April In-Game

Its just diff,thats all...


I took GS ml the other night after I watched the lac players shoot around,knowing their heads wernt there,i even posted a winner :) curry even said hed never had so many open looks... give a guy like that time and hes gonna keep draining 3s

tonight tho,Ive been thinking,they really bring it,emotion should be sky high .... 6 a big number tho

what you think ?
i think if you are gona continue to bet he NBA you should just send me the money in that World Cup package instead
With the news of Donald Sterling being banned from the NBA for life and fining him $2.5 million by commissioner Adam Silver, the Clippers are getting plenty of support from bettors as well.

The Clippers have been bet up 0.5 to 1-points since Tuesday's press conference and are now 7-point favorites at most books for their Game 5 meeting against the Golden State Warriors Tuesday night. They opened between -6 and -6.5 at most books.

Here is a tweet from Spoortsbook.ag right after the meeting:

No didn't have anything planned but contacted my old boss last Tuesday and met him today and I'm going back with him.
Im not sure... I was going to leave anyway,Id had enough.... its bad job now.But they asked for volunteers for redundancy about 2 months ago,I was lucky enough to get it.
So instead of leaving with nothing,Im leaving with a fairly decent amount of money... going to take a fair amount of time out,at least a year.I want to do something Im interested in..... dont we all

how long you gonna be out of action for ?
Yeah I had December off because I had my 30 year breakdown (pretty bad) but apart from that I hadn't had any time off in three years