****April In-Game****

Funny how that varies from dog to dog. My old pit didn't even flinch when he got shots. In fact he was hit by a car once and got stitches across his back without any pain killer and barely moved a muscle.
Funny how that varies from dog to dog. My old pit didn't even flinch when he got shots. In fact he was hit by a car once and got stitches across his back without any pain killer and barely moved a muscle.

It is crazy and she does better with the normal vet she sees. I think she freaked the other one out today. The funny thing was that my other dog who weights about 10 lbs more than the pit sat in my lap and didn't flinch with her shots.

Anyway it was entertaining but the vet was kinda stupid. She brought me back b/c they couldn't restrain the dog even with a muzzle. She then proceeded to not muzzle the dog while I held it down. The dog wouldn't bite me (I don't think) but could accidentally snag me while trying to get at someone else.
Best vet I ever had was a 110 lb Japanese woman. She was like the dog whisperer, never needed help restraining any dogs. They all just did what she wanted them to do.
Yeah this lady was clearly not the dog whisperer. I'm sure she has to deal with bigger and stronger dogs than Annie so I'm not sure how she handles those
Clayton Richard ain't right. Between his first start and tonight he is having all sorts of issues
whats this bored and boozing shit...U have a new baby to care for...yes its been a while but I recently had a new grand child to baby sit :) GL on the plays