Best game of 2007 IMO (purely entertainment)


Assistant __ ___ Regional Mod
Obviously not the best game played in terms of plays made or great finishes, but if you love college football (and we all do) then UF vs. UGA 2007 has to be up there on the list. This game was crazy as shit.
The look on Tebow's face here is priceless
Who can forget the kickoff from the 7.5
And then Urban trying to get his boys pumped was pretty cool too
Pretty fucking awesome response
Oh and the CBS music gives me chills
Best neutral zone infraction ever

Please add more. Hell lets just make it our favorite videos of 2007
although I hate both of those schools, i did think that was a great game last year.... the celebration is priceless, and the big o-lineman (#77) dancing is priceless
Call me biased or whatever, but I'll take Kentucky and LSU as the best game of the year. Wildcats beating the eventual national champs, and it took a multitude of big plays on both sides to get to that point. Hell, Kentucky was involved in a lot of great games just themselves this season. The Louisville game was a fabulous finish, and the Tennessee game also went to overtime. That doesn't even consider the bowl game, in which shorthanded Florida State took it down to the gun (considering how many shitter bowl games there were, that one ranks up there as at least being competitive)...
WOW, I love watching those UF/UGA highlights, that game is going to be real intense this yr, specially if its for the East
Yeah that LSU vs. Arky game was ridiculous too. I'm sure the Kentucky LSU game was good but that was the day Greenville has the outdoor street festival so I started pounding beer and liquor at 10:00AM instead of the normal 12:00PM which led to earlier blackout meaning I don't remember much of the 4th quarter and OT. I do remember taking a shot with some KY fans at a bar called Meatheads after the victory so I'm sure it was a great one
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i had under in that ark/lsu .... so i hated that game. cruising to an easy under and then all these huge plays happen , and then late score , two point conversion thing for overtime ... ouch ouch ouch
i had under in that ark/lsu .... so i hated that game. cruising to an easy under and then all these huge plays happen , and then late score , two point conversion thing for overtime ... ouch ouch ouch
I had the over in that one which might be the real reason behind me thinking it was the best game of 07...That was a serious:moose:for you Kyle