A-Roid Press Conference...

My first thought was, 'for f**k's sake, seriously? Aren't we over this yet?'

But then I realized they kind of need to do this. Have a big press conference so they can say they had it and that the press had their chance, blah, blah, blah.

is he pretending to be choked up?!?!?!

come the fuck on

someone needs to put a tent on this circus
OK, here's the thing. In his first interview he wouldn't cop to whatever he took. It seemed obvious to me that he didn't want to because he didn't want to pick the wrong one.

Now he says he and his cousin were doing one thing and one thing specifically only.

But we know that's not true because the test proved he was 'stacking.'

It's more of the same 'I'm going to tell you as much truth as I need to, but nothing more.'
Honestly, when this broke I didn't really care about him one way or another, but the longer this goes on the more I dislike this fraud.
24 or 25 isnt really young enough to play the young and naiive age card

Don't tell that to Capt. Slap when he got the clap.
They better have made sure that they're well beyond the statute of limitations for importing drugs into the country, otherwise he just fist-f**ked his cousin.

I have trouble thinking they didn't think that through, but . . .
you can see the wheels going around in his head and theres just nothing there

It's like you can hear the hamster wheel.

Funny thing is, he was so prepared for the Gammons interview.
Yeah, you better apologize to that reporter.

Uh, that's not good enough. A misunderstanding? Dude, you lied flat about like four different things you said she did, none of which were true. How's that a 'misunderstanding.'
Haha...if I understand the story you are telling us. Nice way of saying I'm calling bullshit. Curious??? Let me jab a needle into my ass to see what happens
He was ready for these last 2 questions. Atleast he's not lying about only talking to his cousin to prepare for this......
Funny, the guy on ESPNews is a radio guy from NY who's not totally sold on it, and Buster Olney on the mothership says "I don't know what else he could have said." Slurp.

ESPN, where we'll help you sweep it under the rug if we'll benefit from it as well.
You can see ESPN already starting to move on, give him the benefit of the doubt (why you'd do that is another story).
ESPN is so disgusting, they so badly want their stars.

"He really broke new ground today." -- Buster Olney.

You have to be kidding me.

And you just watch how many times they replay that Hillary Clinton moment where he gets 'choked up' today.