2nd half plays

Wish I realized Hampton was hurt.......would have pounded RU in the 2nd H!!!

Wasnt paying close enough attention.....pissed away 8 units on the mid SHipmen!
SportsNut said:
Wish I realized Hampton was hurt.......would have pounded RU in the 2nd H!!!

Wasnt paying close enough attention.....pissed away 8 units on the mid SHipmen!

wish i wouldn't have gone for the great juice... and faded the main guy on navy offense being injured
I looked at that line and said RU is clearly the play just based on the line...had no idea the QB got hurt...

You have a 3 pt fav only 1.5 fav and obscene +++money down 10-0 somehing is fishy
Pathetic Louisville, they should be up around 21-3 in the 2nd...
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