Cavaliers hype


A Winner in Life
I need help to understand why so many people think that the Cavs will win the East, and even it all.

In my books Cavs are not impressive. LBJ can be shut down. Recently they lost at home against wadeless Miami, and @Boston.

They look as a team to fade at the right time.

You know it wouldn't surprise me one bit if the Cavs step up and win the East. I know most are expecting them to lose to Miami if they wind up playing them but the more I think about it the more I believe Miami is in trouble. The Heat are a banged up, old team which is probably one injury away from completely falling apart again.

Everytime the Heat get sort of healthy they lose another player. Say what you want about Shaq and Wade but not having Payton in the first round could prove costly. He plays a pretty large back up role on this team and of course Jayson Williams is more than likely to get banged up. I just sense bad things are going to continue to happen to Miami this year. The NBA playoffs are usually all about one team stepping up to the next level from the year before. That would make the Cavs primed to get to the East finals and maybe get out of the East. I don't care what anyone tells me about the East. I think there are 4 teams which are all equally capable of getting to the Finals. Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland and Miami. Which ever team gets the 2 seed clearly has the easiest path.

It will be interesting to see how the East unravels but in my opinion the Heat are going to have the hardest road to success.
I also think the Cavs have a good chance against Miami, simply because the Heat isn't healthy. After that they will be excellent fade material IMO.
The Cavs aren't going to be good fade material if they beat Miami. No way. Just look at their most recent success playing Detroit at the Palace. They won one and had every chance to win the other one. For what ever reason the Cavs play the Pistons tough. Yeah, earlier in the year they had a stinker at home vs. them but I have no doubt in my mind Cleve can beat Detroit. I'm not saying they absolutely will but LeBron will be the best player on the floor and the Cavs have proved they can compete with Detroit at the Palace.
Well I do think Cleveland has more chance to win the East than Miami, I for example don't understand the mystifying of Miami Heat, ok they were champs, but why are they "meant to go to the finals" again?
They're no lock.

I would give more chance to Cleveland, Detroit and yes, even Chicago at this point. They got some power inside with Tyrus and B-Wall, they're still a "live and die by the jumpshot" team, but I think they could step up, even though Cavs are more understandable to be favored by Stern's goons.
Lebron is the face of the NBA. Thats why they have a chance. Not because they are the best team. They are the most marketable East team. Stern tried his hardest last year. He'll try as hard this year.

Something tells me that the Nets go to the line about 40 times tonight against Bulls. Cleveland is getting that 2 seed. No way D-Stern lets his dream EC Fianls matchup (cle-mia) die.
Lebron is a different player in the playoffs and has been the last few weeks.I dont think he will be shut out..
Can't shut him out because he commits offensive fouls that NEVER get called. If the ball handler puts his shoulder down to embrace contact... while the defender is backing up... it's a FOUL!

I can't watch him... he's the stereo type of someone too big getting calls. Kobe gets fouled by getting you out of position. Wade goes with relentless fury and usually draws legitimate contact. Other player I think flops is Tony Parker.. that twig simply gets thrown around and always gets the call because he's incapable of staying on feet. If you drive to the basket how about call fouls on the arms like the old days. Let these guys play with their chest.
so Wade didn't get insane amount of phantom calls in last year's finals, that was all "legitimate contact"?
Lebron is the face of the NBA. Thats why they have a chance. Not because they are the best team. They are the most marketable East team. Stern tried his hardest last year. He'll try as hard this year.

Something tells me that the Nets go to the line about 40 times tonight against Bulls. Cleveland is getting that 2 seed. No way D-Stern lets his dream EC Fianls matchup (cle-mia) die.

I need help to understand why so many people think that the Cavs will win the East, and even it all.

In my books Cavs are not impressive. LBJ can be shut down. Recently they lost at home against wadeless Miami, and @Boston.

They look as a team to fade at the right time.

I have been wondering this since the season started. This team is mediocre at best and Miami is going to molest them.
Lebron is the face of the NBA. Thats why they have a chance. Not because they are the best team. They are the most marketable East team. Stern tried his hardest last year. He'll try as hard this year.

Something tells me that the Nets go to the line about 40 times tonight against Bulls. Cleveland is getting that 2 seed. No way D-Stern lets his dream EC Fianls matchup (cle-mia) die.

Only 38 times tonight BAR, lol. Truth be told I don't think the officiating was too far out of whack, tonight it was more a case of the Bulls crapping the bed. Although Heinrich got his 4th foul with 5 minutes left in the 3rd, and Deng got his 4th with 4 minutes left in the 3rd. If the Bulls had ever pulled in front I'm sure the officials would have be able to give the Nets a "boost".
jimbo1227, you think the cavs suck???? i am not sure you are actually viewing this from a objective perspective, i think you hate lebron's playing style and his hype. It's ok, your allowed to hate, but choose more colorful words (no cussing) to describe your dislike rather than the cavs suck, b/c hype didn't get them the number 2 seed winning games did.