2023 Elimination Chamber


Fly, Eagles, Fly!
My winners and likely bets:
Asuka. As close to a lock as you can get
Lashley. My least confident singles pick
Theory to retain. Thought could see Ford winning too.
Edge and Beth. Yuck

Roman retains. No way in hell he loses the belt here. I don’t care that it’s in Montreal.

The way I see it playing out. Sami starts out on fire beating Roman from pillar to post. At some point Roman will take control, likely with a low blow. He will beat Sami mercilessly. A number of near falls. Sami mounts a comeback. At some point, the USOs, and most importantly Jey, come to the ring. Just when looks like Jey is going to help Sami beat Roman, he turns on Sami and Roman wins. They proceed to gang beat down Sami until KO comes to rescue Sami, setting up a tag match vs the Usis at Wrestlemania. I’ll be very surprised if something similar to this does NOT happen.