.

No We're the 2nd Best Team in Texas Not You
Gary Patterson voted two loss TCU at #10 and 1 loss Texas Tech at #11. Guess he just thinks his ass whoopin by the Sooners was better than Leach's ass whoopin by the Sooners.

Pat Hill is Random and Doesn't Like Mormons
Pat Hill is going for the most random ballot. Kansas at #16, he knows they lost 5 times right? Plus, Rutgers is ranked huh? You finished 7-5, they finished 7-5 and you beat them by 17. I'm confused. And the icing on the cake is apparently Hill's dislike for Mormons as he was the only coach to not include BYU in the poll.

Rick Neuheisel is the Riddler
Texas at #1? Uh I guess. Oklahoma at #4? Perhaps. Cincinnati is #19 and Pitt is unranked? I guess he's just a west coast guy. Oregon St. is #17? Perhaps he didn't want to drop them much.

Gary Pinkel Hates All Mid-Majors Equally
Utah is #15. Boise St. is #16. TCU is #17. Mizzou is #18. BYU is #19. Is there a school in there that doesn't fit?

Tyrone Willingham Needs a Job
Hey hey Gary, I voted Mizzou #11. How about you get me an assistants job?
New Mexico hires Illinois OC Mike Locksley

from by Kevin Donahue
ESPN is reporting that New Mexico will introduce Illinois OC Mike Locksley as the new head coach of the Lobos at a press conference this afternoon.
This will be the first head coaching position for Locksley, who came to Illinois from Florida with Ron Zook, where he coached running backs and served as recruiting coordinator. Sources told ESPN that Locksley was previously a candidate for the Clemson head coaching position.
Locksley is considered a very strong recruiter, especially in the DC area. Despite having recruiter-in-chief Ron Zook on the staff, his departure will definitely be felt by the Illini, who still need all the recruiting help they can get to regularly break into the upper echelon of the Big 10. New Mexico gets a good offensive coach who should be able to bring in better talent, as players tend to gravitate to "Coach Locks".
Locksley becomes one of just four black head coach at DI-A schools.
Vegas Knows Best: How The Media Can Make You A Better Football Team

from Black Shoe Diaries by Kevin HD
The hits just keep on commin': Penn State opened as a ten point dog against USC Sunday night. No respect, I tell ya.

While the BCS match-ups were officially announced this weekend, we've known the Rose Bowl pairing for a while now. Vegas has had a lot of time to figure this one out.

The interesting thing, then, was trying to guess how the experts would handle a very high profile game between two very high profile schools. Unlike the past two years, Pete Carroll is actually being matched up with a Big Ten champion...although you wouldn't know it based on some of the stories we've been linking here at BSD:
"Penn State sucks.*"

<small>[*not an actual quote, but you get the idea]</small>
This puts Vegas in an interesting position. Frankly, you have no reason to believe that USC is substantially better than Penn State. Yes, they've been dominating on defense, but they haven't exactly been facing offensive juggernauts on a weekly basis. Besides, Penn State has been quietly playing some decent defense of their own, and have one of the most productive offenses in the nation (points/game and yards/game are better than any other Big Ten team, top 15 nationally in both categories). Then, to add, you've got the often misguided but interesting transitive property in which we use Oregon State as the middle man.

Several of the gambling blogs I check in on from time to time made guesses last night at all of the bowl game odds. The Money Line Journal and You Guessed It, Frank Stallone came up with -6 and -7, respectively, for the Rose Bowl.

These aren't totally taken out of thin air, of course. Besides being familiar with their trade based on an entire season of looking at lines, there are also third part tools available. Vegas Insiders runs a power ranking specifically designed to predict spreads, and they have the two teams separated by just 3 points (with a home field adjustment, USC would be a 6 point favorite based on their model, click here for a look at why this is probably appropriate). Sagarin does a similar exercise with his PREDICTOR formula; he has Penn State and USC separated by 5.2 points (8.2 with a home field adjustment).

The other BCS bowls:

<center> <table border="2"> <tbody> <tr> <td>Matchup</td> <td>Sagarin</td> <td>V.I.</td> <td>Actual</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Utah vs. Alabama</td> <td>Bama -5</td> <td>Bama -5.5</td> <td>Bama -10</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Ohio State vs. Texas</td> <td>UT -7</td> <td>UT -6.5</td> <td>UT -10</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Boston College vs. Cincinatti</td> <td>BC -3</td> <td>UC -2</td> <td>UC -1</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Florida vs. Oklahoma</td> <td>UF -2.5</td> <td>UF -1</td> <td>UF -3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Penn State vs. USC</td> <td>USC -5</td> <td>USC -3</td> <td>USC -10</td> </tr> <tr> </tr> </tbody> </table> </center>
So not all of the real lines were precisely predicted by these models, but I think you can explain many of the differences away. Alabama is going to be playing in a Sugar Bowl that will probably be 90% Tide fans, that is probably good for at least three points. Besides, non-BCS schools have always been difficult to project in these formulas because their schedule is set-up so different. Texas is considered an elite team hosed by the BCS, and so there is obviously some public perception built into that Fiesta Bowl line that might otherwise not exist. The Orange Bowl and MNC are very close to the predicted value.
So why is it that the public seems to be so off on Penn State? They aren't in the Mountain West, have just one loss and have been blowing out most of the teams on their schedule.

Sports Investments might have found an answer:
So why does a ‘true' line of 6.5 turn into 10? Reasons below:
-USC dominates the rose bowl every year.
-USC has the greatest defense in the history of college football.
More cliches are listed there, in jest of course, click though for a good review of the premise most LA Times articles will be based on for the next couple of weeks.
Headlinin': The spawn of Zook spreads across the Earth

from Dr. Saturday - NCAAF - Yahoo! Sports by Matt Hinton
Locksley of the desert. So you know Ron Zook's reputation as an obsessive, gung ho recruiter? A substantial part of that just left for New Mexico, where longtime Zook assistant Mike Locksley was hired as head coach Monday. Locksley followed Zook to Illinois from Florida, and according to Rivals' database, he was the main recruiter for Arrelious Benn, the Illini's biggest "get" of Zook's tenure, along with four other four-star or better prospects over the last two years and another D.C. kid, Vontae Davis, who came in as a three-star and will leave this year or next as an all-Big Ten mainstay and one of the top prospects in the draft. Lockley's also credited with closing the deal with Juice Williams.
I doubt you can get those kind of kids in New Mexico. But whatever kind of kids you can get, Locksley seems like a good bet to get them. After that, it's anybody's guess.
Breaking down Sarkisian. The L.A. Daily News' Scott Wolf caught up with a pro scout who's seen a lot of USC after the Trojans' win over UCLA, and his assessment of the system Steve Sarkisian is taking to Washington isn't very flattering. On one hand, it's kind of ramshackle: "They do a good enough job with good players. They get the guys to line up in the right spots. This is not a well-oiled machine. It's not clean.'' On the other, it can be a little slow on the uptake: ''They're not a great offense. ... They tried to make UCLA adjust early and once they did that, they never adjusted to UCLA's adjustments." Here is your check, Coach Sarkisian.
In the meantime, Sarkisian promised during his introduction in Seattle to find a way to keep Jake Locker running, though word is he tried to lure über-recruit Matt Barkley, a longstanding Trojan commit recruited mainly by Sarkisian, to defect to the Huskies before Barkley enrolls at USC in January. In the same vein, Sark reportedly made a brief overture to UCLA defensive coordinator DeWayne Walker, an ex-colleague at SC, about accompanying him northward.
He also promised Monday that his Huskies would be "a physical team on and off the field." Off the field? Is he going to try to bring Jerramy Stevens and Jeremiah Pharms back into the fold?
Senseless tragedy in Mississippi. An awful, bizarre story from my original neck of the woods, where solid running back recruit Billey Joe Johnson, who had serious interest from every school in a three-state radius, apparently shot himself Monday during a routine traffic stop:
"The deputy was sitting in his patrol vehicle ... when he heard a gunshot and saw the victim laying on the ground by the driver’s side door of the vehicle that Johnson was driving. A shotgun was lying on the victim," according to a statement from the George County Sheriff’s Department.
Authorities would not immediately say whether they believed the shooting was a suicide or an accident.
An investigation has been ordered, obviously, but I can't imagine any report making sense of a promising 17-year-old's demise on the side of a road.
Quickly ... Jan Kemp, an English professor who drew some national notoriety when she was fired at Georgia for refusing to inflate athletes' grades in the mid-1980s, died of Alzheimer's Disease at age 59. ... Turner Gill interviewed for the Auburn job on Monday, as did Patrick Nix, with Ball State's Brady Hoke on deck. And is Jimbo Fisher saying there's a chance? ... Skip Holtz remains the favorite, but New Orleans Saints offensive coordinator Doug Marrone confirmed a visit with Syracuse about the Orange's coaching vacancy. ... Phil Fulmer's vague, temporary new job: assistant to the UT president. ... Ex-blue chip Vidal Hazelton has obtained his release from USC and is considering a half-dozen schools, including Texas Tech. Penn State is not among them, oddly, as Hazelton's dad reportedly wanted him to be a Lion out of prep school. ... Oklahoma State receiver Jeremy Broadway, owner of the longest reception in school history in the Cowboys' win over Iowa State, was kicked off the team for the ever-popular violation of team rules. ... Uh, duh. ... And who, exactly, called Oklahoma's wins over Missouri a 'fluke,' Sam?
Yeah, No Way Anyone Could Have Predicted These Results

from Black Shoe Diaries by Kevin HD
Nice, right? (Brought to you by ESPN, of course.)​
There are two things I like about it:​

  • That Big Ten Country seems to have tired of Ohio State as well. If you take this exact same situation but switch the conferences each team is aligned with, I have a feeling those the Big XII and SEC states would be a lot more interested in voting along party lines than sharing their real feelings.
  • That the state of Ohio doesn't care about anyone but themselves. Instead of being upset their conference isn't being represented in the BCS National Championship Game, they simply admit that they don't really care. Good for them, I guess.
And while it's easy to pile on here, I will defend the Buckeye to help create the appearance of balanced blogging:
A much better option than one that is a backhand jab at the Big Ten would be to suggest which team should have gone instead. So, rather than "Ohio State getting in", you could have said something like "Boise State not getting in" since they are the only real alternative option here. This is strikingly similar to last year's complaint about Illinois getting into the Rose Bowl. With the two per conference rule, the next best option was Boston College; a team that didn't have any legitimate reason to be picked ahead of the Zookers and would have probably met an equally embarrassing fate against USC.
An even better gripe might be "that Virginia Tech received an automatic bid" since they have, you know, twice as many losses as the Buckeyes.
But however you have to spin it is fine. And since ESPN is going to become a glorified MTV any day now it's all going to be irrelevant anyway.
Yes, fans, it's time once again to play 'Am I a Bowl Team?'

from Dr. Saturday - NCAAF - Yahoo! Sports by Matt Hinton
I was widely predicted to win my conference/division after winning a bowl game in 2007, but finished in a tie for third place instead. I lost the head-to-head tiebreaker with the other third place finisher the week before Thanksgiving to effectively finish fourth. I led my conference in passing offense, topping 300 yards three different times, but ended the season ranked next-to-last in pass efficiency with 10 interceptions in seven conference games.
I lost five of my first six games, including an 0-2 start in the league, and averaged eight points in the five losses, while giving up thirty.
I lost a game by one point on the final play but also won a game by one point on the final play, after coming back from a 21-0 deficit.
The collective record of all of my opponents was 55-69, or 44.4 percent, 99th nationally but the second-toughest in the conference. I was 0-4 against winning teams and beat only one team with a .500 record. I did not defeat any bowl teams.
For the season, I was outscored by about four points per game but only outgained by about 11 yards, on average.
So ... am I a bowl team?
If you said "YES," you're right! Florida Atlantic defeated Sun Belt rival Florida International in overtime, 57-50, to finish with its fifth win in its last six games and earn its second consecutive postseason berth. The Owls will play MAC also-ran Central Michigan in the Motor City Bowl in Detroit on Dec. 26. (If the sponsors are still solvent, that is).
Have a great Christmas in Motown, guys, and don't forget to leave your resumé with the Lions -- I hear they're looking to make some changes.
Miss COED: Tamara Witmer

<abbr class="published" title="2008-12-09T13:15:31+0000"><script type="text/javascript">document.write(time_since(1228846531, "December 9, 2008 - 1:15 pm,"));</script>5 hours, 21 minutes ago</abbr> By COED Staff
This 24-year-old home-grown Ohio native hottie got her first big break in 2005 when she was made Playboys Playmate of the Month for August. She has appeared in Maxim and Stuff magazines and stripped down for Lingerie Bowl 2005. Tamara also landed a spot as a model on Deal or No Deal and appeared on VH1’s Rock of Love with Bret Michaels.
Check out Tamara Witmer’s Miss COED gallery after the jump!
See 7 Additional Tamara Witmer Photos at COED’s Facebook Group!
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Five teams that are not BCS fans

Luke DeCock
Staff Writer
Posted: Tuesday, Dec. 09, 2008
<!-- /shared/ads/national/ntl3_additional.comp --> There's something about college football's bowl system that seems guaranteed to leave a sour taste in plenty of mouths. If the BCS isn't stepping on toes, the NCAA or some bowl committee with a grudge is. And there are some angry fans in Lafayette, La., and San Jose, Calif., just to start.
After 6-6 BCS teams such as N.C. State and Notre Dame snapped up bowl berths, the six non-BCS 6-6 teams without conference bids were left scrambling for two spots: one in the Motor City Bowl and one in the Independence Bowl.
Northern Illinois, out of the MAC, got the call from the Independence Bowl, which passed on local hero Louisiana-Lafayette to take the Huskies, who will face Louisiana Tech. The Motor City Bowl picked Florida Atlantic out of the Sun Belt to face Central Michigan.
As hard as it may be to feel sorry for a 6-6 team that doesn't go to a bowl, the four teams left home make up four-fifths of Tuesday's Top Five -- with the fifth spot going to another team that has a different, but equally valid, grudge against the bowl system.
5. ARKANSAS STATE -- Two qualifying Sun Belt teams made it to bowls. Two didn't. Louisiana-Lafayette was one, Arkansas State was the other. It's hard to feel too sorry for the Red Wolves, though -- had they beaten Troy on Saturday, they would have won a share of the conference title and gone to the New Orleans Bowl.
4. SAN JOSE STATE -- The Spartans were passed over for Florida Atlantic, a school that wasn't even playing Division I football a decade ago. At least they can take consolation that with the Motor City Bowl apparently the last to choose, they were No. 69 for 68 bowl bids.
3. BOWLING GREEN -- The Falcons started the season with an upset of Pittsburgh but couldn't maintain their momentum during the MAC season. Maybe they would have been more attractive if they hadn't fired coach Gregg Brandon, who went 44-30 in six seasons at the school, 31-17 in the MAC.
2. LOUISIANA-LAFAYETTE -- The Ragin' Cajuns had sights of a local grudge match against Louisiana Tech dancing in their heads, only to be bumped from what they considered their rightful spot in Shreveport by usurpers from Northern Illinois, of all places.
Turns out, the Independence Bowl wasn't very interested -- perhaps because an NIU athletic administrator spent 11 years as the executive director of the bowl. Ouch.
1. TEXAS -- There's really no way around this, is there? Texas beat Oklahoma. It's just that simple.
Les Miles has a few things he's looking to get rid of

from Dr. Saturday - NCAAF - Yahoo! Sports by Matt Hinton
There are a lot of excuses for LSU's stunning 31-30 defeat at Arkansas, its fifth in a row in SEC play but by far the most wounding, psychologically: The Tigers started a true freshman quarterback for the first time, gained three total yards on their last six offensive possessions after taking a nine-point lead and finally allowed Casey Dick of all people to complete two 20-yard passes on fourth down on the Razorbacks' final drive, including the game-winner with 25 seconds to play.
But it you're really looking for an excuse to sweep that special Tiger fan off their feet this holiday season, there's really only one memento of defeat on your list this year:
As a critique, this is not only a little late, but a little unfair: Miles didn't have a chance to call a timeout before Colt David's impossible field goal attempt (Jordan Jefferson threw two incomplete passes), and could have only saved a minute or so on Arkansas' winning drive if he knew Arkansas was going to score a touchdown to go ahead. But as a disgruntled fan at the end of his team's total collapse? Bra-vo, sir.
Just a few more items LSU is looking to unload:
• "Perrilloux 4 Heisman" bumper stickers
• Two defensive coordinators for one (Cheap! You will not see this deal anywhere else!)
• Jai Eugene's extra recruiting stars
• Plan to defend Houston Nutt's offense (never used)
• Tickets to Chick-Fil-A Bowl (Name your price)
• Scarred psyche of Jarrett Lee. Willing to trade.
Act now.
Postmortem: So Rudy Carpenter made it out of Arizona State alive, if you can call it that

from Dr. Saturday - NCAAF - Yahoo! Sports by Matt Hinton
A season in review. Expectations. The Devils opened the year in almost everyone's top 20 and were generally considered the only plausible contender to USC in the Pac-10. Nine of 16 preseason polls tracked by had ASU finishing second, only one had the Devils lower than third and USA Today projected them as an at-large BCS team.
Reality. The high point was an rout of Stanford; when weak sister UNLV won in overtime in Tempe a week later, the writing was on the wall: The Devils' next five games were against Georgia, Cal, USC, Oregon and Oregon State. ASU lost them all, by an average of 18 points, and the season was effectively over. A three-game reprieve against the only teams in the conference that were actually worse, Washington, Washington State and UCLA, offered a glimmer of hope of finishing .500 going into Saturday's finale at Arizona, but the Wildcats won easily, 31-10, to drop the Devils to a sobering 5-7. That's their worst mark since 2003 and two games below the record that got Dirk Koetter fired in 2006.
Overriding Theme. Not to put to fine a point on it, but here's the Sun Devils' production the last five years in Pac-10 games (remember that offensive numbers in 2006 were depressed everywhere due to the bogus clock rules that year):
It's safe to say it was the Devils' worst offensive effort in recent memory, despite a four-year starter at quarterback and multiple starters back at running back and receiver. But the offensive line, oy: The almost entirely revamped 2008 version improbably regressed from the '07 horror show, allowing at least two sacks every single week and getting manhandled on a weekly basis in the running game, to the pathetic tune (think of a dying tuba belching out bwomp-bwomp-bwaaaaaaa) of 2.9 yards per carry. In the last two games, ASU amassed 21 and 38 yards on the ground, respectively, and Carpenter had arguably the two single worst performances of his career.
The ASU line hasn't blocked anybody in three years; its porousness is enough to instill sympathy even for a noted hothead like Carpenter. The kid took almost every meaningful snap in 44 straight games since earning the starting job as a true freshman, and by my calculations was sacked well over 150 times.
On the Other Hand ... The run defense held the line from a good year in 2007, and except for an atrocious outing against Oregon (the Ducks rolled up 54 points on 300-plus yards rushing) held up pretty well overall; other than the Ducks, only USC (210 yards on 5.3 per carry) and Georgia (176 o 4.5) were really successful on the ground, while Cal and Oregon State were basically stuffed overall. Yes, this is reaching to say something positive, because there's not much outside of punt returns (No. 6 nationally), and even that didn't produce a touchdown.
Most Appropriate Emotion: Numbness while being beaten over the head with a 2 x 4. Dennis Erickson looked like a sensational hire when he went 10-3 in his first year. Suddenly he looks like he's in exactly the same place in the middle of the road that got Koetter and Bruce Snyder before him run out of town. Even when they seem to have broken through (1996, 2004, 2007), the Devils never actually go anywhere: They still haven't finished in the final AP top-25 two years in a row since 1996-97.
2009 is just around the corner. What the offense gains in experience -- however hard-earned -- on the offensive line, it loses in the quarterback; Carpenter's tenacity and speed-healing power has kept Danny Sullivan relegated to rare, brief mop-up duty, in which he's done nothing in particular. I got an e-mail over the weekend asking me to examine the trend of the offense under coordinator Rich Olsen, who didn't earn rave reviews in Miami, and the results you see above suggest his head may be the first on the chopping block if it comes to that. The defense is in better shape as long as pass-rushing threat Dexter Davis ignores the lure of the NFL, but even then, 9 of his 11 sacks came against the worst teams on the schedule, six against the absolutely putrid likes of Northern Arizona, Washington and Washington State.
In the big scheme, 5-7 is a down year, and '09 must be an improvement. But it's the kind of modest, cosmetic improvement that comes with not losing to next year's equivalent of UNLV, not the kind that's going to get Erickson off the inevitable hot seat.
Wisconsin Just Got Warmer

10 Dec, 2008 Babes
<center></center> Anyone want to tell me what a Sconnie is? I’d like to think that a Sconnie is a hot chick that walks around Wisconsin putting foreign objects in her mouth, but I think that I might be mislead by these pictures.



A good fight just isn't complete without some hot girls standing around it or promoting it with some fake promotional tattoos on their body. Women claim that men are the one's who do most of the fighting and start all the wars but the reason we usually fight or start wars is because of women. Okay, alcohol and testosterone might have something to do with it too.

#10 Anne Rivera - The former UFC ring girl is currently a spokesmodel for Mickey's malt liquor and we all know nothing helps a Mickey's 40 0z. go down smoother than a hot girl like Anne.

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#9 Edith Labelle - The Canadian beauty is one of the UFC's hottest current Ocatgon Girls. UFC officials deny any reports that her hiring had anything to do with the region below her neck.


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#8 Holly Kishere- Holly was birthed in the UK and has since spent her life wearing bikinis and being the IFL's hottest ring girl. She's only 19, so that means she has a long career of bikini wearing ahead of her.

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#7 Abbie Ratay - This Korean hottie spends most her time holding up ring cards for the Elite XC. When she's not doing that she's also a bartender and a Gogo dancer and drinking and dancing just so happen to be my two favorite hobbies.

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#6 Adree DeSanti- The UFC spokesmodel has appeared in Maxim, Stuff and FHM. There's only one magazine left for her to do and Hugh Hefner should be taking care of that shortly.

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#5 Arianny Celeste- One of the hottest UFC Octagon Girls of all time, Arianny was actually "hand picked" by UFC's hottie president Dana White. Kind of makes you wonder what Arianny did to make Dana choose her.

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#4 Amber Nicole Miller - The former UFC ring girl spends most of her time playing "the hot brunette" in several movies including Rush Hour 2.


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#3 Tiffany Fallon- The former Playboy Playmate of the Year and Miss Georgia, Tiffany was the host of the IFL Battleground. Apparently that was a show where Tiffany and her chest took an in-depth into the lives of MMA fighters.

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#2 Rachelle Leah - The former Octagon Girl and Kate Beckinsale look-a-like is currently the host of Spike TV's "UFC All Access" show and she recently appeared in the November issue of Playboy. That means she wasn't wearing clothes.


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#1 Ali Sonoma - Known as "Fine Win Country," Ali is the former of girlfriend of Diego Sanchez and the hottest UFC Octagon Girl of all time. The St. Louis babe was also recently a Maxim Hometown Hottie.
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I like what your system is thinking.

I'm thinking about going just straight system during the Bowls. Last couple years have not been kind to me and 2005-06 I went 14-10 (58%) by making the choices.

If I can go 55-60% without thinking I'll give it a shot.
Headlinin': The literati sizes up Chase Daniel, pro prospect

from Dr. Saturday - NCAAF - Yahoo! Sports by Matt Hinton
Er. Outside of the cacophony of coaching searches (on which more later), news quickly goes from 100 to, like, 13 this time of year ... Recommended reading. This being a highly sophisticated and literate audience that recognizes Malcolm Gladwell's expertise on everything, I'm sure you've already devoured Gladwell's answer to that age-old question, "Why are some quarterbacks so good in college and so bad in the NFL?" in the latest New Yorker, with a particular focus on Chase Daniel during Missouri's midseason stretch against Nebraska and Oklahoma State. Of course you have -- you never miss an opportunity to scoff at the gullible fawning certain to follow any piece of initially sweet but ultimately empty Gladwellian brain candy. But you might want to give it another look, just in case, you know, you wanted to review your notes or something. (HT: The Wiz.)
Equal but opposite reactions. Unlike LSU, Georgia Tech is thrilled to be playing to the Bowl Formerly Known as the Peach: The Jackets have already sold their allotment of 17,500 tickets and are trying to get their hands on 2,000 more. LSU, again, is slightly less interested: This is the Tigers' seventh postseason game of one variety or another in Atlanta this decade, and after a couple straight bowl dates in the Superdome, they're slightly more interested in landing a new defensive coordinator at the moment, anyway.
Tech needs all the cash it can get these days, if it's going to give Paul Johnson a raise to the $2 million a year range, commiserate with the top salaries in the ACC and well-earned for making the Jackets the highest-rated team in the conference in his first year.
Your season collapsed and everyone wants you fired. So ... a readymade recruiting trip to paradise sound OK? It might be tough on family and fans trying to get to the game on Christmas Eve (Detroit native David Grimes voted for the Motor City Bowl; "It wasn't unanimous," he says), but Notre Dame's bid in the Hawaii Bowl does offer one distinct advantage beyond weather and babes: Charlie Weis will get to spend a week wooing Manti Te'o, possibly the best prospect the islands have ever produced and a serious target for the Irish, along with USC and UCLA. Many coaches are already in Hawaii this week to watch Te'o and others in something called the Hawaii Prep Football Classic, but never underestimate the power of Charlie Weis, one-on-one, in palaka shorts, a lei and just enough tanning oil for that perfect glisten.
You can stuff your sorries in a sack, mister. Successful people are always harder on themselves than anyone else. But Nick Saban took "perfectionist" to a new level Sunday, apologizing for doubling the Tide's victories from 2007 and only coming within a quarter of a national championship bid with a team that started the season just hoping to make a little noise in the SEC West:
"... the expectations got raised a little bit because we had an opportunity to win the SEC Championship and possibly play in the national championship game. And I know how badly our fans and players wanted that, and we apologize for not helping get that done better."
Well, coach, maybe that will be a lesson to you the next time you completely rejuvenate a depressed program in a two-year window. Tide fans forgive you, this time.
Quickly ... Throw Tulsa's Todd Graham into the mix for the Auburn job. ... UCLA defensive coordinator DeWayne Walker looks like a finalist at San Diego State. ... Graham Harrell, who thought there was a "great chance" last week that Mike Leach would get the job at Washington, now thinks Leach is likely to stay at Texas Tech. Way to go out on a limb, Graham. ... Mike Locksley will make $750,000 a year at New Mexico. ... Carlos Butler, Avery Horn and possibly Sam McGuffie (again) won't be back at Michigan. Stay tuned on McGuffie. ... Just one more thing Tim Tebow shares with Danny Wuerffel. ... And just how far do guys have to travel on these award circuits, anyway?
The Plague of Christmas Sweaters Strikes Us All, Including Graham Harrell (Allegedly)

from The Sporting Blog
My family never suffered from the plague of Christmas sweaters. My father did for a decade or so have Christmas pants. They looked like this, were flame-retardant and bullet-proof, and did not stain despite my mother's best efforts to "accidentally" bleach them into submission or kill them off with an "accidentally" spilled glass of wine. They were the Rasputin of pants, and are probably still out wandering the desert like Anton Chigurh, just waiting to flip a coin and watch a stranger tremble with fear. Christmas pants aside, I got off easy on the horrifying fashion front during the holidays. Some of us did not:

That's allegedly Texas Tech QB Graham Harrell in the upper left allegedly wearing an alleged Christmas sweater that would definitely send Tim Gunn into cardiac arrest if he came within 20 feet of it. This is a reminder that you should never allow yourself to be photographed for any purposes anytime anywhere, as it will end up on the internet for people to make fun of you anonymously.
(Thanks to the geniuses at OrangeBloods for the tip.)
^^^These are the silly fuckers who put OU in the championship game. I hope Jevan beats the shit out of you turds.
Jamarkus McFarland: It's OU and Texas ($)

from Burnt Orange Nation by GhostofBigRoy
Jamarkus McFarland: It's OU and Texas ($)

Despite his visit to USC recently, McFarland confirmed in a rare interview that it's still OU and Texas atop his list. He likes the college atmosphere of Norman and his OU recruiter Jackie Shipp, but recognizes that he would likely play sooner at Texas. Shipp is visiting McFarland in-home today, while Mack Brown will likely visit him at his home on Friday (although he doesn't know which coaches are supposed to visit him that day). McFarland hopes to announce his decision before the Army All-American game on January 3, but Orangebloods is speculating that the announcement could come this week.
Head Huntin': It wouldn't be early December without Coach Fran

from Dr. Saturday - NCAAF - Yahoo! Sports by Matt Hinton
It's Wednesday, which means it's time to check the Doc's big board o' coach swappin':
Syracuse. All signs are still pointing to Skip Holtz after this weekend's premature confirmation, but for good measure, the Orange also seem to be holding out interest in Turner Gill and have spoken to Harvard coach Tim Murphy. Assuming this search has been going on since at least Cuse's loss to Akron in early September, it must be winding down.
Mississippi State. Per Urban Meyer and Steve Spurrier, the Bulldogs have definitely spoken with Florida offensive coordinator Dan Mullen and South Carolina defensive coordinator Ellis Johnson, who worked under Sly Croom before joining Spurrier's staff to coordinate one of the best Gamecock defenses in recent memory (11th nationally in total D) in his first year in Columbia.
But the flight-tracking hoards got wind of a jet in Kansas City last weekend that had definitely carried MSU's athletic director and an associate AD earlier in the day, sparking rumors that Oklahoma offensive coordinator Kevin Wilson (right, accepting the Broyles Award Tuesday night in Little Rock as the nation's top assistant) is a target. Today, certain message boards are buzzing that Wilson could be introduced as soon as tomorrow ($), per an alleged radio report that tellingly is repeated nowhere else that I can find. So don't hold your breath on the Wilson rumors, but they're drowning out everything else as of Monday.
San Diego State. My favorite list of candidates -- at one point featuring a stunning combination of arrogance and sleaze in Mike Martz, Glen Mason, Gary Barnett and Dennis Franchione -- has a new frontrunner of the not-so-sleazy variety: UCLA defensive coordinator DeWayne Walker is a finalist for SDSU, per anonymice in the L.A. Times. Walker's name is also coming up in connection with the coordinator job under his old Oklahoma State boss, Les Miles, at LSU; and if not there, at New Mexico State, the NFL, the CFL or the assistant supervisor position at your company's new branch in Scarsdale. His resumé gets around.
Still, Martz and Franchione have also survived for a second round of interviews, according to the San Diego Union Tribune, so shiftier eyes may yet prevail.
Dan Mullen apparently in at Mississippi State; is a very brave man

from Dr. Saturday - NCAAF - Yahoo! Sports by Matt Hinton
You know what's fun about following coaching searches? The second you publish something, it's obsolete. As soon as I wrote the Seattle Times found it newsworthy that Tyrone Willingham hadn't been fired in October, Willingham was fired. I debuted the big coaching board last week minutes before news broke about Tommy Tuberville's exit from Auburn. And today I post the second edition of the coaching board, prominently featuring Oklahoma offensive coordinator Kevin Wilson as the frontrunner at Mississippi State, only to find a note waiting in my inbox that the Dogs have made their move: Dan Mullen is expected to be named MSU head coach, according to Kyle Veazey's blog on the Jackson Clarion-Ledger.
At least we knew it was going to be one of the offensive coordinators in the mythical championship game. Mississippi State wanted to make a splash with an offensive coach, and without snatching Urban Meyer himself, you can't do much better than his right-hand man: Mullen was Meyer's quarterbacks coach at Bowling Green, where he helped develop Josh Harris and the Falcons' nightmare offense in 2001-02, then at Utah, where he was part of turning gangly Alex Smith into a No. 1 draft pick who ran roughshod over everyone in his path during the Utes' undefeated, Fiesta Bowl season in 2004. At Florida, he coached Chris Leak to an SEC and mythical championship. And even if the Tebow Child was fully-formed and perfect in every way upon arriving in Gainesville, at least Mullen hasn't done anything to screw the guy up.
If there's any school that can permanently shatter a gleaming record with quarterbacks, it's Mississippi State, where Wayne Madkin qualifies as an all-time great under center. Simply by completing a majority of his passes (58.8 percent) and throwing more touchdowns (7) than interceptions (5), Tyson Lee is coming off probably the best season of any quarterback in Sylvester Croom's tenure; he was knocked out of the Bulldogs' finale against Ole Miss with one interception and a dismal passer rating of 79.1, yielding to the even more horrific Wesley Carroll, a sometime-starter who will apparently transfer to Florida International after two years of no discernible progress.
MSU has always been able to play a little defense, and occasionally run the ball, but it's as dark and foreboding as quarterbacking black holes come. Mullen can really earn his reputation here, or be sucked into the SEC's vast coaching graveyard, next to Gerry DiNardo and Brad Scott. If Veazey's right, it's a pretty good hire.
Would you Hit It? I Would Just to Say I Did

Published by Natty at 11:00 am under Oddly Enough


I have no clue who this woman is. In fact, it makes zero difference to me who she is. All I know is that I’m in one of those George Costanza kind of a moods and I think a woman who was at least a foot taller than me would do some serious damage.
Not to get too graphic here but would this female even feel anything? I mean it’d be like putting a bicycle spoke into a canyon. In any event, just to say I did it, I certainly would. And you have to admit, her legs look kind of sexy don’t they?
You know what’s funny though? That dress she’s wearing would easily hit the floor if I wore it.
Texas congressman wants to scrap BCS

from Bevo Beat
Let the record show that Rep. Joe Barton, R-Arlington, is a Texas A&M grad. But even an Aggie congressman knows a mess when he sees it.
Barton today announced plans to introduce legislation calling for the end of the Bowl Championship Series system.
“I’m introducing legislation today because despite every effort to fix the problems of BCS, college seasons still end in sniping and controversy, rather than clear winners and losers determined on the field,” he said in a statement. “This year, we again have two teams with one loss each playing for the ‘championship’ while two undefeated teams and four additional teams with only one loss will play in bowl games, but none can become ‘champion.’ “
His bill would prohibit the BCS from billing itself as a national championship. Under the bill, any attempt to market the BCS as a championship would be treated as unfair or deceptive trade practices under the Federal Trade Commission Act.
Barton’s bill doesn’t specify what type of system needs to replace the BCS. He just wants it done away with (and so do a lot of others).
Oops! Caught on camera giving a BJ

by Isaac, The World of Isaac

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(Don't worry, this is safe for work.)

Every once in awhile you just stumble on things from the internet that just doesn't seem real.

Trust me, this clip is one of those things. Aside from the fact that the guy was getting oral pleasures on TV, he's also getting it in a crowded office.

No shame I tell ya.</p>
<table><tbody><tr><td colspan="3" class="storytitle">Ranking & Predicting All The Bowl Games </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="primaryimage" valign="top">

Troy LB Boris Lee
</td> <td width="3" nowrap="nowrap">
</td> <td valign="top"> <table bgcolor="#f5f5f5" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" width="60%"> <tbody><tr valign="top"> <td valign="middle" nowrap="nowrap">By Pete Fiutak
Posted Dec 10, 2008
</td> <td nowrap="nowrap">
</td> </tr> </tbody></table>

Before the bowl season begins, which ones should you watch and which should you skip? While there are the obvious games to watch, like the national championship, others, like the New Orleans Bowl with Boris Lee and Troy facing a hot Southern Miss, are good ones you need to see. Check out the rankings and quick, early predictions for all the bowls.
</td></tr> <tr> <td colspan="3">
[FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif]2008/2009 Bowl Rankings[/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif]

[/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif]Before the bowl season, which ones are best? [/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif]

[SIZE=-1]By [SIZE=-1] Pete Fiutak[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif][SIZE=-1]
Which bowls are the ones to see and which ones can be missed? With so many to watch, here are all the bowls ranked from the must-see to the ones you might be able to skip if you need to do some holiday shopping. These rankings are based on potential fun as well as importance.

Serious Dog Potential ... hang with the family, but keep the TV on
You'll watch, but you won't go out of your way. These matchups just aren't compelling and/or could be blowouts. Worse yet, they could be boring.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif][SIZE=-1] [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif][SIZE=-1][SIZE=-1]34. magicJack St. Petersburg Bowl
Dec. 20 / 9 p.m. ET St. Petersburg, Fl.
South Florida vs. Memphis

It's history! It's the inaugural magicJack St. Petersburg Bowl! If South Florida is even remotely interested, which is hardly a given for the flaky team, it should win this home game in an ugly blowout. Memphis occasionally cranks out a little bit of offense, but it's probably the worst of the bowl teams with Northern Illinois a close second. The Tigers have to force a slew of turnovers and hope USF sputters offensively from the start. If USF gets up by 10 early, it'll be over.
Stars of the show: 1) Matt Grothe, QB South Florida, 2)
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: South Florida 35 ... Memphis 10

33. Independence Bowl

Dec. 28 / 8 p.m. ET Shreveport, La. ESPN
Louisiana Tech vs. Northern Illinois

Don't expect anything interesting. Louisiana Tech is playing a home game against a Northern Illinois team that died down the stretch and got shut out by Navy to close things out. The Bulldogs have had a few problems with health, but they'll get time to rest and they should be fired up to get the spotlight, while Northern Illinois will be looking to heal up on the defensive front seven. NIU head coach Jerry Kill has had a great first season, but this isn't a good matchup and it's a rough away game. However, it's a bowl for a 6-6 MAC team. NIU will take it. The Tech offense will be lousy, but the defense will come through.
Stars of the show: 1) Larry English, DE Northern Illinois, 2) Phillip Livas, PR/KR Louisiana Tech, 3) Antonio Baker, S Louisiana Tech
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: Louisiana Tech 23 ... Northern Illinois 13

32. New Mexico Bowl

Dec. 20/12:30 p.m. Albuquerque, N.M. ESPN
Colorado State vs. Fresno State

This isn't exactly where Fresno State saw its season ending up after coming into the season as one of the favorites to be a BCS buster, but it's a bowl game and it's a chance for Pat Hill's club, and the WAC, to make a statement against the Mountain West. Colorado State was hardly a player in the Mountain West race, and the best win this year was against Houston, but the program is fired up to be in the bowl picture again with first-year head coach Steve Fairchild leading the way. The two teams will try hard, so this will hopefully be a bit more entertaining than the first two New Mexico Bowls. New Mexico shut out Nevada last year and San Jose State stuffed New Mexico two years ago.
Stars of the show: 1) Gartrell Johnson, RB Colorado State, 2) A.J. Jefferson, KR Fresno State, 3) Anthony Hartz, P Colorado State
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: Colorado State 26 ... Fresno State 24

31. Gaylord Hotels Music City Bowl

Dec. 31 / 3:30 p.m. ET Nashville, Tenn. ESPN
Boston College vs. Vanderbilt

This game, on the surface, appears to be powerfully boring. Boston College doesn't have an offense, Vanderbilt has less of one, so this should come down to which team commits the fewest turnovers. The Commodores can't win unless they're +2, at least, in turnover margin, while BC needs to score early so the offense doesn't have to rely on the passing game. The best bowl team in college football over the last decade, BC should win in a walk because of its defense.
Stars of the show: 1) D.J. Moore, S Vanderbilt, 2) Mark Herzlich, LB Boston College, 3) B.J. Raji, DT Boston College
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: Boston College 20 ... Vanderbilt 10

30. Roady’s Humanitarian Bowl

Dec. 30/4:30 p.m. Boise, Idaho ESPN
Maryland vs. Nevada

Nothing against Boise, but in this economy, and with Maryland mediocre, at best, this could be one of the least attended games of the bowl bunch. Nevada will bring some fans, along with its fantastic rushing offense, but that's what everyone thought would happen last year in the New Mexico Bowl when the Wolf Pack did next to nothing in a shut out loss to New Mexico. Maryland has been a hit-or-miss team all season long with three losses in the final four games banishing the team to Idaho, but it has just enough of a defense to keep the Pack under wraps ... somewhat. There's always the fun of watching a bowl game in cold weather and snow ... and on the blue field!
Stars of the show: 1) Colin Kaepernick, QB Nevada 2) DaRel Scott, RB Maryland, 3) Vai Taua, RB Nevada
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: Maryland 30 ... Nevada 20

29. International Bowl

Jan. 3 / 12 p.m. ET Toronto, Canada ESPN2
Connecticut vs. Buffalo

Buffalo doesn't play much defense, but it was able to force several key fumbles against Ball State to go on to win the MAC title. Going across the border for as much of a home game as the Bulls could possibly get at this time of year, it'll have to play at another level to stay with Connecticut. The Huskies don't have much of an offense, but RB Donald Brown should be rested and ready to crank out a final big game before he leaves early for the NFL. The Husky defense is tenth in the nation, allowing just 281 yards per game, so it's not like there's going to be an offensive explosion from the Bulls. This was a disaster of a game last year with Ball State getting ripped up by Rutgers, and this has the potential to be a dog this year if the Bulls struggle early.
Stars of the show: 1) Donald Brown, RB Connecticut, 2) Naaman Roosevelt, WR Buffalo, 3) James Starks, RB Buffalo
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction:
Connecticut 34 ... Buffalo 13

28. Alamo Bowl

Dec. 29 / 8 p.m. ET San Antonio, Texas ESPN
Northwestern vs. Missouri

Northwestern had been awful in bowl games since the program got on the radar just over a decade ago. If Missouri decides to try, this Wildcat bowl game might not be any better. The Tigers have problems with good passing teams, and while C.J. Bacher should be healthier than he has been over the last few months, and Tyrell Sutton will be back, Northwestern doesn't a top-shelf passing attack. Missouri does. The Wildcat have a great pass rush that has to get to Chase Daniel early or else this will be over by halftime.
Stars of the show: 1) Chase Daniel, QB Missouri, 2) Jeremy Maclin, WR Missouri, 3) Tyrell Sutton, RB Northwestern
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: Missouri 38 ... Northwestern 17

27. AutoZone Liberty Bowl

Jan. 2 / 5:00 p.m. ET Memphis, Tenn. ESPN
East Carolina vs. Kentucky

After starting out the season as America's darling, with wins over Virginia Tech and West Virginia, East Carolina came back down to earth with three straight losses before going on a run of six wins in the final seven games, complete with a 27-24 win over Tulsa in the Conference USA title game. Can the defense for a Kentucky meltdown? Possibly. The Wildcat offense has struggled all year long, but the defense, when healthy, has been fantastic. However, coming in on a three-game losing streak, and with losses in four of the last five games and in six of the last eight, this isn't exactly a roaring hot UK team. The best win this year was over ... Mississippi State? 14-13?! ECU plays a little defense, too, with the best in Conference USA. It'll shut down the UK offense.
Stars of the show: 1) Trevard Lindley, CB Kentucky, 2) Myron Pryor, DT Kentucky, 3) C.J. Wilson, DE East Carolina
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: East Carolina 23 .... Kentucky 17

26. PapaJohn’ Bowl

Dec. 29 / 3 p.m. ET Birmingham, Ala. ESPN2
Rutgers vs. NC State

These might be the two hottest under the radar teams in the bowl season. Rutgers has won six in a row as Mike Teel and the passing game ripped through the Big East to rebound after a disastrous start. NC State head coach Tom O'Brien has gotten his young team over a hump and to a bowl game with timely, aggressive defense and the emergence of QB Russell Wilson as an efficient, effective passer. This is easily one of the toughest bowl games to to figure out; it could go either way.
Stars of the show: 1) Mike Teel, QB Rutgers, 2) Russell Wilson, QB NC State, 3) Kenny Britt, WR Rutgers
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: Rutgers 27 ... NC State 20

[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif]
[/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif][SIZE=-1]Bowl Games. Nothing more, nothing less.
You're a college football fan. You'll watch, you'll eat, you'll move on.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=-1] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1] 25. Emerald Bowl
Dec. 27 / 8:30 p.m. ET San Francisco, Calif. ESPN
Miami vs. California

Can Miami handle the road game? The Emerald Bowl's dream has come true by getting Cal in a home game, and if the crowd is fired up at all, it'll be all for the Bears with a sprinkling of Hurricane fans. Bowl games are often about making a statement for a young team going forward, and a big win for Miami could be a major moment for the Randy Shannon era. For Cal, this is a chance to showcase RB Jahvid Best and officially launch his 2008 Heisman campaign.
Stars of the show: 1) Jahvid Best, RB California, 2) Alex Mack, C California, 3) Aldarius Johnson, WR Miami
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: California 26 ... Miami 17

24. Pioneer Las Vegas Bowl

Dec. 20 / 8 p.m. ET Las Vegas, Nev. ESPN
BYU vs. Arizona

The Mountain West always plays well in Las Vegas, but this time, the Pac 10 team will be fired up, too. Arizona is back in the bowl swing as Mike Stoops has finally accomplished something during his tenure. The supposedly high-powered Arizona offense never really blew up, even though it averaged over 400 yards per game and cranked out 37 points per outing. If Willie Tuitama and the passing game can get going early, and if BYU and Max Hall get over the hangover from the meltdown against Utah, this could be a fun shootout.
Stars of the show: 1) Max Hall, QB BYU, 2) Willie Tuitama, QB Arizona, 3) Austin Collie, WR BYU
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: BYU 34 ... Arizona 24

23. Motor City Bowl

Dec. 26 / 7:30 p.m. ET Detroit, Mich. ESPN
Florida Atlantic vs. Central Michigan

Last year Central Michigan almost pulled off a comeback for the ages in the Motor City Bowl loss to Purdue. This year, QB Dan LeFevour and Florida Atlantic's Rusty Smith should put on a show in a key battle for the respect of the MAC and the Sun Belt. Fine, so there isn't exactly a national debate over which of the two conferences is better, but this really would be a great win for the Owls. Head coach Howard Schnellenberger doesn't lose bowl games, but this isn't the same FAU team as last year.
Stars of the show: 1) Dan LeFevour, QB Central Michigan, 2) Rusty Smith, QB Florida Atlantic, 3)
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: Central Michigan 45 ... Florida Atlantic 38

22. EagleBank Bowl

Dec. 20 / 11 a.m.. ET Washington, D.C.
Wake Forest vs. Navy

Yeah, we already did this on September 27th with Navy beating Wake Forest 24-17, but it was a good game and a lot of fun. Navy has always been good in bowl games, while Wake Forest is always happy to go to a bowl game even now that it's become a strong ACC program. A home game for the Midshipmen, it should be a great atmosphere and an entertaining game to kick off the bowl season. The Navy offense is always worth the price of admission.
Stars of the show: 1) Aaron Curry, LB Wake Forest, 2) Shun White, RB Navy, 3) Alphonso Smith, CB Wake Forest
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: Wake Forest 23 ... Navy 20

21. Outback Bowl

Jan. 1 / 11 a.m. ET Tampa, Fla. ESPN
Iowa vs. South Carolina

Really? This is the best the Big Ten and SEC could do for what was supposed to be one of the marquee games of the bowl season? Iowa got in ahead of a more deserving Northwestern team, while South Carolina was completely mediocre to close out the year with three losses in the final five games including a clunker to close things out against Clemson. The run defense is fantastic, and Iowa is a run-first, run often team with Shonn Greene carrying the load, but it could have problems getting consistently moving. So even though these might be the two most scintillating teams, they're just even enough to make this a competitive battle that'll be better than it looks on paper.
Stars of the show: 1) Shonn Greene, RB Iowa, 2) Emmanuel Cook, S South Carolina, 3) Mitch King, DT Iowa
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: Iowa 20 ... South Carolina 13

Champs Sports Bowl
Dec. 27 / 4:30 p.m. ET Orlando, Fla. ESPN
Florida State vs. Wisconsin

Wisconsin has traditionally been a tough out in the bowls with its physical style impossible to properly simulate. Florida State has always been money in the post-season. Can the athleticism of the Florida State run defense match up with the Badger runners? Will the Wisconsin defense show up against a living, breathing offense? The Badgers have something to prove, but if Florida State and the ACC are the real deal, the Noles have to win this game in a walk. It won't happen; it'll be a battle.
Stars of the show: 1) Everette Brown, DE Florida State, 2) P.J. Hill, RB Wisconsin, 3) Garrett Graham, TE Wisconsin
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: Florida State 20 ... Wisconsin 17
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[SIZE=-1] 19. Insight Bowl
Dec. 31 / 5:30 ET Tempe, Ariz. NFL Network
Minnesota vs. Kansas

If Minnesota shows up, this will be interesting. If Minnesota plays like it did in the 55-0 loss to Iowa, and over a four game losing streak to close out the season, there won't be any reason to not get your New Years' partying rolling. The Gophers have lived and died on being great at forcing turnovers and by taking advantage of every mistake. Now, the defense has reverted back to last year's problems while the offense has gone into the tank. There's no rushing offense, not nearly enough from the passing game, and the secondary has been a nightmare. Basically, the Gophers have to be 180-degree better. Kansas has been mediocre over the second half of the season, but Todd Reesing and the passing game have been terrific. However, the defense is just mediocre enough to let Minnesota stay in the game.
Stars of the show: 1) Todd Reesing, QB Kansas, 2) Eric Decker, WR Minnesota, 3) Adam Weber, QB Minnesota
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: Kansas 40 ... Minnesota 24

18. Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl

Dec. 31 / 12 p.m. ET Fort Worth, Texas ESPN
Air Force vs. Houston

Didn't we already do this? Air Force beat Houston 31-28 on September 13th, but while this might be a rematch, it's a good rematch. The Falcon running game ripped up the Cougars, while Case Keenum threw at will on the Falcon secondary. No, this game won't be argued about on message boards, but it'll be a good indicator for how good each conference was. Houston, because of its offense, is one of the most exciting teams in college football. Air Force, because of its offense, is one the most exciting teams in college football. There will be plenty of offensive production and lots of fun. It'll be worth the watch.
Stars of the show: 1) Case Keenum, QB Houston, 2) Ryan Harrison, P/PK Air Force, 3) Phillip Hunt, DE Houston
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: Houston 34 ... Air Force 31
[SIZE=-1]17. Capital One Bowl
Jan. 1 / 1 p.m. Orlando, Fla. ABC
Michigan State vs. Georgia

Through all the problems and all the injuries, Georgia's defense hasn't been all that bad against run allowing 130 yards per game. The offense has tremendous weapons and has been bombing away all year with the SEC's leading passing attack. Michigan State actually throws better than it runs, even with Javon Ringer, but the offense doesn't have the weapons to keep up if Georgia gets rolling. Michigan State had better prove early on that its run defense can handle Knowshon Moreno, or this will get ugly.
Stars of the show: 1) Javon Ringer, RB Michigan State, 2) Knowshon Moreno, RB Georgia, 3) Matthew Stafford, QB Georgia
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: Georgia 34 ... Michigan State 10
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Great matchups. Don't miss ... you'll be a better person for watching.
These aren't guaranteed to be classics, but they should be worth your four hours.[/SIZE][/FONT]
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[FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif][SIZE=-1][SIZE=-1] 16. Sun Bowl
Dec. 31 / 2 p.m. ET. El Paso, Texas CBS
Pitt vs. Oregon State

LeSean McCoy and Jacquizz Rodgers are two of the nation's most electrifying backs, and will be worth the price of admission. Oregon State might wish it was off to the Rose Bowl against a different team from Pennsylvania, but this will be a tough enough battle. Pitt is finally good under head coach Dave Wannstedt, but a loss to the Beavers would get the fan base grumbling again. A win is a must to keep the program on the right track, while Oregon State has to come up with a big performance to put the Oregon debacle in the past. The Sun Bowl stunk last year, but it's almost always good.
Stars of the show: 1) LeSean McCoy, RB Pitt, 2) Jacquizz Rodgers, RB Oregon State, 3) Scott McKillop, LB PItt
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: Pitt 26 ... Oregon State 21

15. Meineke Car Care Bowl

Dec. 27 / 1 p.m. ET Charlotte, N.C. ESPN
North Carolina vs. West Virginia

The Bill Stewart era took flight with the Fiesta Bowl win over Oklahoma, and while the Meineke Car Care Bowl isn't exactly what West Virginia was hoping for, it has a great test. North Carolina is a young, emerging team that could be a killer next year if maturity matches up to the athleticism. A win here would get the buzz rolling for next year and make the Tar Heels the hot ACC team going into 2008 (if Georgia Tech doesn't take on the role). It's Pat White's final game. He deserves plenty of attention after one of the greatest careers in Big East history.
Stars of the show: 1) Pat White, QB West Virginia, 2) Noel Devine, RB West Virginia, 3) Hakeem Nicks, WR North Carolina
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: West Virginia 16 ... North Carolina 13
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[FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif][SIZE=-1][SIZE=-1] 14. Konica Minolta Gator Bowl
Jan. 1 / 1 p.m. ET Jacksonville, Fla. CBS
Clemson vs. Nebraska

Clemson has lost its last two bowl games, but it was able to rally to get Dabo Swinney the full-time gig and it still has the weapons that got everyone excited to start the season. Nebraska is back in the post-season after missing a bowl last year, and with a win the Bill Callahan era can be all but wiped clean. The Huskers have a tremendous offense, but it got lost in the shuffle. Despite being 12th in the nation, averaging 458 yards per game, that was only good enough to be sixth in the Big 12. This has the potential to be a fun shootout and a game worth getting out of bed for on New Year's Day. If nothing else, one of these teams will see its new era kick in full force to provide a ton to get excited about this off-season.
Stars of the show: 1) C.J. Spiller, RB Clemson, 2) Joe Ganz, QB Nebraska, 3) Aaron Kelly, WR Clemson
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: Nebraska 34 ... Clemson 30

13. AT&T Cotton Bowl

Jan. 2 / 2 p.m. ET Dallas, Texas FOX
Texas Tech vs. Ole Miss

Ole Miss has a defense, but has it seen an offense remotely close to this one? No. Has Texas Tech played a real, live defense this year? In the on-going arguments between the two power leagues, the answer could be settled, partly, about if the SEC defenses were really that good, or the offenses were really that bad. Were the Big 12 defenses lousy, or were the offenses simply that great? Texas Tech has put on a few great shows in its last two bowl games, while Ole Miss is coming in blazing hot having won five straight games after the loss to Alabama. All four of the Rebel losses came by a touchdown or less, and of course there was the win over Florida. Can the Rebel offense keep up the pace if Texas Tech gets rolling early? Nope.
Stars of the show: 1) Graham Harrell, QB Texas Tech, 2) Michael Crabtree, WR Texas Tech, 3) Peria Jerry, DT Ole Miss
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: Texas Tech 31 ... Ole Miss 17

12. Chick-fil-A Bowl

Dec. 31 / 7:30 p.m. ET Atlanta, Ga. ESPN
Georgia Tech vs. LSU

Will the Paul Johnson offense continue to work? After dominating Miami and Georgia, Georgia Tech has the hot offense that everyone will be keeping an eye on. If the Yellow Jackets can roll over LSU, then there might be a new wave of option attacks coming into next year. However, LSU will have several weeks to prepare, scout, and teach its fast defenders on how to handle the running game. Will it matter, or will Tech be too precise? On the other side, the LSU offense has to show it can be more consistent and can handle the NFL caliber Tech defensive front. This is worth the watch ... have it on at your party.
Stars of the show: 1) Jonathan Dwyer, RB Georgia Tech, 2) Charles Scott, RB LSU, 3) Michael Johnson, DE Georgia Tech
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: LSU 20 ... Georgia Tech 17

11. Sheraton Hawaii Bowl

Dec. 24 / 8 p.m. ET Honolulu, Hawaii ESPN
Notre Dame vs. Hawaii

It's game one post-threat as Notre Dame will be BCS bound next year, or at least close, or Charlie Weis is gone. The Hawaii Bowl got a miracle in getting its home school and the Irish, making this not just a bowl game everyone will watch, but making it a bowl game that might not be that bad. The Warrior defense plays tough, hard-hitting style that can get nasty at times. Notre Dame's offense can bog down and do a whole bunch of nothing, but this is a huge test. With so much time to prepare, Weis and his staff need to come up with something to get the needle moving. A disastrous offensive effort will make for a long, long, lonnnnng off-season.
Stars of the show: 1) Jimmy Clausen, QB Notre Dame, 2) David Bruton, S Notre Dame, 3) Greg Alexander, QB Hawaii
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: Notre Dame 26 ... Hawaii 13

10. FedEx Orange Bowl

Jan. 1 / 8 p.m. Miami Gardens, Fla. FOX
Virginia Tech vs. Cincinnati

It's a far better game and a far better matchup than it'll get credit for. With all the big BCS games, don't blow off a battle between the two "lesser" BCS leagues as Cincinnati is going for a 12-win season and Virginia Tech is trying to finally get over the BCS bowl hump. The Hokies haven't won a BCS-level bowl since shocking Texas in the 1995 Sugar Bowl, but they have the defense and the toughness to finally help out the ACC's BCS woes. Cincinnati will try to keep the music rolling for a Big East that's been great over the last few years with two big BCS wins from West Virginia and a 2007 Orange Bowl win from Louisville over Wake Forest. It's not going to be a shootout, but it'll be competitive throughout.
Stars of the show: 1) Tyrod Taylor, QB Virginia Tech, 2) Terrill Byrd, DE Cincinnati, 3) Darren Evans, RB Virginia Tech
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: Cincinnati 23 ... Virginia Tech 20

9. R&L Carriers New Orleans Bowl

Dec. 21 / 8 p.m. ET New Orleans, La. ESPN
Projection: Troy vs. Southern Miss

Normally one of the worst bowl matchups of the season, the New Orleans Bowl really might be one of the most entertaining early bowl games. Really. This is the best New Orleans Bowl matchup by a huge margin with Southern Miss coming in red hot, and probably deserving of a far better game, and Troy coming in as one of the Sun Belt's best teams ever. Southern Miss is 2-0 in this game, having won two in a row in 2004 and 2005, while Troy blew away Rice in 2006. USM overcame a lousy start to win the final four games of the season in head coach Larry Fedora's first season, highlighted by a 21-3 win over eventual Conference USA champion, East Carolina. The Golden Eagles are 2-0 against the Sun Belt this season, having beaten UL Lafayette and Arkansas State in the first three games. Troy pushed LSU to the wall before dying late, but the Trojans are still on a nice run having beaten UL Lafayette and Arkansas State by a combined score of 83 to 12 to close out the year.
Stars of the show: 1) Southern Miss RB Damion Fletcher, 2) Troy LBs Bear Woods & Boris Lee, 3) Southern Miss QB Austin Davis
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: Troy 27 ... Southern Miss 17
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[FONT=verdana, arial, sans serif][SIZE=-1] Can't miss no matter what. Cancel all other plans and send the family off to the mall.
These games promise to be fun[/SIZE][/FONT]​
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[SIZE=-1] 8. Pacific Life Holiday Bowl
Dec. 30 / 8 p.m. ET San Diego, Calif. ESPN

Oklahoma State vs. Oregon

Running game, running game, running game. Oregon's ground attack has rushed for 200 yards or more in six straight games, and over 300 yards four of those. On the year, the Ducks have scored a whopping 42 touchdowns on the ground, but Oklahoma State has been decent against the run. The Cowboys have been averaging 256 rushing yards per game with just three losses on the year coming against Texas, Texas Tech, and Oklahoma. A win by Oregon would be a huge, huge feather in the Pac 10's cap. Oklahoma State was the fourth best team in the Big 12 and can't afford to slip up here going into what should be a big 2009 season.
Stars of the show: 1) Dez Bryant, WR Oklahoma State, 2) Jeremiah Johnson, RB Oregon, 3) Zac Robinson, QB Oklahoma State
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction:
Oklahoma State 38 ... Oregon 30

7. Texas Bowl

Dec. 30 / 8 p.m. NFL Network
Tie-Ins: Houston, Texas
Western Michigan vs. Rice

Oh this will be fun. Chase Clement, Jarett Dillard are the stars of the best offense you haven't seen play, while Tim Hiller leads a Western Michigan attack that found a way to ruin Illinois' bowl hopes and did a great job all year of putting up yards and points in bunches. Expect 1,000 yards of total offense, a lot of scoring, and enough big plays to take a look-see now and then while you're watching Oklahoma State and Oregon in the Holiday Bowl.
Stars of the show: 1) Chase Clement, QB Rice, 2) Tim Hiller, QB Western Michigan, 3) Jarett Dillard, WR Rice
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: Rice 48 ... Western Michigan 41

6. Allstate Sugar Bowl

Jan. 2 / 8:30 p.m. ET New Orleans, La. FOX
Alabama vs. Utah

No, Utah isn't 2007 Hawaii, and don't let anyone try to tell you different. This isn't going to be the debacle of last year's Georgia blasting of the Warriors as the Utes will look to show the world that they belonged in the national championship discussion. This is a tough, physical Utah team that runs the spread, although not as well as Florida, while Alabama will be looking to cap off a phenomenal season by giving the SEC another feather in its cap. If you have told Tide fans before the season that they'd be in the Sugar Bowl, they'd have been ecstatic, but the game might seem a bit empty after the tough battle against Florida in the SEC Championship. Ooooooh, Utah. It might not sound like a sexy win for the Tide if it pulls it off, but a loss would devastating for a team that was fully focused and tough as nails all season long. There will be lots of power running, efficient passing, and if nothing else, Utah will be really, really motivated.
Stars of the show: 1) Alabama OT Andre Smith, 2) Utah QB Brian Johnson, 3) Alabama WR Julio Jones
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: Alabama 23 ... Utah 10

5. GMAC Bowl

Jan. 6 / 8 p.m. ET Mobile, Ala. ESPN
Tulsa vs. Ball State

Lost in the glut of the BCS and general bowl hangover will be the best and most entertaining game of the non-BCS bowl season. It'll be a stunner if the two high-powered offenses don't put on an up-an-down the field show with lots of offense, lots of big plays, and wild momentum swings. Ball State was hoping for a bigger, better matchup, but it was also hoping to be 13-0 with a MAC championship under its belt. Outside of several fumbles to blow the title game against Buffalo, everything else had gone perfectly. Tulsa blew its chance for a Conference USA championship and a Liberty Bowl appearance by turning the ball over seven times in the loss to East Carolina, and now it has a challenge on its hands needing to come up with a mistake-free, big-time offensive effort to save the season.
Stars of the show: 1) Nate Davis, QB Ball State, 2) David Johnson, QB Tulsa, 3) MiQuale Lewis, RB Ball State
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: Ball State 45 ... Tulsa 38

4. San Diego County Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl

Dec. 23 / 8 p.m. ET San Diego, Calif. ESPN
TCU vs. Boise State

It could be argued that this is the best of the non-BCS bowl matchups. Don't look for lots of scoring with the two defenses certain to dominate throughout, but there's just enough offensive pop on each side to make this a good, competitive battle. This game means everything to the WAC. If its bright shining, unbeaten star can't get by TCU, it'll be hard to sell the league as a legitimate BCS threat going forward. If TCU wins this, the Mountain West would further establish itself as the king of the non-BCS leagues, and it would be close.
Stars of the show: 1) Jerry Hughes, DE TCU, 2) Kellen Moore, QB Boise State, 3) Ian Johnson & Jeremy Avery, RBs Boise State
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction:
TCU 17 ... Boise State 13

3. Rose Bowl presented by Citi

Jan. 1 / 5:10 p.m. ET Pasadena, Calif. ABC
Projection: USC vs. Penn State
This is a heavyweight matchup that could've just as easily have been the national championship game if defense was as sexy as offense. USC owns the Rose Bowl against the Big Ten winning 11 of the last 12 times the two have met with 1974 the last time the Trojans have lost in the series. Penn State might be the team to break the string with a nasty defense, one of the best offensive lines in America, and a veteran offense that doesn't make mistakes and can be both hard-nosed and high-octane depending on the situation. Of course, all the talk will be about a USC defense that's not allowing a thing, giving up more than seven points in just four games this year. However, the Pac 10 stunk and the Big Ten will be looking to prove that it's not as bad as everyone keeps assuming it is. Penn State has won five of its last six bowl games and has won it's last five BCS-level bowl games, while USC is going to its seventh straight BCS game having won five of its last six.
Stars of the show: 1) USC LB Rey Maualuga, 2) Penn State WR/KR Derrick Williams, 3) USC S Taylor Mays
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: USC 17 ... Penn State 14

2. Tostitos Fiesta Bowl

Jan. 5 / 8 p.m. Phoenix, Ariz. FOX
Texas vs. Ohio State

Can Ohio State finally shake off the last two BCS Championship games and erase memories of the USC loss earlier this year? This is a different team with a different look thanks to the emergence of QB Terrelle Pryor and the health of RB Beanie Wells, but they're going to have to deal with a team with a major attitude and a Texas-sized chip on its shoulder. Yeah, we'll all have to hear a slew of whining and a long of anger as Texas fans believe they should be in Miami facing Florida, and rightly so, but the team should be fully focused on the task at hand and looking to make a point. If Ohio State wins, then Texas won't have any after-the-fact claims to being part of the national title mix, while if the Longhorns win, the Buckeyes and the Big Ten will have to endure another off-season of getting hammered on.
Stars of the show: 1) Texas QB Colt McCoy, 2) Ohio State RB Beanie Wells, 3) Ohio State LB James Laurinaitis
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: Texas 23 ... Ohio State 17

1. FedEx BCS National Championship

Jan. 8 / 8 p.m. Miami Gardens, Fla. FOX
Oklahoma vs. Florida
[SIZE=-1] Call it the Ocean's Eleven of national title games. The outcome might not be satisfying, but there will be plenty of star power and it'll be awfully pretty to look at. Can Florida's defense slow down the high-powered Sooners? Can the Sooners be physical enough to handle Tim Tebow's power game and will the suspect Sooner D really be able to hold down the Gator spread? Actually, OU's defense isn't nearly as bad as it's made out to be, and Florida's defense is fast enough and athletic enough to stay with the Sooner attack and shut it down for stretches. The month-long hype will be off-the-charts with two Heisman finalists, two coaches going for a second national title, conference pride on the line, and, if we're lucky, two teams trading haymaker after haymaker in what should be a tremendous battle. Can Oklahoma break its recent string of ineptitude? Can Tebow throw his name in the ring in the Greatest College QB of All-Time discussion? There will be plenty to breakdown and discuss in a game that everyone will want to watch, unlike the last two national championships that generated little buzz.
Stars of the show: 1) Florida QB Tim Tebow, 2) Oklahoma QB Sam Bradford, 3) Florida WR Percy Harvin
The knee jerk, off-the-cuff, initial prediction: Florida 34 ... Oklahoma 31
Fuck it. I'm going completely system (see Stacks' thread).

All favs of 6' or less. All dogs of 7' or more.


Memphis +13
TCU -2'
Thinking of breaking with the system on 3 plays: USC, Bama, and Texas.

Look at Stacks' thread. The system does well early on and in the MNC game but not in the late December bowls and non-Championship BCS games.
Thinking of breaking with the system on 3 plays: USC, Bama, and Texas.

Look at Stacks' thread. The system does well early on and in the MNC game but not in the late December bowls and non-Championship BCS games.

i know it does. overall, 64% by my count...which is great.