***** 2014 MLB Playoffs In-Game*****

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Well this will make everyone in town forget about Sunday's debacle vs Tampa Bay, which made everyone in town forget about Pitt's debacle vs. Akron. But hey, the Pens start up next week, at least they're proven in the playoffs....
Well this will make everyone in town forget about Sunday's debacle vs Tampa Bay, which made everyone in town forget about Pitt's debacle vs. Akron. But hey, the Pens start up next week, at least they're proven in the playoffs....
I couldn't have been farther off on these two play-in games, think I'm gonna play series only
What a pathetic display by these fuckers. I thought the A's losing like they did last night was pathetic
they need to give holdzscum their bats to chew on...wear down those beaver teeth a bit before he bites someone in a meth rage
If the Steelers somehow lose to the Jags on Sunday they may have to close all the bridges.
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