Bowl Games Season Long Thread

Love Kentucky as well. Clemson was a great team to fade down the stretch. They quit after that loss at Va Tech. You have any thoughts on Texas Tech? I can't really see a Big 10 defense keeping up with the mad scientist offense. Hard to defend when you haven't seen it before. Minnesota doesn't do too much away from home either. I'm concerned about all the speculation with Leach being a distraction though.
yep...leaning hard already on two of the three. closest to a play for me outta those, as of right now, is kentucky.
albyman32 said:
Love Kentucky as well. Clemson was a great team to fade down the stretch. They quit after that loss at Va Tech. You have any thoughts on Texas Tech? I can't really see a Big 10 defense keeping up with the mad scientist offense. Hard to defend when you haven't seen it before. Minnesota doesn't do too much away from home either. I'm concerned about all the speculation with Leach being a distraction though.

texas tech has mde me lots of money over the years except this year. they would win for me one week throwing up 60+ then next week they lay and egg. i really like TT in this spot but they have made me trigger shy this year as i went 1-3 this year on them. will more than likely give them one more go
Love Ky and HOU as well, I really like the over in the Hou/S. Car game. You got any thoughts on San Jose St. I have this game at a PK, Home bowl team are really good ATS but the only reason why New Mexico is in a bowl is because its in their hometown. Wyoming, Kansas, or Washington St deserved this bid. Tomey is a really good coach and is very experienced in getting a bowl team ready. Your opinion?
Troy, We got the same thoughts minus Houston..

I am interested to see how you view that matchup.. I broke it down in my thread and I am curious to see how you see the game going..

I LOVE TCU:cheers:
Finally a play on the international bowl I can tail and have something to cheer for at the game :wacka wacka:

GL Troy