$40 buy-in league


Cereal King
Need a few people for my NFL fantasy league, if interested $40 Buy-In

Standard League on Yahoo.

10-12 Teams preferred.

let me know

Draft date Aug 20th or 21st..8 or 8:30pm pacific time.
Hey I might be interested..

Prize structure?

21st would be perfect..
Can't do 20..
I could probably do it. Although I've done zero prep yet, lol.

The CTG 3 league seems to have dissolved, although I might take a stab at resurrecting that one if I have the time. But might as well do this one.

So that's 11, 11:30 EST? Luckily, I'm a bit of a night owl.
Doing auto draft...

I'll be at dodger game..

Let's see if auto draft works lol..