Bankers NBA prop$

Dame lillard ov 2.5 treys -150 (2x)

I know it a little pricey but another bounce back story, I don’t believe Dame dolla is washed and I think he reintroduces himself to the league tonight. This dude number will be 3.5-4.5 in a few weeks!
Booker ov 2.5 treys +100 (1x)

Just a hunch but I think he has a bad taste in his mouth how last year ended to this mavs team and he shot terribly in the last few games. I seriously doubt the defensive intensity level (love that bout mavs) will be super high on opening night. I love book’s mental makeup so think that dog in him will come out tonight and he puts on a show.
Garland ov 2.5 treys +115 (1x)

Just a hunch but someone I respect told me he thinks cle gonna be a lot different style team this year. Of course they still play d but they gonna take a lot more 3s and look to run more. This kid has the potential to shoot 40% from deep and think he will get a lot of good looks as teams have to worry bout Mitchell. Raptors don’t have anyone on the permeate to interested in playing d, the key here just be how many he takes, I think he gonna be taking 7+ a game so plus money to make 3 with his ability to snipe at a high clip a good deal imo.

Side note: my friend I respect a great deal in nba loves this over tonight so I tailed him. He thinks they smash it by 20+, he feels that strongly I respect him enough to tail! Not my play, I couldn’t hit a nba total to save my life, just sharing, sometimes it better to know smart ppl than actually be smart yourself!
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My guy @KJ don’t like when I post them like that so just for him:

Simmons ov 14.5 r/a +105 (3x)
Giddey ov 27.5 p/a/r -110 (2x)
Lillard ov 2.5 treys -150 (2x)
Garland ov 2.5 treys +115 (1x)
Booker over 2.5 treys ev (1x)

Pretty sure that all folks. Gl everyone
Played the Simmons and Lillard myself

You gotta think in 2 weeks those number be more like 18-20 for Simmons and dame at least a juiced 3,5 if he returns to form, I remember start of last year they were hanging 4.5s for him! Has he really fallen off that much so fast?
You gotta think in 2 weeks those number be more like 18-20 for Simmons and dame at least a juiced 3,5 if he returns to form, I remember start of last year they were hanging 4.5s for him! Has he really fallen off that much so fast?
Fully agree especially on Lillard. He is a 3.5 avg a game guy to me
I was really close to playing FVV last year it was a auto bet on his treys anything less than 4.5 but cle was tough defending those last year, I’m not sure what raptors will look like, he streaky and hadn’t been hit yet in preseason, and I think him, trent and OG all healthy. The best times to play those guys is when one or 2 the others are out so I just passed, def be keeping a eye on them tho. Also Barnes might become another “Pat” guy, I just gotta see them 1st.
Fully agree especially on Lillard. He is a 3.5 avg a game guy to me

I don’t think they play much perimeter d in sac town, he did go 0-4 against then in preseason game but not too worried bout preseason gm. He a big game player and after last years mess this should be a big game for him to announce himself.
Well fuckinb awesome. These losers getting blown out, only way Simmons can cash if fuvking fouls counted since he bout to foul out. I doubt he even sees the floor again. For some reason giddey ain’t worth a fuck. Garland got poked in eye and out of game. Realky followed up day one in fantastic fucking fashion.
Josh Giddey ov 27.5 p/r/a (2x)

This was one my favorite plays to make for about a month last year till he got hurt. This kid a triple double waiting to happen, no way we get many chances to see him have a “par” below 30! Only reason it not a 3x is cause I’m not real sure how minny gonna look or play after trading for that big oof French fuck, I didn’t understand that at all so slightly worried they not the same up and down team that kind of game giddey would thrive in. I still figure minny will Jack a ton of 3s so there be long boards to be had for Giddey, he will get his teammates looks, and prob score 15 or so of his own.

Got this one. It appears. The other 2 can’t overcome injury and Simmons fouling out
Weird night.

Booker shoots only 1 three?

An injury....

Split the two I tailed with ya.

Remember, a few days of data and you'll really be rocking and rolling...
Unfortunately I havnt figured out how to totally avoid bad nights, lol.

I had a total pain in the ass morning, yet another fucking tire with a nail in it. It was wife car on way to work so had to go give her my ride then change her tire and now gotta go get it patched. I have the worst Fucking luck w tires, last 2 months I’ve had a blowout and this the 3rd fucking nail!

Anyways not shit for games tonight, feel like gotta keep playing harden ov treys even tho it went from +150 gm1 to -110 gm2! Besides him last year when Middleton missed games Grayson Allen was a beast. His number only 1.5 but it is juiced pretty good. I think it worth it.

Harden ov 2.5 treys -110 (1x)
Allen ov 1.5 treys -170 (1x)
No clue on the other game, I have no idea what clippers rotations/minutes gonna look like. Reggie jackson over 1.5 treys pretty tempting cause I imagine no matter how much he plays when he has the ball he gonna chuck it. Think I’m just gonna pass and see what they look like tho.
I changed my mind, this might be dumb, Reggie might only play 15 minutes but I think when he out there he gonna be looking for his shot.

Reggie jackson ov 1.5 treys -125
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well dame last night looked like a college freshman chucking bricks so Im sure reggie will hit 4 or 5 tonight lol

I just have no idea how the minutes gonna shake out with this deep loaded roster but I have a feeling if Reggie coming off bench he ain’t gonna be looking to pass!! When he gets the ball it going up imo. Dame played just like last yesr straight trash. My theory with this is mostly as long as they took the right number of shots to go over the number on 37% shooting it a good bet, some nights they just not gonna fall. Dunno what happened to this dude, he a shell of what he was, he ain’t that old, fuvk if I know. I’m actually more pissed about booker, he takes and makes 1 early then never shoots another? What the flying fuck was that about?
I crashed so hard that it wasn't until watching replays from 1-3am that I realizes the Suns won

Going to see facilitator Booker more than scoring Booker going forward me thinks. Preserving CP3 is a goal.
No clue on the other game, I have no idea what clippers rotations/minutes gonna look like. Reggie jackson over 1.5 treys pretty tempting cause I imagine no matter how much he plays when he has the ball he gonna chuck it. Think I’m just gonna pass and see what they look like tho.
Good idea here, imo, watch and see on this one.
Good idea here, imo, watch and see on this one.

Yet I went ahead and took a small stab on Reggie anyways. Lol. Couldn’t help myself even tho I dunno if he even log 15 min, I do think if that the situation he will prob come in jacking them up!
I crashed so hard that it wasn't until watching replays from 1-3am that I realizes the Suns won

Going to see facilitator Booker more than scoring Booker going forward me thinks. Preserving CP3 is a goal.

He scored plenty I think, don’t get why he hit his 1st Trey and went out his way not to take another. Few times he had the shot, played around and ended up passing it someone else at end the clock, I got tired of screaming at him to take the Fuckinh shot, rest the time he seemed more content getting to lane for that floater of little 12 footer. They did their 4th qrtr thing. And they were way better when Payne was on the floor opposed to Paul, although Paul did a good job getting ayton easy looks and dunks.
Don’t lose faith in me. We will get this right, I have in every sport doing props the last year! Maybe starting opening week too soon but I’m gonna keep going.,

Simmons ov 13.5 reb/assist -105

Look he had 10 last game in 23 minutes, I’m not giving up on this so easy, I still think he a 9-9 type guy on this team when all said and done.

Bogdanovich ov 2.5 treys -110.. Be shot 10 of them in game 1, has some really good guards on this team that will get him good looks. I don’t think it was a aberration he shot that many, I think he averages at least 8 a game and dude can legit shoot 40% from out there w guys driving and kicking to him.

Gobert ov 32.5 p/a/r.. -110.. I didn’t understand this trade, I dunno how it works but they seem super willing to make him a key piece, former team comes to town with not a lot to stop him from grabbing a ton of boards here and scoring another 20.
Lost money with Bam’s terrible shooting night, but will go back to the well again tonight.
played Simnmons over 14.5 lockstep with 2dabank -115 bad #
Katowns over 4.5 assists +157 alt line now at +133
Grizz Konchar o 1.5 3's -130 & o 2.5 @ +184

Projecting btw 25/30 min. Grizz on B2B so we'll see.....4-9 from 3 in game 1 in regulation...not a hacker so fouls should not be an issue....hit a big 3 in crunchtime? ( 5 min left ) after a Grizz time out....clear tell imo that the green light is on...should be go to go as long as Brooks is out. On a side note....was really looking forward Grizz F Santi A on rebound prop over....he was priced at 4.5 -150 to the over in game hes at 7.5! +110...holy sheet...have him pegged at 7/8 was hoping to slam a 6.5 at +$ luck...he has a good matchup tonight...gonna keep an eye on forwards vs Houston

Thanks for having this thread 2dabank

From one detachted retina to another...:cheers3:
I felt really stupid not just taking points/boards but either way yea wasnt a great play. Why didn’t I stay as stubborn on dame dolla as I was Simmons? I see he crushed it the last 2!!! I havnt went away I was just so busy with shit this weekend I barely had time to get baseball and football bets in. Long season, I still don’t have great feel but I am still incredibly bull headed on Simmons and think this a good matchup for a up and down type game where he should hit those reb/assist pretty easy again. Gonna go back to dame cause he launching them, plus money to make 4 don’t seem crazy, think that be high scoring. I’d like to look at that minny/spurs game but not a ton of time right now. This what I got so far.

Simmons ov 14.5 reb/assist -120
Lillard ov 3.5 treys +120
Porter jr ov 2.5 treys -130
I felt really stupid not just taking points/boards but either way yea wasnt a great play. Why didn’t I stay as stubborn on dame dolla as I was Simmons? I see he crushed it the last 2!!! I havnt went away I was just so busy with shit this weekend I barely had time to get baseball and football bets in. Long season, I still don’t have great feel but I am still incredibly bull headed on Simmons and think this a good matchup for a up and down type game where he should hit those reb/assist pretty easy again. Gonna go back to dame cause he launching them, plus money to make 4 don’t seem crazy, think that be high scoring. I’d like to look at that minny/spurs game but not a ton of time right now. This what I got so far.

Simmons ov 14.5 reb/assist -120
Lillard ov 3.5 treys +120
Porter jr ov 2.5 treys -130

That nugs Michael Porter jr, not kelvin Porter jr, sorry I forgot there 2, kelvin ain’t too shabby either but he not shooting enough of them, green takes more,,wish that would switch. Anyways Michael Porter jr has put up 10 a game the last 2 so while his back healthy and who knows how long that be might as well see if he keeps shooting that many, it the amount I’m more concerned with than the unsustainable percentage, I want guys who Gonna fire 8+ to play over 2.5.
That nugs Michael Porter jr, not kelvin Porter jr, sorry I forgot there 2, kelvin ain’t too shabby either but he not shooting enough of them, green takes more,,wish that would switch. Anyways Michael Porter jr has put up 10 a game the last 2 so while his back healthy and who knows how long that be might as well see if he keeps shooting that many, it the amount I’m more concerned with than the unsustainable percentage, I want guys who Gonna fire 8+ to play over 2.5.
U see damn Booker and Dame shooting lights out from 3 in their 2nd games? We were 1 game early last week….
U see damn Booker and Dame shooting lights out from 3 in their 2nd games? We were 1 game early last week….

I just looked at box scores today, think I saw highlights and was kicking myself, not so much on booker but dunno why I didn’t stay as stubborn w Dame as I was Simmons? hindsight and all dame has done way more to where I shoulda kept trusting him than Simmons fragile ass, who knows how that really gonna go? Lol. I totally botched that, I deserved what happened w Gobert just for that!! Now I’m coming back at 3.5, wouida bet him his last big game I just didn’t look at any nba props this weekend. Hopefully he keeps it going, if he shooting 10+ I’m good needing 4 at plus money.
I just looked at box scores today, think I saw highlights and was kicking myself, not so much on booker but dunno why I didn’t stay as stubborn w Dame as I was Simmons? hindsight and all dame has done way more to where I shoulda kept trusting him than Simmons fragile ass, who knows how that really gonna go? Lol. I totally botched that, I deserved what happened w Gobert just for that!! Now I’m coming back at 3.5, wouida bet him his last big game I just didn’t look at any nba props this weekend. Hopefully he keeps it going, if he shooting 10+ I’m good needing 4 at plus money.
Darn BM don’t have Rebounds and Assist props…..

Might have to reload at DK….

Maybe opening new account on Fanduel and get the $1000 free bet play…..
I’m gonna join @cryptocapper on Pablo Banchero ov 28.5 “par” even tho he got better number, he has smashed this in all 3, this total is higher than 2 magic other games so makes sense to ride him while they seem low on him. I’ll most likely be doing same thing with giddey until they put him up over 30 par.
Darn BM don’t have Rebounds and Assist props…..

Might have to reload at DK….

Maybe opening new account on Fanduel and get the $1000 free bet play…..

I think I’m gonna deposit in FanDuel also, take advantage the free bet or whatever they got going bonus wise plus somebody was telling me they often have different/better line that draft kings, they too far a freaking drive into Illinios for me but no reason I can’t play them while I’m in draftkings parking lot and pick and choose between the 2. Don’t think much risk of me doing dumb live stuff, halftimes, or just compulsive chase shit when I get angry being on their app cause I still gotta drive across river to bet, lol.
I think I’m gonna deposit in FanDuel also, take advantage the free bet or whatever they got going bonus wise plus somebody was telling me they often have different/better line that draft kings, they too far a freaking drive into Illinios for me but no reason I can’t play them while I’m in draftkings parking lot and pick and choose between the 2. Don’t think much risk of me doing dumb live stuff, halftimes, or just compulsive chase shit when I get angry being on their app cause I still gotta drive across river to bet, lol.
I’m sure that the $1000 free bet is for NY only… have to double check on that
I’m sure that the $1000 free bet is for NY only… have to double check on that

Yea, I dunno what they got here but I’m always hearing commercials for like bet 5 bucks win 200, or a free play of some amount, it would be cool to maybe use that to do some of the hedging I’ll prob need to on WS at some point.
man BOL sucks for props - they have Pablo PAR at least 29 at -477! BM had 28.5 at -137.

Holy shit. Draftkings was 28.5 -125 when I posted/played it. 29 one thing all that juice also? I’m assuming that supposed to be -177 not -477(lol) but still way high.