2016 MLB

Adding for Saturday:

913 COL +104 (Bettis/Cashner) - $1000 / $1040
927 SEA -101 (Karns/Perez) - $303 / $300

Likely will add to Seattle later, let's see if I can get a plus somewhere.
More for tomorrow:

913 COL +105 - $300 / $315
913 COL +102 - $700 / $714

So in total:

905 WSH -200 - $4000 / $2000
913 COL +104 - $1000 / $1040
913 COL +102 - $700 / $714
913 COL +105 - $300 / $315
927 SEA +100 - $700 / $700
927 SEA -101 - $303 / $300
Friday 6/3 Recap:

961 ATL +195 -$1000
962 LAD -185 +$1030

973 SEA +130 -$1000
974 TEX -145 +$940

975 OAK +155 -$1000
976 HOU -131 +$1100

Total: +$70
YTD: +$1063
Closing SEA:

928 TEX +100 - $1000 / $1000

Not gonna make any money there, SEA sitting 3-4 regulars and number starting to drift the other way.
More adds for Sunday:

977 SEA -111 (Iwakuma/Holland) - $1110 / $1000
969 BAL -125 - $625 / $500
976 HOU -131 - $655 / $500
976 HOU -130 - $650 / $500
Closing some of COL:

914 SDG +110 - $500 / $550

Only seem to be winning at one shop this week, making line shopping very difficult...
Some of these places, jeez. $500 limit, they don't move the number, and the app doesn't let you re-bet unless they do. So conceivably they need more $ on my side, but no way for me to get it.
Closing BAL and HOU:

969 NYY +125 - $1000 / $1250
969 NYY +124 - $500 / $620

975 OAK +155 - $850 / $1318
975 OAK +160 - $500 / $800
Figures. I had to go a wedding last night and when I got back Houston was already-152, from the opener -130, so I laid off. Thanks Linde for posting this everyday, much appreciated.
Saturday 6/4 Recap:

905 WSH -200 -$4000
906 CIN +175 +$2923
906 CIN +180 +$900

913 COL +104 -$1000
913 COL +102 -$700
913 COL +105 -$300
914 SDG +110 +$1034
914 SDG +110 +550
914 SDG +110 +550

927 SEA +100 -$700
927 SEA -101 -$303
928 TEX +100 +$1000

Total: -$46
YTD: +$1017
Sunday 6/5 Recap:

970 BAL -124 +$1000
970 BAL -125 +$500
969 NYY +125 -$1000
969 NYY +124 -$500

976 HOU -130 +$500
976 HOU -130 +$500
976 HOU -131 +$500
975 OAK +155 -$850
975 OAK +160 -$500

977 SEA -111 -$1110
978 TEX +105 +$1071

Total: +$111
YTD: +$1128
Had someone ask me about this and figured some of you may be curious...I've been tracking, and if I just made a 1u bet on my original side every time instead of buying back and locking up a profit, I would be down roughly 12u since the start of the season.
Tuesday 6/7:

960 LAD -140 (Butler/Urias) - $2800 / $2000
952 PIT +120 (deGrom/Nicasio) - $1000 / $1200

Urias number is really really bad.
More for Tuesday:

967 HOU +107 (Keuchel/Hamels) - $1000 / $1070
977 TB +155 (Moore/Greinke) - $1000 / $1550

They ever gonna learn with the Astros?
Nicasio cancelled tomorrow. A couple small adds:

969 OAK +120 (Manaea/Davies) - $500 / $600
979 BOS -116 (Porcello/Suarez) - $348 / $300
979 BOS -117 (Porcello/Suarez) - $234 / $200
Monday 6/6 Recap:

915 HOU +100 -$1000
915 HOU +103 -$1000
916 TEX +108 +$1080
916 TEX +120 +$660
916 TEX +123 +$406

918 SEA -108 -$1080
917 CLE +122 +$610
917 CLE +120 +$528

Total: +$204
YTD: +$1332

Steam sucks!
Here's everything for tomorrow:

960 LAD -140 (Butler/Urias) - $2800 / $2000

967 HOU +107 (Keuchel/Hamels) - $2000 / $2140
977 TB +155 (Moore/Greinke) - $1000 / $1550
969 OAK +120 (Manaea/Davies) - $500 / $600
979 BOS -116 (Porcello/Suarez) - $348 / $300
979 BOS -117 (Porcello/Suarez) - $234 / $200
A couple adds, sorry...such a good card!

969 OAK +120 - $500 / $600
974 CHW +130 (Ross/Latos) - $500 / $650
956 CIN +160 (Leake/Lamb) - $300 / $480
956 CIN +158 (Leake/Lamb) - $200 / $316
Taking the loss here:

978 ARI -170 - $1615 / $950

Plenty of time left and I'd like to wait, but this is such a good price relative to the rest of market that I had to. Watch the big move come on the Rays now...