***** 2015 MLB/NCAA/Baseball In-Game Chatter *****

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Blood alcohol content? I keep it kind of steady. Always slightly drunk.
So it turns out BC was right about the Bulls, even though I had it backwards.
I've been very selective the last few days, don't want to fuck with it. I had a whopper on the over in Detroit, and a smallish thing on the TB Lightning/Cavs money line chalk festival. I will pick one out tomorrow, and report in the in-game.
CTG who said that:

I'm not a bigot or anything like that, I just don't like muslims.
tip if you started a user name hesnotmyprez or even suggested it 10 years ago, you were anti american, a fucking throw out, possibly turned over to the FBI for further review

The Obama administration has at least restored the freedom of speech, that you can say shit like that and not be thrown into the system...god forbid you say that about Bush, you might as well have been russian
CTG who said that:

The French Riviera is overrated in my opinion. For my bottomless pile of inherited money, I go with the Greek Isles.
CTG who said that:

blah-blah-blah-blah-blah from google. (I'll give you this one. It's Lareux.)
CTG who said that:

That's absurd on its face! Here's a twelve-page article to support my point.
giving in is a sign of weakness

It's too much. I think this forum is a microcosm of what the Republican Party is. Guys like red and clown are very intelligent and know what they are talking about. Some of the shit said by others is pretty remarkable. They are so fucking dense it's incredible
CTG who said that:

Who wants my Spurs action at a ridiculous price, but you need to respond before my feet get cold?
CTG who said that:

I'm not opposed to watching fat lesbians if they eventually let me join in the fun. (That one's zeke.)
It's too much. I think this forum is a microcosm of what the Republican Party is. Guys like red and clown are very intelligent and know what they are talking about. Some of the shit said by others is pretty remarkable. They are so fucking dense it's incredible

Welcome to #FoxNation

It is what it is, there are realists (the people you interact with daily that have varying opinions) then those people that believe all unicorns are heterosexual. You roll with it.
Im trying to decide if I should open a Bet365 account. I already opened but Im nervous about depositing and them catching me in the USA and take my funds
CTG who said that:

We're going over the total in every baseball game tonight. But not the readily available totals. No, we're going over 4.5, -500, across the board.
Welcome to #FoxNation

It is what it is, there are realists (the people you interact with daily that have varying opinions) then those people that believe all unicorns are heterosexual. You roll with it.

If it were guys like clown then the Republican Party would be in much better shape
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