**All Star In Game**

I have money on the VooDoo and am thinking about betting the NBA game on NBATv that starts in 12 minutes.
I took Stanton -600 to get past round 1

Obvioulsy pretty small amounts I'm betting tonight
Gamehunter has a bet on Golden State -5.5. 5d is offering that shit in live betting. I'm going to see if I can get a better line in game. Pray 4 me.
Gallego painting corners out there, changing eye level

absolutely textbook way to not throw BP
If Cespedes' dude wants him to win he needs to show him the ball sooner, and try to duplicate the same throwing motion. His dude kind of half-assed it, imo.
even after puig looks like a moron he gets in the camera shot and blabs with all the guys that actually hit a home run...what a fucking tool
just took cespedes and tulo this round, layed the juice

can't wait for Todd Frazier to be the bad guy tonight
stupid Puig. Could have been 3-1 with that showing but jerk put up goose eggs 2-2 it is