Arod a Yankee for life????


Pretty much a regular
Was just watching Mike and the Mad dog on YES....Reports have been confirmed that Arod alone...without Scott Boras....met with the Steinbrenners today...He regrets the whole opting out situation and the embarassment of trying to steal the attention of the World Series....Yankee broadcaster John Sterling later came on the air and stated that its already a done deal...from a source close to Arod and the Yanks....I guess we just filled our hole at cleanup and third base....

He realized how fuken dumb he was when no one else would pay $360million for 12yrs.
Come on A-Rod... you know you'd rather play on the west coast in Dodger blue with Joe Torre!!
Everythingthatsgreen is correct. No one is paying that money. He worked it out. Wonder what happens to the money from Texas?
Everythingthatsgreen is correct. No one is paying that money. He worked it out. Wonder what happens to the money from Texas?

it comes out of his deal..

if originally he was going to get 320 and 70 of it was from Texas, now he will get 250
The rumor floating around is 10 years 275 million...

imho...which means jack he should get 22m/yr for 8 years, tops. i know espn values him "scientifically" at 25m/year...but i'm looking at recent signings like Ichiro for 18m/yr, etc.

that said...the only saving grace at this point, for me personally, would be for the Yanks to trade him a day or two after he signs.
know it won't happen...but that's my ideal situation now. it would be such a brilliant, cut-throat, business decision if they could pull soemthing like that off.

anyways...same old story from me. it's too much for one player. there are no FAs this year to spend the money on elsewhere...but there's always next year's class. jeezus...there's no reason to get into it all this again, but damn i'm pissed he weaseled back in.
fucking Boras was bluffing, or jsut flat our wrong...and they had no real takers. not even for 25m a year, or arod would already be wearing another uniform. shit!
is any fucking person worth 20+ million a year? just insane. he can resign with the Yanks. They can not make the World Series again, we can all laugh. 20+ million in laughter. money well spent I guess
This brings a smile to my face.

Report: A-Rod, Yankees agree on outline of $275 million, 10-year contract

Associated Press

NEW YORK -- Alex Rodriguez and the New York Yankees have agreed to the outline of a
$275 million, 10-year contract, a deal that potentially would allow him to earn millions more if he sets the career home run record.

The amount of the guaranteed money was revealed by a person familiar with the negotiations who spoke Thursday on condition of anonymity because the deal hasn't been finalized. A-Rod met Wednesday in Tampa, Fla., with the Steinbrenner brothers but the parameters of the deal were set in place last weekend.

"Yeah, I could say that," Yankees senior vice president Hank Steinbrenner said. "The meeting was a final get-together. He wanted to make sure myself and my brother knew that he was sincere and serious."

The Yankees still must draft the agreement with Rodriguez's agent, Scott Boras.
i don't see any ink yet...
anyone got a Mouse wrench i can attempt to throw into this?

There is a rumor floating around that the only reason Arod wants to stay in NYC is because he has knocked up a crack huer in the south bronx and she is having quadruplets...

Yanks..Believe me I was cursing Arod's mother 2 weeks ago...But the bottom line is..We needed a 3rd baseman and a cleanup hitter...We got the best at both positions IMO without giving up any of the kids...

true...but a way too big a chunk of $$$ is tied up, and the pitching isn't improved.

there's no denying the player he is. i jsut believe this isn't fantasy baseball. i'd gladly take a scott brosius type at 3rd, if it somehow translated into having a great rotation and pen...w/ the $ going elsewhere.

the one problem is that there's jack shit on the FA mkt this year for pitching. pettitte and rogers are the best SPs on the list...and once Mo signs, freakin' Francisco C is the best reliever available. Slim pickings, to say the least.
which leaves trades as the only viable option to improve a pitching staff. so basically saying we'd have to wait a year or so to spend the $$$ wisely.

bottom line...for me, its too much to spend on one part of the puzzle...regardless of who/how good. plus, arod's a jackoff. always felt that way...but now, w/out the TX subsidy...and getting his talent at a bargain price...i really don't want him in pinstripes.

it would have to be 20 to 22m/year, for me to even consider. (as a fan)
and even that would prolyl have to include weekly hummers from his wife.
Make it daily hummers from Cynthia...I'm really not worried about our rotation if we can get Andy signed....


And unfortunately Moose will see some starts but he's a veteran...maybe he can reach back and find 10 more wins or give us some long relief...I really see these 3 kids turning into a Yankee version of the A's Zito,Hudson,Mulder...
i'm worried about the rotation, and the pen...

anyways, the bump relates to a Tiger.

did you guys see the news that Kenny Rogers fired Boras today?

anyways, the bump relates to a Tiger.

did you guys see the news that Kenny Rogers fired Boras today?


this keeps getting better and better...

first, arod goes around boras. then kenny fires boras. and today came the report that buffet counceled arod to "go around" boras.

the leach can spin all he wants...but i'm roflmao at boras.