Broner vs. Malignaggi

Prov at a minimum won this fight by 1 round. Ledermans score is an absolute embarrassment in this fight. Bradley fought his heart out but he lost.
I came away not liking either guy, twink. First of all, (you gotta agree) neither one looks like much of a fighter. Secondly, I like the stoic, talk-in-the-ring-with-my-hands type.
I came away not liking either guy, twink. First of all, (you gotta agree) neither one looks like much of a fighter. Secondly, I like the stoic, talk-in-the-ring-with-my-hands type.
Paulie is a classic BOXER. May not be a "fighter", but to deny his boxing ability is to not understand the sport. You may not like his style per se, and that is fine.

I can completely understand not liking Broner. He also is a very talented guy, not sure who you are comparing them to.

As for Paulie, calling out scores and saying what he said I respect. He never toes the line in a sport that many and most do.
Nothing but respect for Paulie. Never bites his tongue, and always tells it like it is. He's not one of those sore losers looking to make excuses, he just says what's real. It's refreshing for me, to hear someone actually SAY what everyone else is THINKING.
In terms of looking like a fighter. Seriously, Paulie made to the top of the sport with zero power (in terms of pro boxing). That's a testament to his boxing skill. If he had any pop at all, there's no telling how good he could have been.
I liked what he said after the fight, I just never thought he had a shot to win the fight.
I liked what he said after the fight, I just never thought he had a shot to win the fight.
He got a split decision. I know many don't understand this and cannot fathom it, but alotta people think Paulie won. People that I respect, and know this sport.

There weren't knockdowns in this fight.

I had Broner winning, but I can't argue with a Paulie card either.

Power shots play some into scoring, but NOT everything
Paulie had Macho Time Forever written on the front of his trunks and he said they were a replica of Camacho's fight with Sugar Ray Leonard in 1997

back said Justice For Arturo Gatti, cuz Paulie said "he didnt commit suicide"
I don't watch boxing much anymore, honestly hadn't heard of either guy. I just tuned in from reading this thread. Sweat Pea Whitaker is from my hometown, so I always loved watching him.

I thought Broner clearly won that fight, but I certainly put more emphasis on power shots. Paulie hit him a bunch but never had Broner in trouble. Broner hit Paulie a few times that made his head snap around.

Granted, my opinion means nothing.

I think I will tune into Broners next fights to root for him to lose.
Had it scored very close, Broner by 2 rds....but there should have been atleast a 1 pt deduction on Broner that never happened.
Had it scored very close, Broner by 2 rds....but there should have been atleast a 1 pt deduction on Broner that never happened.

I think that's my biggest issue. He received several warnings. And when you kick a guy in the nuts, there shouldn't be a warning. It should be a point. Period.

Man, people can say whatever about Mayweather. He talks his trash before the fight. Acts like a jackass, whatever. But after the fight, he shows respect. Broner prances around like he's larger than life. Acts like a punk before the fight. Shows his ass during the fight. Then is equally as classless after the fight.

I wanna see this guy humbled. I bet it's Maidana next. Feel like Maidana's made to order for Broner, though.
I think that's my biggest issue. He received several warnings. And when you kick a guy in the nuts, there shouldn't be a warning. It should be a point. Period.

Man, people can say whatever about Mayweather. He talks his trash before the fight. Acts like a jackass, whatever. But after the fight, he shows respect. Broner prances around like he's larger than life. Acts like a punk before the fight. Shows his ass during the fight. Then is equally as classless after the fight.

I wanna see this guy humbled. I bet it's Maidana next. Feel like Maidana's made to order for Broner, though.
Maidana is too slow unfortunately
Read the grant land piece on Broner. What a pie e of shit. He ridicules his training partners. Just vet guys he grew up with that don't have the talent but out their souls into the sport