Angels could have disappointing season.

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I think the bottom half of the Angels lineup is very average the bullpen is below average and Hamilton and pujols both very hot and cold..

Rotation not deep. I see a lot of questions..

Also think any injury could really hurt.. I can see some money made betting against them..
They are a little top-heavy. Tough to figure most any bullpen year-to-year though. I've seen the same sets of relievers have composite night and day back-to-back seasons ... It's a cliche but there's something contagious out there in those bullpens.
Agree about bp. I don't think it will be great.. Probably somewhere between bad and average
Going to be very interesting. Trout Pujols and Hamilton are probably a safe 15 WAR combined if not a little more, and Weaver is rock solid. After that though, the team has holes everywhere. CJ Wilson is a decent #3 not a #2, and after that it's all flotsam and jetsam in the rotation. Everywhere else in the lineup is dicey too, although the defense should be good at the very least. Could easily see this being an 88 win team if nobody outperforms individual expectations.
One thing to consider though is their division, and the fact they get the Astros joining that division this year. It has to be one of the weakest divisions in the league, although I agree with the overall sentiment that the Angels could easily under perform this year based on the lofty expectations.
I really don't know what to think of them, but I would lean to being pessimistic on them. I don't think Trout is going to be quite as good as he was last year, but that is more of a gut feeling than anything else. I don't think Hamilton ages well and he'll likely miss significant time. Pujols will be good, but he's not going to be Pujols of old. Look for a 3rd straight regression .850ish OPS? WHo else in that lineup scares you? Trumbo? He'll hit for low average and strike out a lot.

Top 2 pitchers are good. Hanson is good if healthy, but I have serious doubts on his health. Blanton sucks. Vargas is ok. The bullpen should be sick again.

They aren't as good as texas, but that is a really weak division.
I'm a little worried about Weaver with his k/9 drop and velocity drop but a fly ball pitcher in that park with that outfield defense should still do pretty good. I like the Rangers to win the division because their overall 40 man roster is more talented, but the top of the Angels team is tough to ignore. I feel pretty confident in saying Hanson will get hurt. Sad as a Braves fan to see him arm let him down. Had sick sick stuff when he first came up and it is went down every year. Now average stuff, average command, and major health problems.
what is considered disappointing?

missing the playoffs? this year I wouldn't be surprised if anyone missed the playoffs

Angels/Rangers may be playing for 1 spot
good eye gyno. read a recent interview JD had talking about wanting to sign hamilton, but wanting to do it on their (rangers) terms. In that interview, he also talked about how josh is an "environment" player. as in, he needs to feel comfortable in his environment to do well. He's not a mechanics guy, he's a "feel" guy. Shed a whole new light on hamilton for me. kind of scary, considering he uprooted his entire family and he's in a brand new city with brand-new situations and what-not. He's got to heat up sooner or later, but for a player to be that fickle, and to not rely on his mechanics, it just seems like josh is not the ideal candidate for a long-term deal. strange to say the least.