Bucks-Ducks ahh shucks in-game, plus Alex's Iranian soccer

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tip i cant remember are you a Ohio St fan after Irish?

also you keep avoiding me

pm me name and address

you are getting hot sauce and a king cake

have a shot of culture my friend:shake:

I'm both, but on those rare occasions the schools meet, I wear blue and gold. I'll pm you, I keep forgetting. Want to send your kid a hat with an old time Wahoo anyway.
Mariota has more to lose in this game than to gain. interested to see how he performs. no rust so far
I hate to say it because teed's going to be insufferable, but I think Carr's the best QB in the last draft or the next draft.
I'm both, but on those rare occasions the schools meet, I wear blue and gold. I'll pm you, I keep forgetting. Want to send your kid a hat with an old time Wahoo anyway.
knew you were a sweetie deep down(or maybe you want a young Tribe fan in SELA in a Yankee house...hmmmmmm)
Caliendo with a hilarious tweet

<blockquoteclass="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>DezBryant had the ball longer than Oregon did on that drive. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/CollegeFootballChampionship?src=hash">#CollegeFootballChampionship</a></p>&mdash; Frank Caliendo(@FrankCaliendo) <a href="https://twitter.com/FrankCaliendo/status/554815942765858817">January 13, 2015</a></blockquote> <script asyncsrc="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
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