best bet from the best baby

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sorry again wrong thread B.A.R./STEED please put in the football thread ty:shake:
jk wow what a hard game cle had then up3-1 they kind of blew it 3-3 this game could go any way i'm a underdog better its not a very big underdog but I would take cle+110
wise tol is a good team thats why i'm betting halftime and hoping OHIO took alot of steam out of tol last week. when a team gets there 1 loss it's like wow are season is done . thats what i'm hoping for here ARKON is not bad and playing at ARKON I should take the+ 6 halftime . but I think this place will be rocking and+ yesterday 2 games where played both blowouts 3 in a row I don't think so bol
guys i'm glad tol scored that late td because my 2 wager was arkon+6 halftime that would suck so far this week1-2 just where we want them goodnight
good morning guys 1 game
GS+3 HALFTIME I really like this game alot but check if conner is at QB for GS if not forget it but as of now he is playing gl
I think this place will be rocking

A note for future reference, I've been to week night MAC games (BG, Kent and Akron) and I've yet to experience a rocking stadium. It's usually just some family of players, maybe 100-200 students and several dozen people who work for the school in attendance. Very little if any homefield advantage for most of those games.
s-k your right I was just thinking tol is in town so Akron football would be ready to go wow 100-200 people at the game like you said not much home advantage
In the MAC it's UWM, Toledo and Ohio. Everyone else plays high school defense. It's the worst I've ever seen.
wise yeah you where right tol was to good way to good like I said sure was happy tol scored that late td because the other bet would have been Akron +6 so thank god tol scored covering the 1 halftime
once I post a play I wont change it but I think GS starting QB is not playing I hope i'm wrong dam it
jk I just seen the end of the 1 half I have nothing to say wow
No reason for G. State to try a 50 yarder with a bad kicker. A miss would have given Arky a chance to score. This is a terrible football game. The MAC and Sun Belt conferences are garbage
wise -jk yeah what bad football that was the perfect bet 1 half GS+3 since AS blew them right out in the 2 half but that was the act of god to lose like that
Ohio +2.5 halftime
u conn+6.5 halftime
u conn +250 halftime ml
gl this weekend, odds are against us this weekend as much as we have been cleaning their clocks, let stay ahead of them my friend!
sport yeah that game really put us behind the 8 ball. I don't mind losing but you never see anything like that. it was the act of god let's see if we can still win this week I think we win all the games today all 3 bol
jk ty but where is u conn starting qbI had no clue a Freshman was starting
my site never said anything about a Freshman guy's please if you efer see me post a game and a Freshman is starting please tell me
RUTGERS +310 ML best bet 5 star
jk- JROCK I like so may games but I can't take all of them butI like a few more NER is getting a lot of points from OHIO STATE
goodnight get ready for tomorrow mint gov mint baby to the MF mint:moose::moose::moose::moose::moose:
Wood good morning glad you made it here at CTG you will not find any bullshit here like with other sports sites. the trolls are not here a least not to many and if they start something there gone bol:cheers3:
jk bang guys who else on these sports forums gives out +310 bets bet 5 star fuck the +14 who needs it . guy's this year we are doing something so Special that it should be in the record books guys i'm not bragging but holy fuck every week we are hitting +330 or +200 and so on I can't believe it I could sit here and ly but wow just wow where is are Friend I found him he was running down the street I think he was running to the bank:moose:oops wrong bank he is so tried from running bank to bank just like Donald Trump
guys don't worry I have 2 or 3 more that can win the game it's all good we hit the main game the RUTGERS was like winning on 4 games .every weeek we hit a great ML game
jk ty it wood have been nice to hit or even split the GT game but hell we can't win every game jk my brother we are not done just yet keep a very close eye on TCU this is the kind of game they win
jk bang guys who else on these sports forums gives out +310 bets bet 5 star fuck the +14 who needs it . guy's this year we are doing something so Special that it should be in the record books guys i'm not bragging but holy fuck every week we are hitting +330 or +200 and so on I can't believe it I could sit here and ly but wow just wow where is a Friend I found him he was running down the street I think he was running to the bank:moose:oops wrong bank he is so tried from running bank to bank just like Donald Trump
sorry that was a double hit wait a min guys this shows you how much I watch football I wasnt lying when I tell you I watch nothing I seen a report the score said NC 37-GT10 MF covers gave me the wrong score MF