August 2015 Discussion

so Villa went 1-1, 2-2, 3-3 in their last 3 outings, I'm pretty sure their opener vs Bournemouth will now be 4-4
City looked fucking terrible with nearly their entire a-team today. gutted by their performance.

Can't wait for league play to get underway. Take it up the butt on these friendly matches. HIJK Helsinki just the latest disaster :hang:
friendlies are hilarious dylan.
it's great for in game totals but i always have a hard time putting money on sides.

not too long now when the real shit happens
Started making some bets today....Losing of course. But I do like a few Norewegien overs in an hour.
And I love the Barca/Fiorentina o2.5 - so I'm sure that will end scoreless.
I know the eyes lie, but this Cruz Azul/Chivas game has been quite open and unlucky to have at least 2 or 3 goals already.
Played o1 -120 at ht for a regular size bet. think worst case is a push, but I can see two second half goals pretty easy.
got the one, red card on chivas, just had a ton of opportunities, but c'est la vie. Will be back tomorrow.
:cheers3: :cheers3:
Just some futures talk again - I have touched up on some small positions on the following:

ManUnited +535 to win league
This is my average weighted cost and will not add any more to it. Look, it's a long season and I know this is more a homer pick than anything else, however I think this is the only value for the EPL at present.
I had a nice long write up jotted down, but it's nothing really earthbreaking so instead I'll just suffice it to say that I see it being pretty open at the top with Chelsea, Arsenal, City and with a few breaks, United being involved all season long. I don't know if the Chelsea team can play another long season with as many minutes as their starting X1 has seen like last year. Arsenal another team who always has 2-3 guys out with injuries, and maybe not enough in defense. City a team I see falling - I mean look at what Stuttgart did to them ffs. I know friendlies not nearly indicative of real league play, but they sign a manager 12 months in advance. They sign/sell players without much rhyme or reason from what I see. Kinda like what United was doing under Moyes. At least now United sign players that make sense and much more reasonable costs (maybe except for Schwienny, but having a nice veteran presence in the midfield is nice).
Chelsea probably should win, with Arsenal or United in second, but I see all teams nipping at each others heels, no one should run away with it. If I'm in the mix in April, I'm very happy with the price I bought at here. If I'm not, well, hell, I'll be at a United game next year anyway, and that will make even more happy.

Inter +1400
I do like what this team has done in the offseason, and I firmly believe an ascent to the top is in the making. Asking them to win the scudetto this year is a might ambitious, but at a 14/1 price, why the hell not.
Juventus still obviously the class of the league, but losing Vidal will be felt. He is a huge difference maker. Pirlo moving on is also a bit of an issue. Sure, he was getting long in the tooth, but is there anyone else you'd rather have over the ball on a set piece late in a big match on Juventus? I don't think so. Big question is Pogba how motivated will he be to stay as it's pretty obvious a bigger club will be beckoning. Pogba also doesn't strike me as a 90 minute box to box guy. He plays when he wants to, is brilliant at times but what happens if things start off slow at Juve? Where is the motivation? The BBC getting older too, as is Buffon. This team is not going to run away with the league again.
Napoli can look incredible one match, and then the next they are shit. No team burned me more in Serie A last year than Napoli, as once I think they have turned the corner, they stop dead in their tracks. Losing Rafa will also be felt, he really had the team on the come here.
I think AC Milan will be another team that should be at the very least in the Champions league discussion this year. They've brought in a number of new pieces, Bacca, Adrian, Bertolacci and lost quite a bit of attitude with guys like el shawarry (sp) and Muntari, Pazzini never fit in. Big question mark every week is which Menez shows up as he, like Pogba is a difference maker when he wants to be, but you never get 90 minutes of him.
Roma has pretty much stood pat, and they are just a good team, not great.

That's what I've got, probably will not add any more futures this year, I just took a few shots here.
Inter has a ton of value...infact the Serie A is pretty much wide open with the changes that have happened.
I would also put a bit on AC Milan.

I think the Man Utd line will be value if they go out and get that striker with the Di Maria money. They still are missing that killer link up front.
But just like Serie A, this is one of the few seasons in recent memory where there really isn't any clear cut fav.
Arsenal seem to think they've already won the league by winning Community Shield lol. Team is injury prone and a hit to Cazorla, Ozil, Ramsey who are all fragile could be cooked.

GL this season dylan
yeah, totally think if everyone stays healthy and pat as is, standings will be 1-Chelsea, 2-Arsenal 3-ManUnited 4-City or Spurs
But, show me a season where Ozil, Ramsey, Wilshire, Walcott, Fabregas and Cazorla stay healthy (in England). Don't see it

United certainly looks like they need another striker (especially if Rooney gets hurt, oof)
But, I think LvG likes what he sees with Depay up there. And United still have Chicharito and young guys like Wilson, Pereira and Januzaj who are just busting to break through. Perhaps one of them could make an impact this season, who knows. I like the fact United aren't getting desperate and overspending/reaching for a guy like Llorente (although if they get him cheap, okay) or someone else. Obviously when you ditch a Van Persie and a Falcao and their 30+ goals per year that you'd expect from them and only fetch Depay in return you are probably shy goals. I'm cautiously optimistic for a nice year from some of United young players, I'd LOVE to see someone shine through.
Still not convinced about Spurs finishing 5th, they have been stuck there for awhile, Pool with no CL just means they are going to be pushing all the buttons for domestic glory...but I like many would love nothing more than a disasterous season.

End of the day all I care is that villa aren't relegated lol
FFS, been watching odds on Ajax drift a bit today, and finally said fuck, it, much too short at -0.5 evs, so put a bet on it. OBVIOUSLY someone knew something I did not, cause Ajax is shit right now, losing 0-2. I almost NEVER put a full bet on qualifying rounds....ugh, serves me right.

Gonna need some winners later on now :prayer
Probably gonna look long and hard at Queretero - 2 tonight. They should ass stomp this panamian outfit, tbh. Should be a real easy group for them too, I see no reason for them not to win 4,5 to nil here.
hate doing this but Aston Villa ML @ 4.10, TT o1.5 @ 3.46 and o2.5 @ 2.26 is massive value.
Villa's D is a bit questionable with the new partnership but this is now an attacking team and it might be a good bet to get on the over train before the value is loss. For years they have been rather snooze, but you'll see a very high work rate team.
Well, I played Queretero light early -2....but FFS now -2 is -201. crazy.
gonna fire me up a trixie

JakartaMike, I definitely have some interest in Aston Villa as I think they've improved, but it's difficult for me to get a gauge on them with all the changes - really need a few games to see how they gel. I do agree game should have goals, but I think Villa may play this one a bit tighter. Opening game, and they probably feel they should get 3 points. Bournemouth no chumps. They scored most goals in championship last year at > 2.0 per game. Game should be cracking, opening week always is. I think I read that Bournemouth with the smallest stadium in premier league in ages too. Quick glance shows 12,000 seats? That's less than half of that of Selhurst park which is always rocking.

gonna find a nice trixie here :prayer
Begging here, but I think we get some goals in Mexico.
Puebla/Morelia/Cruz Azul o2.5 trixie. Pays just shy of 3/1.

I think the Cruz Azul game is the iffiest of the bunch, but I will be watching so fuck it. Let's get August rocking and rolling with some fucking goals
:cheers3: :cheers3:
My Spanish is fuzzy, but it's Victor Zuniga, 19 year old. I just need to know why they are issuing jerseys with 3 digits. they do not have that many fucking players.
My wife thinks I'm fucking nuts. :rofl: She is used to me watching Mexican soccer in Spanish. but I'm trying to explain to her that I'm watching a cup game, with a guy wearing #298...she is asking me questions I cannot answer. I love her :)
Anyway, Hugh613, I had a glass of cabernet sauvignon with dinner, I do not like white wines much, maybe a pinot grigio once in a blue moon.
Been a shit fest. All these games have been, no idea what the fuck. At least Queretaro looking like it has most of their regulars at the game.
Wonder how long before Europe comes calling for Giovinco?
You know, I was kind of shocked when Juve let him go, and more shocked that he came to MLS, but Giovinco not exactly a spring chicken either. He is 28 years old now. Never was quite good enough to start at Juventus, but they were fucking stacked when he was there. I would not be surprised at all to see him back in Serie A afte rthis year. He's obviously a talent. Even I'm a bit surprised as to how outstanding he's been it Toronto, I thought his talent would languish in mediocrity, but obviously I'm stupid
Well, you obviously have to temper it with the fact that its MLS (sort of like thinking someone like Besart Berisha could make an impact anywhere other than Australia), but you'd have to think teams like Milan or Roma are keeping an eye on him. Plus, not like MLSE really need the money thanks to making money hand over fist with the Maple Leafs, but they could probably turn a tidy profit.

Guess it comes down to whether he wants to stay, or if he just came over here to prove a point.
You know, I was kind of shocked when Juve let him go, and more shocked that he came to MLS, but Giovinco not exactly a spring chicken either. He is 28 years old now. Never was quite good enough to start at Juventus, but they were fucking stacked when he was there. I would not be surprised at all to see him back in Serie A afte rthis year. He's obviously a talent. Even I'm a bit surprised as to how outstanding he's been it Toronto, I thought his talent would languish in mediocrity, but obviously I'm stupid

He came to the restaurant I worked at, he says that a lot of this has to do with just the casual nature of football in Toronto. He isn't hounded here, his wife likes it here there's a large Italian community so the adaptation has been very easy for him.
Giovinco is physically very very small and the nature of football in Europe, he would get broken. There are very few smaller framed footballers other than Messi that don't have long term injuries.
well, I can see there not being the intense atmosphere in Toronto for sure. Tons of small guys though play soccer. Hell, Gary Medel is small and plays cb ffs.
Arguero, Tevez, Cazorla, just off the top of my head are in the 5'5 range. Most EPL guys are bigger, but smaller guys certainly can play at a high level.

and so it begins with the Gunner injuries as Wilshire with a hairline fracture and will be sidelined a few weeks. In related news, water is still wet.
well, I can see there not being the intense atmosphere in Toronto for sure. Tons of small guys though play soccer. Hell, Gary Medel is small and plays cb ffs.
Arguero, Tevez, Cazorla, just off the top of my head are in the 5'5 range. Most EPL guys are bigger, but smaller guys certainly can play at a high level.

and so it begins with the Gunner injuries as Wilshire with a hairline fracture and will be sidelined a few weeks. In related news, water is still wet.

I think you misunderstood what I was suggesting.
Giovinco is a midget...he is 5'3 no joke dude he is smaller than all the guys you have mentioned by quite a margin lol.
All those guys you mentioned just need one knock and it's KO.
Messi on the other hand...the problem is actually trying to tackle him lol