best bet from the best baby

  • Thread starter Thread starter dilaudid8
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well guy's a split is never a bad day losing on clemson winning on kc no excuse I should know better given double digit's on the road. goodnight never forget splitting is like winning
hunt my man yes baby the hit i'm still watching. DUKE+4 this team should win this game who is pitt to be giving point's DUKE should score at will bol
hunt yeah he is out for the whole year but that's alright there starting Brandon at QB he should be good against pitt . that's why DUKE is getting point's but i'm alright with the back up QB
yeah yank's I think we have the winner on this SJS 99.9999 percent of the time I never bet more money on any 1 game. I always bet the same amount but on this game I going to unload. I just hope something crazy does not happen at the end like the bama game or yesterday it's gambling anything can happen. but I think if SJS play's with out turnovers they should win this game with no problem. minn QB is bad real bad this guy can't throw a 5 yard pass i'm not joking he is that bad time to brake the bookmakers this week I hope :stretcher:are bookmaker after we are done with him this week/yeah rok that hit was just unreal :sleepy: the hit
To the cleaner$ brother baby

Pulling for duke with ya, $mack em where it hurt$
lets hit the mf bookie like...

win like the guy said wow wooo thats Powerful man that guy got killed i'm not even watching the football game's. I don'
t even care this is so much better watching the hit. win ty for putting this in the thread/ but yeah like you said let's get the books this week bol my brother
win ty this is great i'm watching all of the 1997 title year. man was this team great I think that year there D gave up like under 8 point's per game
you can't fuck with the big dog the underdog we are making a mint gov mint this year. just like the last 21 year's goodnight so far 3-1 this week to the bank my brother's. like I said last week you better get to the bank before they run out out money you will have to wait until Monday but be first in line money will be given out for free
you can't fuck with the big dog the underdog we are making a mint gov mint this year. just like the last 21 year's goodnight so far 3-1 this week to the bank my brother's. like I said last week you better get to the bank before they run out out money you will have to wait until Monday but be first in line money will be given out for free

f*%#ing awesome!!!:rofl:
you can't fuck with the big dog the underdog we are making a mint gov mint this year. just like the last 21 year's goodnight so far 3-1 this week to the bank my brother's. like I said last week you better get to the bank before they run out out money you will have to wait until Monday but be first in line money will be given out for free

well today 2-2 splitting don't ever forget splitting is like winning that's a 100 percent fact. sooner or later the ball will not bounce my way and I will lose on all of my game's it will happen it has to. but I will try for that not to happen but there is 1 more game left lets see if we can win some money.
well guys today they got me 2-3 but thats gambling goodnight lets see what tomorrow can bring