Call me a sucker but......


Calculated Risk Taker
Updated Record 59-40-1 59% (+30) Units NBA units SINCE 1/1/07

1 play away from 60% for the first 100 plays, that is a vast improvement from last year which was spotty at best...Thanks to all the great cappers here at CTG that have helped me learn how to play this game..:shake:

Now to my play.....I know its popular around here, it is a slighty public play if you look at the ML%...I just feel like Philly has renewed their game and are in a much better position to get this game tonight..No Jermaine Oneal is the key to this bet, if hes not scoring who is, maybe Jamal Tinsley but wait he is questionable too...Whos gonna do all the scoring Mike Dunleavy? Probably not, The sixers didnt work to hard last night and they seem alive, even after going down early and at the half they controled the game in the second half and spanked the LAKERS..My only concern is Philly's road woes and they are 3in4 b2b...It just seems that the pieces are falling into place for the sixers.....My man problem with this play is that My Man ROCKING ROD STEEL is playing the Pacers for 10 units:new_shocked: So if i lose it will be a lesson learned....

The Trixers +4.5
I like it yo
I think da 76's are gonna pound da Pacers yo
Good luck fo sho!!!!!