2016 NFL Draft


<header class="reply__header js_author" data-authorid="5876237249236442816" data-blogid="1635388599" style="box-sizing: inherit; order: 0; width: 746px; color: rgb(170, 170, 170); line-height: 1.4; position: relative; padding-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 10px; font-family: ProximaNovaCond, sans-serif; font-size: 15.04px;">Puddie<svg class="svg-icon svg-chevron chevron--right"><use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#iconset-chevron-right"></use></svg>Timothy Burke4/30/16 3:41pm
<svg class="svg-icon giant stroked svg-tools--giant"><use xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xlink:href="#iconset-tools--giant"></use></svg>
</header>Maybe he is overcompensating for his last name.
Love gorgy. He's an Internet mutterer. And a fantasy sports enthusiast. And a wee bit of a racist.
The guy who talked to himself, for paragraphs, was tuck. The old tuck, not Nats on Wednesday play the ref in baseball tuck, the one from Nebraska or wherever the fuck he was from. He would passionately rant about some person fucking with him, no response (hey, it's CTG), than write a few more somewhat incoherent paragraphs praising the same guy. Somewhere in there was two dimes on something.
The guy who talked to himself, for paragraphs, was tuck. The old tuck, not Nats on Wednesday play the ref in baseball tuck, the one from Nebraska or wherever the fuck he was from. He would passionately rant about some person fucking with him, no response (hey, it's CTG), than write a few more somewhat incoherent paragraphs praising the same guy. Somewhere in there was two dimes on something.

And bragged about his brother
Lions just drafted a long snapper. what is this league coming to?

At this point, what's the difference really? They could have drafted a position player and picked up a long snapper after the draft...or drafted the long snapper and picked up the position player after the draft. Either of those guys they may be targeting will most likely be available when the draft ends. Does seem odd to see a long snapper drafter though.
There is still talent out there larry
look at my big board

I'm sure there's still talent out there. I imagine they just feel most of the "talent" that's left is interchangeable to a degree and figured they would grab someone they wanted to make sure they got and will just sign a bunch of guys after the draft anyway.

Who knows what goes through some of these front office's minds? The draft is such an inexact science, and most teams don't do that good of a job most of the time anyway.
I'm sure there's still talent out there. I imagine they just feel most of the "talent" that's left is interchangeable to a degree and figured they would grab someone they wanted to make sure they got and will just sign a bunch of guys after the draft anyway.

Who knows what goes through some of these front office's minds? The draft is such an inexact science, and most teams don't do that good of a job most of the time anyway.
Did u notice that some of these draft rooms have women in them?
sorry but that's insane
sorry takeit
Well Denver ends it with a punter. Not terribly excited about our picks, but I will trust that Elway knows more than I do.
Due more to clearing laziness than importance. I cling to the messages from signalcaller that his money is good and his word is oak.
Man for way too many years I cared about winning the draft, and coincidentally the Cardinals sucked for all of those years.

Now I couldn't care less, I'd imagine there's a parallel there
Browns analytics spat out the future of football. 11 wide receivers on offense. 11 more on defense.
Browns put Scooby out of his misery.

Or perhaps his misery has just begun.

Was a steal in the 7th. I think he made a big mistake leaving early but his Sophomore year he was the best LB in the country. Great instincts and showed an ability to rush the passer.
Man for way too many years I cared about winning the draft, and coincidentally the Cardinals sucked for all of those years.

Now I couldn't care less, I'd imagine there's a parallel there

LSU West

And now Nkemweedski

like that team

Carson has a short window and that CAR game will stick in their heads( I hope )..........real great shot at winning the SB I think

if Saints don't go, i pull for em
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