***** 2015 MLB/NCAA/Baseball In-Game Chatter *****

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Driving thru texas, I'd rather take my chances on a mission in the Middle East

That is like a slow death, then you gotta deal with the bible belt and Midwest

No thanks
Drove to South Padre for spring break one time from KC

That drive back was what I imagine death is x10
This is the 8th game of the playoffs and I can honestly say not one of them was memorable

Congrats to the NHL for continually providing memorable postseason moments, Nashville/Chicago game 1 is the best of the best last few days and a few other trump......the Washington/Toronto OT game????????

no bueno
how early did Ballmer get involved with Micorsoft, was he one of the original guys with Allen and Gates?
I don't like anything tomorrow in baseball, tough card, too many left handed hitters against spitball pitchers
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