2015 British Open


CTG Psychiatrist - Dr. Tim
To Win British
Oosthuizen ML +2300 .5*
Adam Scott to Win (Post Round 2) +707 .5*
Spieth +245 .5* (Post Round 3)
Day +381 .5* (Post Round 3)

Tournament Matchups
Oosthuizen +135 vs. Stenson .5*
Oosthuizen +140 vs. Scott .5*
B. Grace -112 vs. S. Lowry .5*

Daily Matchups
Round 4 Matchup Spieth -124 vs. D. Johnson .5*
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Tournament Matchups
Oosthuizen +135 vs. Stenson .5*
Oosthuizen +140 vs. Scott .5*
B. Grace -112 vs. S. Lowry .5*
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Had to take Duval vs Mahan round 4 at +175...silly. Also have Harrington vs Leishman round 4...Paddy might win this IMO
Rooting for Louie due to my futures bet bet cannot argue with Day or Jordan, obviously.

What a great Monday finish this will be.
Nice job Tim and really could have been a big payday for you.
You know the irony of it is I was at the airport waiting to catch a flight and I had to leave after Spieth birdied 16 so didn't get to see the end of it or the playoff. I had it surrounded and was trying to hedge Louie after Round 3 with the guys I thought really had a good shot. Credit to both Leishman and Zach for great rounds on Monday. Walk away winning all my matchups and make beer money lol instead of decent payday.