2018 CFL In-Game

Winnipeg at Hamilton should be a crazy game.

Not sure who wins that one.

Very good teams with 2 hot QBs.

Hulu what you think?

I think Paul lapolice is really in a play calling groove with the new QB. HE is rolling him out and really playing solid offense.
Cats though have good dbs. Leonard breau brooks
Ray knew he was done after last year.

He figured hey why not take a nice 450k for one last year and likely be injured or replaced anyway.

Smart move though. He’s likely done for the season now.
Earned 450k for 1.5 games. Well played.
How could this game possibly get worse for Toronto? Good lord this is brutal. Ray really needs to hang it up. Of course if the level of QB play north of the border still has Drew Willy with a job, he may try to stick around until he’s 70.
Rickey ray one tough sob that I can assure you.
This guy has taken hits for so many years.

Your a legend Ricky time to start coaching buddy.

You’ve accomplished enough
How could this game possibly get worse for Toronto? Good lord this is brutal. Ray really needs to hang it up. Of course if the level of QB play north of the border still has Drew Willy with a job, he may try to stick around until he’s 70.

Bro they make solid coin. 450k for 6 months of work for over 15 years?

Players try and play for ever. Kevin Glenn. Lulay in bc also.
Bro they make solid coin. 450k for 6 months of work for over 15 years?

Players try and play for ever. Kevin Glenn. Lulay in bc also.

Was Calvillo this bad in his last few seasons? I don’t recall but I didn’t think he seemed as minimized talent-wise as Ray has
Hate to see this. Even if Ray is past his best before date, I'd hate to see him go out like this

Oh most definitely this is the hard part of football to watch. That hit didn’t even seem that brutal at regular speed IMO.
Was Calvillo this bad in his last few seasons? I don’t recall but I didn’t think he seemed as minimized talent-wise as Ray has

Calvillo still had a rocket arm. Like an older pitcher.

However when calvillo turned 38-39 and took the hit from Edmonton which concussed him he was finished.

Hits injuries seem to end their career before physical decline.

Ray though has always had a weak arm and now the younger players are just too fast for him.
Hate to see this. Even if Ray is past his best before date, I'd hate to see him go out like this

It was inevitable as he was trying to start after he was mentally not into it. No preseason reps!!!!

He had his lucky Swan song ending last year.

Should have retired but he will make a quick 450k so wouldn’t you keep playing?
It was inevitable as he was trying to start after he was mentally not into it. No preseason reps!!!!

He had his lucky Swan song ending last year.

Should have retired but he will make a quick 450k so wouldn’t you keep playing?

Yeah considering he was driving a delivery truck when the Esks found him, I'm not sure what kind of post-football career he'll have. Make it while you can.
Yeah considering he was driving a delivery truck when the Esks found him, I'm not sure what kind of post-football career he'll have. Make it while you can.

I believe he was smart in school. But yeah not many options making 450k plus more appearance fees perks.

He did wel. I tip my hat to this man. Capitalized on his talent. A legend
I wasn't convinced Jerry Glanville could put together a quality defensive scheme but he's winning me over

I thought the same. Thought he would be lost like mike Sherman in mtl.

But give him credit. Cats are really locking down receivers