Sorry Kyle,I refuse to read that thread again,it makes me sad mate,theres bigger problems in the world buddy.
Yeah mate,last week or so I was reading the forum.
Truth is.. I get pissed off with football(the real footballl

) and then when I start betting losers I become more disinterested,then something else took up a lot of my time and I didnt have much time to contribute much(not that its much anyway) then I remembered how much I enjoy talking shit with the lads when watching sport.
We are gonna win a few quid..... but not off of football,thats for sure...
BTW real glad to see youre still around,I thought you may have left,I hope to learn even more form you during the Ncaaf season
nb; Im sorry if I offended anyone with that post,but thats how it really is,people need to stand back and take a deep breath,then realise its nothing and stop fueling the media to serve such shit up.