2017-2018 Coaching Carousel...Willie the latest...


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Mise well get this started for the rest of the year...

Anyone cash on this? I know a few had Butch bets in and those really should have cashed by now.
I was listening to some interesting convo. Despite the sec east "successes" (i mean, sec east sucks) he was poor vs harder sec west. He was also brought in to fix offense which is what florida fans want since they became spoiled by meyer and spurrier. And his gators averaged only 23 per
Damn. Well 2.5 years of some awful offense and can't take seeing Georgia emerge as a team to beat within the division can do that. Atleast Muschamp had good D units. Once those players were gone (this year) now UF good at nothing in year 3.

I get it. Kind of sucks that he took them to back-to-back SEC Title games, but probably didn't deserve to be there, just the best of the worst in a weak division 2015/2016.
Lesson learned look into size of buy-out clause before betting ln coach to be fired. Look at initial expectations.
When are these schools going to wake up and stop giving buyout clauses to garbage coaches. Those things were meant for the Sabans and Meyers of the world not guys like McElwain.
They will probably settle with a smaller buyout number or McElwain will sue.

My company has several contracts with municipalities and nearly all of them have clauses similar to the one UF used regarding firing “with cause”. If you are fired “with cause” your nuts are cooked...they can do whatever they want with you. It is when you are fired and there is no specific violation that they owe you everything.

Look at the Pitino situation in Louisville. He was deemed to be fired with cause and it nullifies his $43 mill (I believe) owed to him. He said fuck you let’s go to court because he wants his money. “With cause” usually has very specific wording in each contract from my experience.
The problem is what he said surely isn't enough to win a "with cause" case in court and they'd be on the hook for the whole thing if he sued and won. I've heard the lower buyout is what's being negotiated. Vaguely saying there were death threats, that would get torn apart I'd think in a lawsuit.
My company has several contracts with municipalities and nearly all of them have clauses similar to the one UF used regarding firing “with cause”. If you are fired “with cause” your nuts are cooked...they can do whatever they want with you. It is when you are fired and there is no specific violation that they owe you everything.

Look at the Pitino situation in Louisville. He was deemed to be fired with cause and it nullifies his $43 mill (I believe) owed to him. He said fuck you let’s go to court because he wants his money. “With cause” usually has very specific wording in each contract from my experience.

How can firing a guy because he made up some nonsense about death threats hold up in court. I would think that the "with cause" excuse would have to be far more egregious in nature but who knows.
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Have to assume they make a play at an aggressive offensive mind. So who are they looking at?
Scott Frost be the first to come to mind...but it does depend on that buyout clause they'd have to pay as well I'm sure
How can firing a guy because he made up some nonsense about death threats hold up in court. I would think that the "with cause" excuse would have to be far more egregious in nature but who knows.

Brewers...you’d be shocked if you read the enormous laundry list of “small print” in a municipal contract. It is literally page upon page of ways for them to “protect” themselves. If I hadn’t had to read through tons of them, I wouldn’t believe it myself.

It really all depends upon what is in the contract and whether both sides decide to negotiate instead of wasting millions on lawyers in a court case.
Also, if they pulled the just cause thing for this, that would reduce the applicant pool tremendously...what coach wants to walk into that. They were looking for a reason to get rid of him and found one...can't imagine that would make the job very enticing for several quality coaches if they could pull that off
I guess I mentally decided Frost would eventually be Nebraska coach but it makes sense for Florida go after him. Kelly makes more sense from a big name perspective.

I was just curious if they had someone specific in mind to push Jim out this way.
When are these schools going to wake up and stop giving buyout clauses to garbage coaches. Those things were meant for the Sabans and Meyers of the world not guys like McElwain.
it's different for different programs. Texas and schools like that seem to have an endless pool of booster money to throw at buyouts, so that could be the case here. However, for "normal programs," the states and students that support and attend these universities need to hold administrators accountable. They feel like they can spend the money on these buyouts because it isn't theirs.
From what I've heard, the "fired for cause" thing was just an aggressive play by the UF admin to get McElwain to take a smaller buyout. I doubt either party wants to go to court for an extended time, so maybe UF is posturing saying they are willing to let that happen, or McElwain can take $6-7 million and be gone and get another job. Not sure if he would be hireable while embroiled in a court case.

I think Mullen is the obvious choice for UF, but he was 3 years ago when they hired McElwain. so who knows. Different AD though, and pretty sure the current AD came from Miss St where he either hired, or worked for years with Mullen. Frost makes sense too, unless Nebraska comes calling and he can't turn them down. Chip Kelly's name keeps getting thrown out there, but all I've heard is that he is more likely to be an NFL OC than college HC next year. Might be a year late and a dollar short, but Willie Taggart would have made a lot of sense too.

This is definitely the first of many dominoes to fall, and there will be several in the SEC alone. Butch Jones is surely gone. Ole Miss will likely look for a fresh start. Sumlin and Bielema are on thin ice. If Mullen leaves, Miss St will have an opening. Who knows what Mizzou will do with Barry Odom. And AU is always a wild card. If they lose to both UGA and Alabama, it would not shock me if they pushed Gus out. Especially with the disaster their AD is right now. As a guy who came of age in the late 90s and early 2000s, it is wild to me that Alabama is the most stable program in the conference. For now at least
I think he is for most of the SEC. I do not know beyond that. It is obvious that they want Mullen and I would think that Sexton will do what he can to make that happen with McElwain's buyout.
Butch Davis should get one of these top jobs. I really wanted him back at Miami and still think they screwed up big time picking Richt over him.
I can give him a pass on Miami, as there wasn’t much you could do with the culture that program had established prior to him getting there. But, UNC is on him.

Recruiting an talent evaluation. He has to rank high in those areas.
From what I've heard, the "fired for cause" thing was just an aggressive play by the UF admin to get McElwain to take a smaller buyout. I doubt either party wants to go to court for an extended time, so maybe UF is posturing saying they are willing to let that happen, or McElwain can take $6-7 million and be gone and get another job. Not sure if he would be hireable while embroiled in a court case.

I think Mullen is the obvious choice for UF, but he was 3 years ago when they hired McElwain. so who knows. Different AD though, and pretty sure the current AD came from Miss St where he either hired, or worked for years with Mullen. Frost makes sense too, unless Nebraska comes calling and he can't turn them down. Chip Kelly's name keeps getting thrown out there, but all I've heard is that he is more likely to be an NFL OC than college HC next year. Might be a year late and a dollar short, but Willie Taggart would have made a lot of sense too.

This is definitely the first of many dominoes to fall, and there will be several in the SEC alone. Butch Jones is surely gone. Ole Miss will likely look for a fresh start. Sumlin and Bielema are on thin ice. If Mullen leaves, Miss St will have an opening. Who knows what Mizzou will do with Barry Odom. And AU is always a wild card. If they lose to both UGA and Alabama, it would not shock me if they pushed Gus out. Especially with the disaster their AD is right now. As a guy who came of age in the late 90s and early 2000s, it is wild to me that Alabama is the most stable program in the conference. For now at least

yep.....AND he had Missy St Number 1 or 2 in the country since then. I have to believe they have already started talking.
Let me play devil's advocate with you SEC guys...Mullen makes all of the sense in the world to go there having his background be with that program.


Why is he going to leave Mississippi State where he was making more money than McElwain anyway...and go to a place where if he isn't kicking ass recruiting wise and fending off the pressure from the expectations, he will never succeed to the likes of guys like OBC or Urban?


You think UF boosters are going to be forgiving is he has a record the likes of McElwain in 3 years? Hell no, IMO. And he's just qualified for his 8th consecutive bowl game...at a place like Starksville that means something....in the Swamp, it's fight for the title or bust.

Just playing devil's advocate here, but I think this is more a gig for a guy like Chip who almost gets off on trying to prove his system will work...plus he will rejuvenate the fan base. Just a Yankee's 2 cents...
I'm posting that because I am seeing a ton of reports that he has given verbal agreeement to Florida and they are currently vetting him.
Let me play devil's advocate with you SEC guys...Mullen makes all of the sense in the world to go there having his background be with that program.


Why is he going to leave Mississippi State where he was making more money than McElwain anyway...and go to a place where if he isn't kicking ass recruiting wise and fending off the pressure from the expectations, he will never succeed to the likes of guys like OBC or Urban?


You think UF boosters are going to be forgiving is he has a record the likes of McElwain in 3 years? Hell no, IMO. And he's just qualified for his 8th consecutive bowl game...at a place like Starksville that means something....in the Swamp, it's fight for the title or bust.

Just playing devil's advocate here, but I think this is more a gig for a guy like Chip who almost gets off on trying to prove his system will work...plus he will rejuvenate the fan base. Just a Yankee's 2 cents...

I don't disagree, but why hire Sexton if you want to stay put at State? This is also probably his last opportunity to jump for a bigger program so it's not really about whether he is content at State today but whether he will be content for years to come. While his bowl streak at State certainly matters, his job is primarily dependent on his success or lack thereof against Ole Miss, and he would have been on the hot seat this year had Chad Kelly and Evan Engram not missed the Egg Bowl. There's a chance that Ole Miss gets nuked by the NCAA and/or makes a bad hire. There's also a chance that they come out of this relatively clean and make a good hire at which point he could be in danger of losing his job again. There may also be some NCAA blowback for State, and Mullen has to be aware of that. It's a tough call.
Saw an article that seemed to suggest Tennessee is looking at Jim Bob Cooter after the Caldwell extension. That would legitimately scare me as an SC fan.
I think your nuts to be worried about Jim Bob Cooter.
why do you say that? From my Detroit friends they seem to think he was defacto running the team the last few years. Maybe one of the Michigan peeps in the forum can elaborate but my understanding he is a very good coach.