Aussie Open 2021 in-game

Providence is absolute ass cheeks and I have asked the administration to fire Ed Cooley and hire Pitino back (Pitino has said he would come back) but they likely won't due to the stupid religion bullshit.

And to call me the guy who only bet Providence is an insult. I only posted when I was confident in their matches. Check and see if I've posted any Providence plays this year.

David Duke is better than Kris Dunn was and Ed Cooley can't figure out how to make him the Big East Player of the Year which he clearly is.
wasn't meant as an insult, i’ve always looked over your thoughts. won some/lost some but you know that team pretty well. pitino is going to bc haha
I am surprised I am still alive too. Had multiple options to get married in the past few years with very good looking women and passed to gamble. I don't regret it at all but now, can't meet a single woman during this shit pandemic. Is what it is. That's why betting is so beautiful. I had stopped following tennis for a bit but I'm back. I know I can be the best tennis capper alive so why not

Be glad you're not married. I waited until 40.
wasn't meant as an insult, i’ve always looked over your thoughts. won some/lost some but you know that team pretty well. pitino is going to bc haha
I appreciate you saying that. It takes balls to admit a mistake. You're good in my book man
Be glad you're not married. I waited until 40.
Sometimes I wonder if I made a mistake but yeah, 40 seems ideal. My father got married and had me at 48 so I've always had a different perspective than most. Most of my boys who are married are miserable
i’ll say this...if it’s 1-1 ill go all in on med. but i honestly think med won’t fuck around today. let’s gooo boys!!!!
Sometimes I wonder if I made a mistake but yeah, 40 seems ideal. My father got married and had me at 48 so I've always had a different perspective than most. Most of my boys who are married are miserable

I gambled and partied all in 20s/30s. No regrets. Got a wife who puts up with my degen ass.
Sometimes I wonder if I made a mistake but yeah, 40 seems ideal. My father got married and had me at 48 so I've always had a different perspective than most. Most of my boys who are married are miserable
i tell all the kids i work your twenties. i got married at 30...enjoy those years bro
I gambled and partied all in 20s/30s. No regrets. Got a wife who puts up with my degen ass.
Was a late bloomer although gambled my ass off through college, worked for casinos, blah blah

Never touched the hard stuff til maybe 32/33 ish then it was game on...Vegas more than home some months

Lucky at this age women under 40 still give me the time of day
Thing is I don't see much to dislike about Med yet other than basic early finals shit

Not like this is going to just go this way all match, composure matters....hardly anyone ever has it. This is the test.
Thing is I don't see much to dislike about Med yet other than basic early finals shit

Not like this is going to just go this way all match, composure matters....hardly anyone ever has it. This is the test.

True but he might need to experience pain from joker like wawa did before he beat him.
Thing is I don't see much to dislike about Med yet other than basic early finals shit

Not like this is going to just go this way all match, composure matters....hardly anyone ever has it. This is the test.
I mean ya. Nadal lost so you never know. But if Djoka isn't injured this is over. If he is he will go down 1-3
He's the master mental mindfucker
I don't know if you go on men's tennis forum but the in game was hilarious when he got injured vs fritz. Everyone was like "he's literally faking this" and then when the crowd had to leave and he went to the back they had hilarious posts. Of course my dumbass still took fritz
I don't know if you go on men's tennis forum but the in game was hilarious when he got injured vs fritz. Everyone was like "he's literally faking this" and then when the crowd had to leave and he went to the back they had hilarious posts. Of course my dumbass still took fritz

Never been on there. I'll check it out
The name calling doesn't mean much to me

But if at this point Med can get himself into the flow of the match, he's fine even if he loses the first

This isn't really unexpected is it?