2014 Tigers Thread...

I do not want anything to do with Drew. keep the pick and the money, let someone in-house play defense and hit 9 until iglesias is back.
I'd rather see them go after Nick Franklin if they do go that route. I wish Kinsler still had the range to play short cause I have a hard-on for 2B-of-the-future, Devon Travis. I guess Hernan Perez and Steve Lombardozzi will platoon at short?
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Miguel Cabrera &amp; Tigers agree on deal that will pay him just under $300 million over next 10 years. (via <a href="https://twitter.com/jcrasnick">@JCrasnick</a>) <a href="http://t.co/sWf4OJt0R6">pic.twitter.com/sWf4OJt0R6</a></p>&mdash; SportsCenter (@SportsCenter) <a href="https://twitter.com/SportsCenter/statuses/449314409521758208">March 27, 2014</a></blockquote>
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This can't end well right? Turning 31 in 2 weeks and gets an 8 year extension on his 2 year deal.
I dunno...signing our first baseman to a big money extension two seasons before his deal was up worked out pretty well for us. You'll be fine. What could possibly go wrong???
I mean, did they look at the Howard and Pujols deals and think they wanted to be the 3rd warning sign in the future for signing 31+ first basemen to 10 year deals?
they still have him under contract for 2 more seasons too, could have waited a year and there was a 0% chance his value suddenly goes up, there's a good chance he starts to regress soon
Lotta money obviously...me thinks that he will still hit well for 5-7 years...be like Vmart in that regard in later years.
There hasn't been one of these mega deals in the modern history of baseball that the club didn't end up regretting. Guy's not exactly a picture of fitness either.
as much as I try to talk myself as this being a move to get ahead of a Trout deal or that with new TV deals and escalating contracts $30M in 10 years will be like $20M today.... I still come to the conclusion that it was stupid.
Another example of why kids that are good athletes should try to play baseball. The money you can make is unreal
There hasn't been one of these mega deals in the modern history of baseball that the club didn't end up regretting. Guy's not exactly a picture of fitness either.
And with Prince gone, that means there's going to be more food left over during the pre and post game meals...
Opening day...gonna have to turn to some early caffeine to get going but pretty excited for the day. It is pretty bad when mid-fifties gets you pumped up at the end of March. EAT EM UP TIGERS.
Tomrrow's one of the big days of the thread, Tribe home opener.
Like a typical michigander, just returned home from naples and sanibel today, back to the slopfest weather i see....i also see we are undefeated, gee what a surprise, if this team isnt the best ever in baseball i dont know who is. 159 more to go!

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is that really the april in the D song this year?!?!?! filmed in a chicago subway!??!?! ahahahaha
small sample size. bullpen will have plenty of blowups. offense will struggle at times. should win the division but won't be a cakewalk by any means
Team is rolling right now...a lot of fun to watch...

Haha, fuck you Prince.

Back to the scene of the crime though this weekend. Hopefully pull 2 of 3.
Tribe's employing the rope-a-dope, just letting the Tigs punch themselves out in these early rounds.
AL Central has the best run differential in the majors

Tigs +45, everyone else -19.

They look great. But it is May 15. Big series for the Indians next week when Detroit visits, a lot bigger than it is for Detroit. Would be nice to not come out of that 12 games out. Preparing myself for COPA-East.
Tribe helped out that run diff last night, wish they'd spread those babies out a bit.
Indians ownership quietly looking forward to Copa East next week, will be best (only) crowds of the year so far.
Tigs +45, everyone else -19.

They look great. But it is May 15. Big series for the Indians next week when Detroit visits, a lot bigger than it is for Detroit. Would be nice to not come out of that 12 games out. Preparing myself for COPA-East.

right but they don't have anyone that is -30 like most divisions do. run differential is a pretty decent measure of expected future success.
Agree the division's a little underrated. Still think it's a little early to look much into run dif. Indians went from -14 to -3 in one night. Wild swings with hot and cold streaks. +45's pretty damn impressive though. And shit, didn't realize Oakland was +71 until I was looking at these ... that's Tribe's two opponents on this homestand coming up. Oakland and Detroit.
Was thinking Tip was quiet in this thread this year. Too many moral threads in the forum taking up his time.

Loving the movement on the bases this year. How many steals were on the team last year? 5-6? Glad the softball team is gone though.
still expect a rebound from the tribe staff... those guys are too good to be pitching like they have been. bradley is a stud. kipnis can stay on the DL a few extra weeks.