A-Roid Press Conference...

I did not listen to his press conference but what exactly do you want this guy to say that you haven't already heard 100x besides "im sorry"....."I took 50mg of Winstrol every day stacked with 250mg of Test Ethenate that I took twice a week.. I stacked these 2 compounds running the Winstrol for 8 weeks and the Test for 12 weeks at a time. Post cycle I took 25mg of Nolvadex everyday and that lasted 4 weeks. I did 3 sep cycles of this stack and I got it from Joe at the Gym.." Chances are, he doesn't have a clue what the hell he put in his body, he trusted someone to stick the needle in his ass and thats it. All of this questioning bullshit is tiresome. Just release the other 103 names and get on with this generation known as the Steroid Era. Nevermind that it is plenty possible back in 2001-2003, he could of ordered pro hormones online that are a molecule away from being a steroid until they are ingested and convert to their parent steroid but they were sold legally, over the counter, online and at stores such as Vitamine Shoppe. Hell they use to sell a cream called 1-Test that anyone could get and it converts to testosterone in your body. Thats just one of about 50 pro-hormones supplements that were around and available to anyone with a credit card..Chemical scientists that were in to fitness used to have a field day creating stuff and none of it was FDA approved but it was plenty legal. So answering exactly what he took, isn?t as cut and dry as ya?ll want to make it seem like.
I did not listen to his press conference but what exactly do you want this guy to say that you haven't already heard 100x besides "im sorry"....."I took 50mg of Winstrol every day stacked with 250mg of Test Ethenate that I took twice a week.. I stacked these 2 compounds running the Winstrol for 8 weeks and the Test for 12 weeks at a time. Post cycle I took 25mg of Nolvadex everyday and that lasted 4 weeks. I did 3 sep cycles of this stack and I got it from Joe at the Gym.." Chances are, he doesn't have a clue what the hell he put in his body, he trusted someone to stick the needle in his ass and thats it. All of this questioning bullshit is tiresome. Just release the other 103 names and get on with this generation known as the Steroid Era. Nevermind that it is plenty possible back in 2001-2003, he could of ordered pro hormones online that are a molecule away from being a steroid until they are ingested and convert to their parent steroid but they were sold legally, over the counter, online and at stores such as Vitamine Shoppe. Hell they use to sell a cream called 1-Test that anyone could get and it converts to testosterone in your body. Thats just one of about 50 pro-hormones supplements that were around and available to anyone with a credit card..Chemical scientists that were in to fitness used to have a field day creating stuff and none of it was FDA approved but it was plenty legal. So answering exactly what he took, isn?t as cut and dry as ya?ll want to make it seem like.


Even as a NYY fan, I find A-Rod annoying as hell...but where is the OUTRAGE calling for the other 103 names or Larry Izzo's head. C'mon, Beantowners and fellow sports fanatics aren't we being just a little disingenuous?

Posted by Mike Florio on February 17, 2009, 7:43 a.m.

We’re not quite sure how it started or why it continues. And, as folks who love football and loathe baseball, we’re not all that upset about it.
But the reality has been, is, and will continue to be that, while steroids use is a scarlet letter for guys who swing a stick, no such stigma applies to guys who put on pads.

The latest example? Pats linebacker Larry Izzo is expected to testify in the Barry Bonds perjury trial that Izzo received banned substances from Bonds’ trainer, Greg Anderson.
The news has been out there for a couple of days. But with the sports media transfixed by pro basketball’s meaningless two-day dog and pony show (apparently, Kobe has acquired a taste for Shaq’s ass), the news barely has generated a ripple.

We still don’t understand how this has happened. Maybe it’s because of the geekish obsession that so-called baseball purists have with the record book and the men who played in an era when the only available performance enhancer was a bottle of Scotch — as if Babe Ruth and Mickey Mantle wouldn’t have loaded up their rear ends with anything/everything that could have helped them hit the ball even farther. Or maybe it’s because we all realize at a visceral level that human males don’t sprout cartoonish physiques without pharmaceutical assistance.

Regardless, as a people we’re far past the point of caring about banned substances in football.
We’re not saying it’s right. We’re just acknowledge the truth.
Oh, I totally think it's in the best interest of baseball to release the other 103 names.


I got it from Joe at the Gym

For the record, I wish I was A-Fraud's dealer. My 401k would still probably be in the toilet with everyone else's but at least I'd have one.
I have no doubt A-Rod was juicing after the supposed 2003 season. I'm sure he was juicing as a Yankee. But in fairness to him, he's not the only one. Almost every hitter with any kind of stats had to be juicing. It's the steroid era. And until they can test for HGH, i'll be skeptical of every player.