ACC network


Coattailing Cheerleader
My zip code is 02339 in MA and my provider is Verizon. I hate calling Verizon. Can anyone help me find out if I get this network and if so, what is the channel number. Anyone living in MA and saw BC -VPI last Saturday May know the answer.
Bull if you can't get it on Verizon, try streaming it on your laptop using r/CFBStreams

They have sub menus for most of the games, and Grandma Streams works very well with no pop up bullshit.
With taxes there, how do you have didposable income?
State income taxes are at 5.01 % except for Short Term Cap Gains which are at 12%.
I don't have any of the latter, so our state income tax is less than NY NJ and CA to name 3, and somewhere in the middle of the pack with others.
I have it after chatting with Verizon.
Channel 829 zip code 02360.
That’s HD channel