***** Alabama vs. Notre Dame Write-up *****

Jimmy outstanding job on the title game, you just simply nailed it....nice work man.
I 100% disagreed with you so I just wanted to stop back and say congrats. Tremendous call on your part.

I would certainly be hesitant drafting Teo after watching his inability to tackle last night.

He had to cost himself a few hundred thousand a year minimum last night. Peewee tackling.
best part was the pick and detailed analysis was completely free for us all to see. No charge.
I nominate this write up for MVW (Most Valuable Writeup) for 2012/2013 season. You nailed it! Thanks for sharing your research and insight.
Also..you point out that Bama's defense is going to be pissed off because they were over-looked for awards. How about Teo not winning the Heisman? I gotta think that fires up the ND defense a little bit.

I addressed this previously in the thread. Ta'o didn't deserve to win most of the awards he won, and like the Honey Badger last year, show not have even been invited to the Heisman presentation. Nobody on this board can tell me that Ta'o is the best defensive player that ever lived, yet if if we base if off the awards he won (the most decorated college football player ever), that's what the ESPN hype machine would have us believe. As I said previously, I was a huge Mant Ta'o fan until the awards and hype reached a level of complete absurdity.
I figure 38-10 Alabama, this is giving ND a meaningless TD at the end.

Your score prediction was better than mine. Both of us had Alabama scoring 6 times to Notre Dame's 2, and we both correctly predicited a 28-point margin of victory. I figured we would see a couple of field goals on each side. Even I was a little shocked by how easily Alabama scored touchdowns in the red zone (Notre Dame's strength).
You are the truth dude...I remember when you did this type of write up for Michigan and I was oh shitting myself.

Thank you Hunt. As I posted several times previously, I thought this game would play out very much like the Michigan game. I didn't think I would be quite as right as I was. Even a blind squirrel finds a winner every now and then I guess.

Thanks for your support all season Hunt!!! It is very much appreciated!!!
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The man with the plan, Jimmydafreak.

Perfect call, congrats.

Thanks AK!!!


This season?

Yes. It's sitting on some failed hard drive somewhere now.

Good picks....smh

Thanks!!! Congrats to you and your Irish on a great season.


I never thought it was possible to get 500 yards in the way they did it. I am just so immensely impressed with Bama's OL. Made big holes for the backs and didn't let anyone near the QB. I'm not sure if I've seen a better OL unit in college football. If I have, I can't remember it right now.

Congrats to your team Jimmy. Enjoy the female company.

The o-line has to be considered one of the best of all time. A lot of how history will judge this group is what type of NFL career these guys ultimately have. As I said in my write-up, Notre Dame had not come close to seeing an offense line of this caliber.

The female company rocked!!! Literally!!! :dancing:

yes, OL was just supreme to anything else on the field. congrats jimmy, have fun

Thank you KJ!!!


[TABLE="width: 298"]
<tbody>[TR="class: important, bgcolor: #F8F7F2"]
[TH="class: stat-type title"]Net Yards Rushing
[TD="class: team, align: right"]265
[TD="class: team, align: right"]32

A little better than even I thought they would do on both counts. Notre Dame's rushing yardage was artificially low however, because they fell so far behind so early.

U rocked it bro, looking forward to next year already. Bama will be dirty again.
Alabama has a very favorable schedule next season. I can hear the conspiracy talk already. :dunno:
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Your writeup basically could have been summed up as "It is men vs. boys" and that is exactly what it was. ND DL getting pushed 7 yards down field play after play was incredible to watch for awhile ( game was dull so I switched to the bachelor somewhere around halftime ) and I was also impressed at Lacy's ability to avoid the nd tackle in the backfield when they gambled and stormed thru gaps on run blitzes. Not sure I ever saw the first ND defender ever make the tackle.

Anyways, grats on the win .. and the dynasty. Assume the female company goes to ND so she will have no defense tonight.

Thanks for all you do for this forum VK!!!

Lacy was running like a man possessed. If he enters the draft, and he'd be a fool not to, it'll be interesting to see how much he improved his draft stock with his performances in the last two games. He's finally healthy!!!

Alabama's offense was just too balanced for Notre Dame. They really didn;t know what was coming next. Notre Dame's secondary was even slower than I thought. I knew that would be a misamatch, but even I didn't think it would be that bad.

Thanks again VK!!!
To a tee...I think sums it up...

Thank you BAR!!!

This deserves to be commended, you nailed this top to bottom in a complete demonstration of how to cap.

Thank you Silky. You did an outstanding job on the forum all season!!! Can't wait to do it again!!!

You get big propers from me on this


put on a clinic freak. thanks for the write up, even though i was too dense to open my mind.

I usually am too. I need to open my mind up more at times too.

:clapping:Spot on!

Thank you JYD!!!

We actually have a bar down here called The Junk Yard, and yes, it's located at the junk yard. And what a fine establishment it is if I do say so myself. smh, only in Alabama!!!

I 100% disagreed with you so I just wanted to stop back and say congrats. Tremendous call on your part.

I would certainly be hesitant drafting Teo after watching his inability to tackle last night.

Thanks Jon. I don't think I've ever seen anyone lose more money in a single game than Ta'o did tonight. Unreal!!!

good call Jimmy, you nailed it.

Thanks P2W!!!
This write up was by far the finest prediction of the entire season and deserves to be bumped, as a reminder on what to look for when capping a game. While there could be other factors to consider with many capping styles, there was nothing written that was untrue in this post by 'JimmyDaFreak.'

As we approach the new college season, this is great subject matter, of thought and stats to remember on our attempts to hone-in on a game. Many of the thoughts by those who committed to Notre Dame where brilliant, but one huge factor that was pointed out by ND backers to JDF, was that Kelly was a good coach and one that had potential ability to keep up with Saban.
The main factor that I felt after reading this, was that it was Kellys' shortcoming, that he was now facing a coach with a team at a level he was not used to playing against. With that factor, this game could have turned out just like JDF predicted. Also, not one bowl team or non-bowl team ever had a 4.0 rushing yard average in any game against Alabama all season and it was very likely that JDF's prediction, believing Alabama would run for at least 200 yds on ND, was realistic.

I'll look forward to write ups like this again this year.
This write up was by far the finest prediction of the entire season and deserves to be bumped, as a reminder on what to look for when capping a game. While there could be other factors to consider with many capping styles, there was nothing written that was untrue in this post by 'JimmyDaFreak.'

As we approach the new college season, this is great subject matter, of thought and stats to remember on our attempts to hone-in on a game. Many of the thoughts by those who committed to Notre Dame where brilliant, but one huge factor that was pointed out by ND backers to JDF, was that Kelly was a good coach and one that had potential ability to keep up with Saban.
The main factor that I felt after reading this, was that it was Kellys' shortcoming, that he was now facing a coach with a team at a level he was not used to playing against. With that factor, this game could have turned out just like JDF predicted. Also, not one bowl team or non-bowl team ever had a 4.0 rushing yard average in any game against Alabama all season and it was very likely that JDF's prediction, believing Alabama would run for at least 200 yds on ND, was realistic.

I'll look forward to write ups like this again this year.

I appreciate the kind remarks TCG, but in the grand scheme of things, it was only 1 game. Unfortunately the gambling world is a what have you done for me lately business, and you are only as good as your last bet. I'll try to put write-ups together when time allows, and when I feel strongly about a play.

Best of luck to you this season TCG!!!
