***** Alabama vs. Notre Dame Write-up *****


Pretty much a regular
I have gone back and re-watch every Alabama and Notre Dame game this season (except Wake Forest), so needless to say I feel I have a very good handle on both teams and what they like to do. I have a lot of information about this game in my head, but I’ll try to limit this write-up to what I feel are the most salient issues. If you would like more information about specific thoughts I have on this game, just ask and I’ll do my best to respond.

In bringing Notre Dame back to prominence, Brian Kelly is emulating what Nick Saban has done at Alabama. That translates into playing conservative smash-mouth football by running the ball, limiting mistakes, and winning games with stingy defense. The problem for Notre Dame is now they have to play the team they are trying to emulate. In short, they have to beat Alabama at their own game.

In the Saban era, when Alabama has played out-of-conference teams that are molded in, and adhere to the smash-mouth philosophy, (Virginia Tech, Penn State, Michigan State, Michigan) I have successfully bet huge on Alabama. I do so because these are ideal matchups for Alabama. That is so because Saban has built Alabama from the ground up to win these type of games in the SEC, and Saban has essentially been able to recruit the best players in the country to implement this philosophy.

The types of teams that give not only Alabama trouble, but other SEC teams that implement (for lack of a better term I’ll call it) the Saban philosophy, are unconventional offenses that have dynamic quarterbacks. In Alabama’s case it has been guys like Tim Tebow, Cam Newton, Johnny Manziel (all Heisman Trophy winners), and even Brian Johnson who have been Saban’s kryptonite. Also take note of this season’s LSU/Clemson and Florida/Louisville bowl games. LSU and Florida are both molded in the Saban philosophy. As expected both teams dominated their opponents in the trenches, and dominating at the point of attack usually determines who wins football games. But LSU and Florida both ran into dynamic QBs (Tajh Boyd & Teddy Bridgewater) who were able to carve up even the best defensive strategies designed to stop them. That’s also why an unconventional team like Oregon would pose a much bigger threat/challenge to a team like Alabama than a team like Notre Dame. Notre Dame falls right into the wheelhouse of the type of team Alabama is accustomed to playing, and specifically built to beat.

A big problem for Notre Dame is that while Alabama is quite accustomed to playing teams of Notre Dame’s caliber (if not better), Notre Dame has not really faced a team even close to Alabama’s caliber. The closest comparison would be Stanford, and Stanford is not on Alabama’s level. We saw something very comparably in the 2009/2010 national championship game when Alabama’s running attack was matched against the Longhorn’s #1 rushing defense In the country. Both Mark Ingram and Trent Richardson ended up rushing for over 100 yards and scoring 2 touchdowns a piece, and they did so because Texas’ front 7 was not accustomed to playing against a running attack of Alabama’s caliber.

I liken it to learning how to hit a baseball. Someone can learn everything there is to know about hitting a baseball, and can master the perfect swing, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll be able to hit a 95 mph fastball in the World Series. In this game Notre Dame’s defensive front 7 has not faced an offensive line that is in the same universe as the one they will see tomorrow night. So unless they’ve been practicing against the Chicago Bears’ offensive line, playing against an offensive line that is made up of 4 likely 1st round NFL draft picks is not likely to end well for the Golden Domers. A national championship game is no time for acclimation.

Notre Dame’s offense versus Alabama’s Defense

I think this is the salient matchup of the game. This is where the rubber meets the road so to speak. For Notre Dame this will be the best defense they have faced all season . . . by far. If Notre Dame comes into this game with the same offensive mindset they have had all season, which is play extremely conservative, run the ball between the tackles, and rely on that running game to setup play action passing, it is likely they may not score a single point. I say that because I think Notre Dame has very little chance of consistently running the ball against the #1 defense (also #1 rushing defense) in the nation. This is a huge mismatch in favor of Alabama. Alabama is just too big, too strong and too assignment sound to get consistently beat by a conventional running attack.

Brian Kelly is a smart offensive coach who knows how to attack weaknesses so I think he realizes that as well. To move the ball consistently against Alabama’s defense, Notre Dame will have to be aggressive, do a great job of breaking tendencies, and most of all, Everett Golson will have to play the game of his life. Golson will have to play the kind of game Tajh Boyd played against LSU. It’s not that Alabama’s defense doesn’t have vulnerabilities that can be exploited because I’m pretty sure we all know they do. The problem for Notre Dame is that those vulnerabilities are not in Alabama’s run defense, and running the ball has been the foundation of Notre Dame’s offense all season.

I think the bottom line here is that for Notre Dame to win this game, they will have to deviate from what they’ve done offensively all season, and they will have to be successful doing it. If they come into this game doing what they’ve done all season which is pound the ball between the tackles and rely on their defense to win the game, this game won’t be competitive.

Alabama’s Offense versus Notre Dame’s Defense

Notre Dame’s defense is built very similar to Alabama’s. They rely on their huge and very talented front 7 to shutdown the opposition’s running attack, focus on not giving up the big play, and are extremely stingy in the red zone. They defend against the big play by playing 2 deep safeties, and when I say deep, I mean really deep. I’m not sure if I’ve seen anyone play safeties quite that deep in a base defense. It’s a defensive strategy that has served them well thus far because they’ve been pretty successful at stopping the run and pressuring the QB with just 7 guys in the box.

Much has been made of Notre Dame’s front 7, and with 3 potential 1st NFL selections amongst that group, the attention is warranted. Alabama’s offensive line, however, is quite accustomed to playing against defensive fronts that are just as talented (if not more so) as Notre Dame’s. Like Alabama, Notre Dame’s defensive front is also very disciplined.

The first thing that sticks out to me about Notre Dame is that they really did not face a single offense that was multi-dimensional all season. The closest thing they faced to a multi-dimensional offense was probably either Miami or USC. Nevertheless, week after week they could simply load up to take away the only dimension that posed any type of a threat to them. Tomorrow night we will see Notre Dame have to defend for the first time all season an offense that can threaten them equally on the ground and through the air. This will be by far the best offense Notre Dame will have faced all season.

Notre Dame struggled at times stopping the run this season against teams whose offensive linemen were able to get to the second level and put bodies on their linebackers (Pitt &Stanford), and that is what Alabama’s line does best. I’m quite sure Manti Te'o will get his share of tackles in this game, I just think the majority of those tackles are likely to occur 5 to 7 yards downfield.

Although Notre Dame’s back 7 is clearly not the strength of this defense, they don’t give up big plays. They have more of a bend but don’t break mentality. The athletes Alabama has at the wide receiver position with Amari Cooper, Kevin Norwood and Christian Jones (and others) is really a mismatch in Alabama’s favor. This is an area of Notre Dame’s defense that clearly can be exploited.

With Alabama able to stress Notre Dame’s defense on the ground and through the air, I’m probably in the minority in believing that Alabama’s offense will not have much trouble moving the ball in this game. The question is will Alabama be able to finish off their drives with touchdowns, or will they have to settle for a bunch of field goal attempts like they did in last’s season’s national championship game against LSU???

I get the Alabama/SEC hatred so I completely understand why most of the country is hoping for Notre Dame to once and for all to restore a little equality back to college football. The problem is this really could not be a worse matchup for the anti-SEC crowd. If Alabama had to play Notre Dame the week after the Georgia game, with Barrett Jones, Brandon Ivory, Kenny Bell, DeAndrew White out of the lineup, and AJ McCarron, TJ Yeldon, Kevin Norwood, Jesse Williams, Ed Stinson and several others limited with injuries, I would say this game would be a dog fight. But with almost all of those guys back at full health Alabama is too talented and has too much depth for Notre Dame to compete for 4 quarters. Absent some sort of miraculous metamorphosis from Everett Golson, I don’t see how Notre Dame scores enough points to keep this game competitive. This game will play out much closer to the games Alabama played against Penn State, Michigan and Michigan State than one of the recent slugfests Alabama has had with LSU.

I predict Alabama will score somewhere between 27-37 points, and that Notre Dame will score somewhere in the 0-10 point range. Because I don’t have much confidence in Notre Dame’s ability to score in this game, I will lean ever so slightly to the UNDER even though I won’t play it.

Score Prediction: Alabama 34 Notre Dame 6

Alabama -10 (-105) “Max Bet”

Notre Dame Team Total UNDER 15
“Best Bet”

Great write up Jimmy. I do feel though that this year's Bama secondary is not as good as we have seen in the last couple years, and they don't have those lock down man to man corners. Do agree though that if ND doesn't change their offensive philosphy and continues to stay conservative they will not have a chance. Irish will need to play action early on 1st and 2nd down and try and make some plays in the passing gm. GL
Great write up Jimmy. I do feel though that this year's Bama secondary is not as good as we have seen in the last couple years, and they don't have those lock down man to man corners. Do agree though that if ND doesn't change their offensive philosphy and continues to stay conservative they will not have a chance. Irish will need to play action early on 1st and 2nd down and try and make some plays in the passing gm. GL

Thanks Tim!!!

The common denominator in Alabama's loss and their two closest games was repeated breakdowns in coverage, and it was the same guys who were out of position over and over again. Alabama's safety play versus passes down field has not been been good. They really miss Mark Barron back there.

Robert Lester entered the season as a potential 1st round draft pick, and he has probably played himself down to the lower half of the draft at this point. His frequent coverage breakdowns are inexcusable given he's a 5th year senior. The other safeties that have struggled in coverage are Vinnie Sunseri and Nick Perry. Honestly Ha Ha looks like the best safety Alabama has right now, which is probably why he has been seeing a lot more playing time lately.

Deion Belue is very talented, but this is his first year playing in this defense. Geno Smith may be the second best corner on the team right now. Milliner ha his side of the field locked down and will likely be a top 10 draft pick this year.

NLB Nico Johnson is a very stout run defender, but very weak in coverage. Of course he comes off the field in passing situations, but look for Notre Dame to attack him when he's on the field. Alabama really doesn't have a guy like Rolando
McClain who is an every down linebacker so they are constantly shuffling.

With all the time off to rest, refocus and clean up their mistakes of the past, I honestly think Alabama's secondary will play very well in this game. I'm also not real confident in Golson's ability to read and exploit breakdowns in coverage if they do occur. I think if Alabama is able to take away the run game -and I'm pretty confident they will - Notre Dame will be in for a long night.
Why does Alabama have a 1-4 ATS record against winning teams?

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[TD="class: matchupCells Text"]when playing against a team with a winning record[/TD]
[TD="class: matchupCells"]1-4[/TD]
[TD="class: matchupCells"]9-11[/TD]
[TD="class: matchupCells"]62-63[/TD]
[TD="class: matchupCells"]2-3[/TD]
[TD="class: matchupCells"]7-12[/TD]
[TD="class: matchupCells"]52-58[/TD]
[TD="class: matchupCells"]4-1[/TD]
[TD="class: matchupCells"]15-5[/TD]
[TD="class: matchupCells"]69-59[/TD]

I predict ND will be plenty aggressive. Saban will be up against a non idiot for a change on the other sideline.
I predict ND will be plenty aggressive. Saban will be up against a non idiot for a change on the other sideline.

Yes, if he doesn't it will be right about the score Jimmy's predicts or worse. GL jimmy nice write up
Why does Alabama have a 1-4 ATS record against winning teams?

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[TD="class: matchupCells Text"]when playing against a team with a winning record
[TD="class: matchupCells"]1-4
[TD="class: matchupCells"]9-11
[TD="class: matchupCells"]62-63
[TD="class: matchupCells"]2-3
[TD="class: matchupCells"]7-12
[TD="class: matchupCells"]52-58
[TD="class: matchupCells"]4-1
[TD="class: matchupCells"]15-5
[TD="class: matchupCells"]69-59


I'm not really sure I understand your post. Are you talking about this season???
I predict ND will be plenty aggressive. Saban will be up against a non idiot for a change on the other sideline.

I agree completely on the coaching aspect. Brian Kelly will be the best coach Saban has faced in a national championship game.
irish are the only way i could play it. i was not impressed by Alabama this year in their bigger games at all. They were severely outplayed by LSU, esp LSU's offense, which was a complete abomination against just about everyone else. A&M outplayed em for the most part. As someone who had Bama against Jorja, I kind of felt Jorja was the better team in that one too despite the box score favoring Bama a bit. Jorja was just terrible against the run all season, so I really don't give Bama all that much credit for their ground game performance. I thought AJ looked fairly terrible against the Jorja pass rush. He panicked if his first or maybe second read wasn't there. To me, the key guy ND has to stop is Cooper. Without him, Bama loses fairly easily against Jorja. The other guys on the outside for Bama are alright, but nobody that really scares you.

I don't see this in any way being a blowout. Bama just isn't near that good and I expect Kelly to have a good gameplan to attack Bama where they are weak. It is a pretty good matchup for the Bama defense against this style of O, I do agree with that. Golson will make some plays though and he's progressively got better throughout the season throwing the ball down the field. 24-17 sounds about right to me.
irish are the only way i could play it. i was not impressed by Alabama this year in their bigger games at all. They were severely outplayed by LSU, esp LSU's offense, which was a complete abomination against just about everyone else. A&M outplayed em for the most part. As someone who had Bama against Jorja, I kind of felt Jorja was the better team in that one too despite the box score favoring Bama a bit. Jorja was just terrible against the run all season, so I really don't give Bama all that much credit for their ground game performance. I thought AJ looked fairly terrible against the Jorja pass rush. He panicked if his first or maybe second read wasn't there. To me, the key guy ND has to stop is Cooper. Without him, Bama loses fairly easily against Jorja. The other guys on the outside for Bama are alright, but nobody that really scares you.

I don't see this in any way being a blowout. Bama just isn't near that good and I expect Kelly to have a good gameplan to attack Bama where they are weak. It is a pretty good matchup for the Bama defense against this style of O, I do agree with that. Golson will make some plays though and he's progressively got better throughout the season throwing the ball down the field. 24-17 sounds about right to me.

Georgia was very fortunate the game was as close as it was.

McCarron didn't have to do much against Georgia. He handed the ball off most of the day (51 rushing attempts).

Every scholarship wide receiver on Alabama's roster is a mismatch for anyone in the Irish secondary. They sure don't have anyone that can matchup with Cooper.

A&M is probably the best team in the country right now. I honestly think they would beat Notre Dame by 5 touchdowns. Notre Dame would also get blown out by Georgia. I think because of Les Miles' ultra conservative approach, they would probably play LSU close, and would have a shot to win on at a neutral site. I would take the UNDER on whatever that total would be.

Notre Dame's defense will not stop Alabama's running attack. They'll rush for over 200 yards.

Notre Dame isn't scoring 17 points. Forget about that one.
bama's dline has issues, it's showed in more than a few games...Also, the oline pass pro has issues at times, I think the trenches are where ball games are won and it's pretty even there imo...tough game, still capping it. I don't use other teams as barometers of strength, especially with 6 weeks off.

gl jimmy.
btw when jimmy does these kind of write ups on bama he's usually money..just sayin..

not always, but close.
If Notre dame didn't get so much freaking press coverage for the past month I would probably be taking them. Just don't see how bama lets its guard down now.
They both get press don't you think? I mean Saban is a god, has a dynasty . Nd has returned to glory years..I think it goes both ways.
bama's dline has issues, it's showed in more than a few games...Also, the oline pass pro has issues at times, I think the trenches are where ball games are won and it's pretty even there imo...tough game, still capping it. I don't use other teams as barometers of strength, especially with 6 weeks off.
gl jimmy.

What issues you are referring to. I'm not aware of any issues unless you mean they aren't great at rushing the QB. Other than that Alabama's front 7 versus Notre Dame's offensive line is probably the second biggest mismatch of the game right behind Alabama's wide receivers versus Notre Dame's secondary.
Nice writeup jimmy and good luck in the title and nice season.

Notre Dame has faced a lot of good rush defenses this year though .. this isn't new to them. Whether those D's are the same type as Bama is a different story .. but ...

BYU is the #2 rush defense in the nation ... 2.74 ypc and 87 yards per game...nd 6.28 ypc 270
Standord #6 rush defense in the nation .... 3.04 ypc and 97 yards per game .. nd 3.42 ypc 150
michigan State #9 rush defense in nation ...3.28 ypc and 99 yards per game .. nd 3.59 ypc 122

Bama played one top 15 rush defense and managed to run well 166 and over 6 a carry but managed just 21 pts.

And I guess the Arkansas rush defense was pretty good too ... but most of their games were against average to crappy run defenses.

So I get the respect for the Bama Oline and Dline but I don't get the lack of respect for the Irish Line of Scrimage.

And again .. Bama played a bunch of bad rushing teams. I think they played one team in the top 30 in rushing and that was the game they lost.

Bama had an easier schedule. Credit to them for dominating Michigan but the other quality opponents were Georgia, LSU and TAMU .. ( maybe miss st AKA NW's bitch?) and they probably should have lost two of those three and maybe all three. The rest of the schedule was garbage. Where is the blowout of a quality to warrant dd ???

Just playing devils advocate.
Great stuff fellas. Texas am, lsu, uga all rattled mccaron imo. Bamas pass rush was non existent for big stretches in those games imo as well.

Problem is do you trust Golson or Rees? All those teams had olines and decent qb. Mettenberg had the game of his life.
If Notre dame didn't get so much freaking press coverage for the past month I would probably be taking them. Just don't see how bama lets its guard down now.

And for the second year in a row this will fuel the fire for Alabama's defense. Last season arguably the best defense in college football history didn't win a single post-season award. To add to this complete absuridity, last year the Chuck Bednarik Award was given to Tyrann Mathieu who wasn't even close to being the best defensive player on his own team, and probably wasn't one of the top 25 defensive players in the country. That is why he was specifically targeted for embarassment in the national championship game last season.

This season, once again the #1 defense in the country was not even considered for a single post season award, and I can tell you they are livid . . . again!!! Furthermore, almost all of the press Alabama's defense has gotten leading up to this game has been negative. The Chuck Bednarik Award winner this season wasn't nearly as absurd as last season's winner, although the award was again reduced to a beauty contest. Ta'o won the award with an almost embarrassing 1.5 sacks and 5.5 tackles for a loss - no, that wasn't for one game, that was for the entire season!!! Jarvis Jones by comparison had 16.5 sacks and 26.5 talckles for a loss. In 1988 Derrick Thomas had 27 sacks and 42 tackles for a loss, yet Manti Ta'o became the most decorated defensive player in the history of the sport. Not that's an absurdity that rivals the Honey Badger winning the Chuck Bednarik Award. Hey, the guy is good, but he would not have won a single award with those stats had he played on any team in the country besides Notre Dame.

So history repeats itself. Last season all the media could talk about was how great the Honey Badger and LSU's defense was when it was quite clear Alabama's defense was better, and this season all they can talk about is how great Manti Ta'o and the Notre Dame defense is even though Alabama's defense is clearly better again - and far better when you conisder the competition each team faced. History is also going to repeat itself on the football field tomorrow night. If you want to know how it ends, just ask the Honey Badger.
I agree TAMU is about as good as anyone but I would still favor Bama against them.

Not saying Bama couldn't beat them, but to beat TAMU right now you will have to score 30+ points. Oregon could probably hang in there with them. I can tell one team that wouldn't be able to hang with them, and that team is Notre Dame. Manziel would embarass them . . . worse than what Alabama is going to do to them.
Nice writeup jimmy and good luck in the title and nice season.

Notre Dame has faced a lot of good rush defenses this year though .. this isn't new to them. Whether those D's are the same type as Bama is a different story .. but ...

BYU is the #2 rush defense in the nation ... 2.74 ypc and 87 yards per game...nd 6.28 ypc 270
Standord #6 rush defense in the nation .... 3.04 ypc and 97 yards per game .. nd 3.42 ypc 150
michigan State #9 rush defense in nation ...3.28 ypc and 99 yards per game .. nd 3.59 ypc 122

Bama played one top 15 rush defense and managed to run well 166 and over 6 a carry but managed just 21 pts.

And I guess the Arkansas rush defense was pretty good too ... but most of their games were against average to crappy run defenses.

So I get the respect for the Bama Oline and Dline but I don't get the lack of respect for the Irish Line of Scrimage.

And again .. Bama played a bunch of bad rushing teams. I think they played one team in the top 30 in rushing and that was the game they lost.

Bama had an easier schedule. Credit to them for dominating Michigan but the other quality opponents were Georgia, LSU and TAMU .. ( maybe miss st AKA NW's bitch?) and they probably should have lost two of those three and maybe all three. The rest of the schedule was garbage. Where is the blowout of a quality to warrant dd ???

Just playing devils advocate.

No BYU stat has any legitimacy. Their schedule was a complete joke and they still managed to lose 5 games. That's about as legitimate as Boise having the #1 defense in the nation a few years ago against WAC opponents. Michigan State and Stanford are legitimate. Against Michigan State Notre Dame rush 34 times for 122 yards for about a 3.5 yard average, and went 1-14 on third conversions. Against Stanford they rushed 44 times for 150 yards for about a 3.4 yard per carry average. Neither of those performances are anything to brag about.

I don't disrespect either of Notre Dame's fronts. It's not that they aren't good, it's just that they aren't as good as the fronts they will be playing against, especially Notre Dame's o-line versus Alabama's front seven. Will Notre Dame's offensive and defensive lines make some plays??? I have no doubt they will. They just won't make nearly enough to keep them in the game. I am very confident in predicting that Notre Dame will rush for less than 100 yards, and that Alabama will rush for over 200.
Great write up buddy. You certainly know your stuff. I would agree if this game was played 3 months ago that Alabama would crush for all the reasons you stated and more. I just can't get out of my head what Urban Meyer said when asked about the difficulty in repeating. He basically said it is much easier to build a program than to maintain - and I think that is exactly what is going on here. ND has been building towards this all season (arguably for 2 seasons) and has gotten better as the season progressed IMO. Alabama has looked more vulnerable this year (especially in their marquee games) than in either of the last 2 Saban Champ seasons - and I think this has something to do with it. We can probably all agree Saban is not complacent, but it is a different story with these young guys - it is just human nature. No matter how much Alabama feels dissed, they will have a real hard time matching up emotionally with ND.

Thanks for taking the time to write this up. Good luck on the big game tonight.
No BYU stat has any legitimacy. Their schedule was a complete joke and they still managed to lose 5 games. That's about as legitimate as Boise having the #1 defense in the nation a few years ago against WAC opponents. Michigan State and Stanford are legitimate. Against Michigan State Notre Dame rush 34 times for 122 yards for about a 3.5 yard average, and went 1-14 on third conversions. Against Stanford they rushed 44 times for 150 yards for about a 3.4 yard per carry average. Neither of those performances are anything to brag about.

I don't disrespect either of Notre Dame's fronts. It's not that they aren't good, it's just that they aren't as good as the fronts they will be playing against, especially Notre Dame's o-line versus Alabama's front seven. Will Notre Dame's offensive and defensive lines make some plays??? I have no doubt they will. They just won't make nearly enough to keep them in the game. I am very confident in predicting that Notre Dame will rush for less than 100 yards, and that Alabama will rush for over 200.

If there were a prop that said Bama o 200 rush and ND u 100 rush, you think the yes would be the chalk? I would take the No at even for a real big chunk.
And for the second year in a row this will fuel the fire for Alabama's defense. Last season arguably the best defense in college football history didn't win a single post-season award. To add to this complete absuridity, last year the Chuck Bednarik Award was given to Tyrann Mathieu who wasn't even close to being the best defensive player on his own team, and probably wasn't one of the top 25 defensive players in the country. That is why he was specifically targeted for embarassment in the national championship game last season.

This season, once again the #1 defense in the country was not even considered for a single post season award, and I can tell you they are livid . . . again!!! Furthermore, almost all of the press Alabama's defense has gotten leading up to this game has been negative. The Chuck Bednarik Award winner this season wasn't nearly as absurd as last season's winner, although the award was again reduced to a beauty contest. Ta'o won the award with an almost embarrassing 1.5 sacks and 5.5 tackles for a loss - no, that wasn't for one game, that was for the entire season!!! Jarvis Jones by comparison had 16.5 sacks and 26.5 talckles for a loss. In 1988 Derrick Thomas had 27 sacks and 42 tackles for a loss, yet Manti Ta'o became the most decorated defensive player in the history of the sport. Not that's an absurdity that rivals the Honey Badger winning the Chuck Bednarik Award. Hey, the guy is good, but he would not have won a single award with those stats had he played on any team in the country besides Notre Dame.

So history repeats itself. Last season all the media could talk about was how great the Honey Badger and LSU's defense was when it was quite clear Alabama's defense was better, and this season all they can talk about is how great Manti Ta'o and the Notre Dame defense is even though Alabama's defense is clearly better again - and far better when you conisder the competition each team faced. History is also going to repeat itself on the football field tomorrow night. If you want to know how it ends, just ask the Honey Badger.

Do you know how ridiculous your assessment of Teo is ? He is a middle linebacker for goodness sakes, he isn't going to be making plays behind the los. Urlachler had zero sacks the year he played in a super bowl, and Singletary had four combined in the two seasons he won NFL Defensive POY. Your comparisions to olb's make no sense, and Teo will be far and away better than any defensive player Bama fields tonight.
Why does Alabama have a 1-4 ATS record against winning teams?

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[TD="class: matchupCells Text"]when playing against a team with a winning record[/TD]
[TD="class: matchupCells"]1-4[/TD]
[TD="class: matchupCells"]9-11[/TD]
[TD="class: matchupCells"]62-63[/TD]
[TD="class: matchupCells"]2-3[/TD]
[TD="class: matchupCells"]7-12[/TD]
[TD="class: matchupCells"]52-58[/TD]
[TD="class: matchupCells"]4-1[/TD]
[TD="class: matchupCells"]15-5[/TD]
[TD="class: matchupCells"]69-59[/TD]


Check out the spreads in those games. All over a TD, most double digits.
Great write-up as always Jimmy. I have a futures bet on Bama at +500, so I hedged with a ND bet at +10'. I would like a stress free 10 point win, but will be just as fine with a stress free 4 TD win. Roll Tide brother
I predict ND will be plenty aggressive. Saban will be up against a non idiot for a change on the other sideline.
Yup...there's zero chance that Kelly will just run at a base d and try and stay in manageable situations.......he'll be very aggressive from a scheme standpoint.
Great write-up as always Jimmy. I have a futures bet on Bama at +500, so I hedged with a ND bet at +10'. I would like a stress free 10 point win, but will be just as fine with a stress free 4 TD win. Roll Tide brother

Beautiful, will be rooting for u to hit that fat middle.
Which is what this line is so what could be any more relevant?

I'm not disagreeing here, just posing a possible explanation for the poor ATS record. Bama lines have been over-inflated in their games against quality opponents this season largely because they have murdered the crap teams. As I posted above, I have Bama ML futures bet and a ND +10' hedge. Without that future, not sure I could lay DD in this game. I can see Bama winning by 2 TDs, but won't be shocked if they lose.
Very nice write up, spot on. But i'm taking the overrated Manti Teo, who will add to his 7 INTS this year and the Irish +10.

ND 20
Bama 17
Nice writeup jimmy and good luck in the title and nice season.

Bama had an easier schedule. Credit to them for dominating Michigan but the other quality opponents were Georgia, LSU and TAMU .. ( maybe miss st AKA NW's bitch?) and they probably should have lost two of those three and maybe all three. The rest of the schedule was garbage. Where is the blowout of a quality to warrant dd ???

Just playing devils advocate.

I think that statement is a joke. Before the season I would've said maybe that was true but as the season played out the only team that was even any good on the ND schedule was Stanford and maybe Oklahoma (with a paper mache defense) Bama on the other hand played A&M, LSU and Georgia, those 3 teams alone are head and shoulders above any team ND played this year. That's just a completely false statement.
Nd played 9 bowl teams in a row to open the season if u count Miami. Maybe not the best of the bowl teams, but still a very demanding schedule.
The game that Bama played vs LSU concerns me because the LSU offense exposed the Bama "D" & I believe ND offense has better QB than LSU with a better supporting cast. IMO Bama will win but it will be a close game to the end. Either the SEC has regressed this year or the other teams have closed the gap on the SEC, not sure which is the case , but the SEC is not the juggernaut they were in past yrs. I can actually see this game going over the posted total...I think both offenses will be able to move the ball, I know many feel otherwise, but I this is the way I see it. GL to all on ur action
SEC defenses have been completely over-rated this year, by a large margin.

Florida got carved up by Bridgewater, Georgia got carved up by Nebraska, LSU got carved up by Clemson, and most surprisingly of all - at least to me - South Carolina got carved up by Michigan. When SEC defenses don't face SEC offenses they give up more than their normal amount of yards. Sometimes they also give up more than the normal amount of points, but not always. It will be interesting to see if that holds tonight. The ND offense vs Bama defense is being talked about much less than the other way around, but its this matchup which will decide things.

Bama offense vs ND defense is fairly predictable. It will be a brutal, physical, ugly-to-watch stalemate. If Alabama plays a good game on offense they rate for 17-21 points like they got against LSU this season. If they execute their gameplan badly they rate more toward single digits like they had against LSU last season. I think 14 is probably about right, they will score at least one offensive touchdown unlike half of Notre Dame's opponents. Notre Dame faced a good schedule, but not a strong one offensively.

I have a lean towards Notre Dame +pts, but its not as strong as my UNDER lean. I think this could be a dead red under with field goals and ugliness. Not likely to be archived for posterity due to its beauty. I would personally be more surprised by an OVER than I would by a Notre Dame outright victory.
SEC defenses have been completely over-rated this year, by a large margin.

Florida got carved up by Bridgewater, Georgia got carved up by Nebraska, LSU got carved up by Clemson, and most surprisingly of all - at least to me - South Carolina got carved up by Michigan. When SEC defenses don't face SEC offenses they give up more than their normal amount of yards. Sometimes they also give up more than the normal amount of points, but not always. It will be interesting to see if that holds tonight. The ND offense vs Bama defense is being talked about much less than the other way around, but its this matchup which will decide things.

Bama offense vs ND defense is fairly predictable. It will be a brutal, physical, ugly-to-watch stalemate. If Alabama plays a good game on offense they rate for 17-21 points like they got against LSU this season. If they execute their gameplan badly they rate more toward single digits like they had against LSU last season. I think 14 is probably about right, they will score at least one offensive touchdown unlike half of Notre Dame's opponents. Notre Dame faced a good schedule, but not a strong one offensively.

I have a lean towards Notre Dame +pts, but its not as strong as my UNDER lean. I think this could be a dead red under with field goals and ugliness. Not likely to be archived for posterity due to its beauty. I would personally be more surprised by an OVER than I would by a Notre Dame outright victory.

Couldn't agree more. The Clemson forum had a prediction thread and I went with 16-9 Someone, likely Alabama. It could be 17-13 or something but its going to come down to who can get one more TD than the other team. I think at the end of the night each team will have had 4 scoring opportunities. It could be that one team makes 3 FGs and a TD while the other team hits 2FGs and misses 2 FGs for a 16-6 score. It could be 21-3. There are a few scores it could be but I predict 4 opportunities for each team to score. Who gets in the endzone?
Great write up buddy. You certainly know your stuff. I would agree if this game was played 3 months ago that Alabama would crush for all the reasons you stated and more. I just can't get out of my head what Urban Meyer said when asked about the difficulty in repeating. He basically said it is much easier to build a program than to maintain - and I think that is exactly what is going on here. ND has been building towards this all season (arguably for 2 seasons) and has gotten better as the season progressed IMO. Alabama has looked more vulnerable this year (especially in their marquee games) than in either of the last 2 Saban Champ seasons - and I think this has something to do with it. We can probably all agree Saban is not complacent, but it is a different story with these young guys - it is just human nature. No matter how much Alabama feels dissed, they will have a real hard time matching up emotionally with ND.

I absolutely agree that it is much more difficult to stay at the top than get to the top.

Disagree vehemently on Notre Dame having any sort of motivational edge.