Brian Flores suing NFL

What I have learned over the years is that people and organizations want to hire the right people and “win,” but they want to do it on their terms, and you fitting into their organization matters more, than whether or not you know how to win as an individual. If you actually read the lawsuit, it’s pretty clear Flores got fired because he was not a “team” player for going along with the what the owner wanted with the tanking and the tampering. If he had, he’d still be working there.

Assuming he wouldn‘t have been caught, then he‘d be working nowhere
What I have learned over the years is that people and organizations want to hire the right people and “win,” but they want to do it on their terms, and you fitting into their organization matters more, than whether or not you know how to win as an individual. If you actually read the lawsuit, it’s pretty clear Flores got fired because he was not a “team” player for going along with the what the owner wanted with the tanking and the tampering. If he had, he’d still be working there.
And if this becomes the truth that comes out, the lawsuit makes a ton of sense. Have a hard time believing any of us regardless of our skin color wouldn't sue the fuck out of Ross at the bare minimum, naturally NFL would be named in the suit in case they knew and enabled it.
I don't understand the release of that statement.

Yes he was considered, and he was a top 3 finalist. So because he did not get picked, this is their position? LMFAO!!!!
At least say that Lovie Smith a darker shade of black is the reason Flores did not get picked. Take the same position at least
Good luck trying to ever get an NFL job again Flores.
Just seems really strange to me that everyone was shocked Flores was fired in Miami, everyone expected him to land another job immediately and then nothing. Seems to me like Flores has been contemplating this lawsuit for some time. This type of lawsuit is not prepared and filed overnight and maybe word got out. Shit, if there is a class action component to it then others were probably involved and I doubt it was a secret. This may ultimately have been why he did not get another coaching job.

I guess I’m not shocked since fish are run by incompetent morons but the gm was the problem there, not the coach.
What I have learned over the years is that people and organizations want to hire the right people and “win,” but they want to do it on their terms, and you fitting into their organization matters more, than whether or not you know how to win as an individual. If you actually read the lawsuit, it’s pretty clear Flores got fired because he was not a “team” player for going along with the what the owner wanted with the tanking and the tampering. If he had, he’d still be working there.

Why tank when the morons up top are incompetent and will make wrong picks anyways? Maybe if they listened to him and drafted Herbert instead of Tua not only would he still be there but Miami wouldn’t continue being a dumpster fire for next decade like they will be now.
He had to find a new way to play victim since race obviously wasn't working anymore.
He should have just asked that the Texans be contracted because anyone with a pulse would hire Flores before Lovie if they wanted to compete.