***2020 Recruiting Thread***

Cant imagine wanting to play at MD. They might have had a few thousand fans on senior day in their own stadium.
It will be ok Mon. It will be ok. The Burns story is much different than what is being spread as facts. Some kids are afraid of competition. Some don’t want to be challenged week in and week out. The rest of the “elite” end up in the SEC West here or there. ;-)
It will be ok Mon. It will be ok. The Burns story is much different than what is being spread as facts. Some kids are afraid of competition. Some don’t want to be challenged week in and week out. The rest of the “elite” end up in the SEC West here or there. ;-)
Tell me what you heard. It’s obv what’s out there....know different?
Burch stays home

Another 5 for 5 situation lol, although that one worked out

Today wasn’t very good for LSU
Not all bad, but they looked to have botched WR class
She backed of it a bit. He’s pretty hush hush ever since Friday’s visit. Maybe relocating his family helps with the missing home aspect a little bit. It will all play out. I’d rather miss on a few players than a few postseasons. It’s pretty risky and expensive to play the games the top teams are so willing to engage in for all to see. At some point the NCAA will have to act or dissolve. It’s been a great run for those involved. This is the longest probation free streak Alabama has enjoyed in my lifetime.
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She backed of it a bit. He’s pretty hush hush ever since Friday’s visit. Maybe relocating his family helps with the missing home aspect a little bit. It will all play out. I’d rather miss on a few players than a few postseasons. It’s pretty risky and expensive to play the games the top teams are so willing to engage in for all to see. At some point the NCAA will have to act or dissolve. It’s been a great run for those involved. This is the longest probation free streak Alabama has enjoyed in my lifetime.

It's because for the first time since Bryant, the boosters don't run the football program. Boosters are stupid and love to talk. It still goes on here, but not nearly what it used to be before Saban.
Good stuff, gps_3. You are exactly right. One of the main duties of the head coach is to have everything about football under his wing. The Bear was a master at it. No booster or university suit would have dared infringe on his turf.

There's a direct correlation between having the boosters under control and winning and staying out of trouble.

As soon as the suits and the boosters start having a say a program is in trouble. Happening right now USC one of the true elites of college football.

Oklahoma is just the opposite--we have the best AD, Joe Castiglione, in the country and ever since he arrived the whole AD department is smooth and professional. He makes sure the football coach runs the program and the booster and suits stay out of it
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Unbelievably, there was a contingent of boosters here that tried to oust Saban in 2016 after the Kiffin messy exit. There are legit people who think the program would be better if they ran things than Saban. It’s mind-boggling
Bama this Bama that Blah Blah Blah. Lol. Good for y’all gps. Hoping our coaches get stronger bags for Christmas.
Ha! Good one! Coworker made a Charger joke yesterday and I told him yadda yadda Bamas calling card. And he corrected me. I don’t keep up nearly as much as I use to.
From what I hear, they have. But you can't fit a Charger into a bag
Shocked y’all have so many underclassmen headed to the draft. Did they factor in the impending pay cut?

Oh well my humor fell flat.
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How about guys like Burch that announce at huge ceremonies but don’t sign?
So he still hasn’t signed? Hmmm. That’s very interesting. The early signing period has always kindve bothered me a little bit. I have no problem with it I just think it should be reserved for early enrollees. Just my personal opinion.