2014 CTG Fantasy Baseball League 2

reNew Orleans

Clubbin' with Rasual Butler

CTG 2 Fantasy Bases League
H2H League - Daily, Max moves 4 per week, no IP limits
C, 1B, 2B, 3B, SS, OF, OF, OF, UTIL, UTIL, SP, SP, SP, RP, RP, P, P, P, 5 BN, 1 DL

I just renewed the league from last year and invites sent (except Show Time). Join now and I will update the payments as they are sent in to DeFaz.

$100 payments through PayPal go to defaz122677@aol.com. Remember to click
Personal to avoid any fees.

1) renew
2) Chickencoups
3) Baton Rouge Bombers
4) born losers
5) wreck
6) Grind
7) DeFaz
8) guaranteeed
9) theHbomb (Hot Dog)
10) ivyinbarondise (billivytothewall)
11) orangemonk

Wait List
1. bjorks
2. Gorg

Please join ASAP if you plan on playing again this year! If not let me know so we can accept new members. If you are interested then just say so and we will start a wait list here. Please take note of the settings.

A few things to note.
1) DeFaz - STFU about your strategy =). I dont know how you do it every year.
2) There was mention from OM about shortening the season to avoid the randomness of SP towards the end of the season. Do we want to shorten the season by a week or so? I'd still prefer to have a longer finals week than normal but haven't really looked into the settings yet.
3) Lets get the payments in ASAP so we can randomly generate our draft order in advance of the draft. Weve done this a couple years running now to let people prepare for their draft position. You can trust DeFaz to hold the money and pay out quickly... or this is an extremely elaborate plan of his to jack everyone of their cash.


I would like to petition for one or both of these:

1 more DL slot
1 more Add/Drop per week

Either would be great, both would be excellent.
We Can Discuss:

1) Up the buy in - current is $100. anyone down for either $125 or $150?
2) DL Spots, 1 or 2 DL spots
3) Add/Drop per week, 4 or 5?
4) Draft Time? What doesnt work for people?

I'd be up to uping the buy in a little more.
Don't really care for adding a 2nd DL spot. Seems excessive in my opinion
add/drop, same deal - want to avoid streaming especially late in the year
I made the draft time March 23rd (Sunday) @ 8:30 pm EST.
1. I'd like to increase to either 150 or 125.
2. I like 2 DL spots ... baseball is crazy and guys are always on the DL.
3. I like 4 to prevent too much streaming.
4. I'll be on vaca from march 20th-25th but could probably make it work if I had to... a different day would be better if we could though.

and as mentioned, I would prefer a longer playoff to avoid the randomness of pitching for the final if we can.
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i'm in for whatever amount is agreed on...

faz? I cant enter money till i know how much and where it's going lol....any night is better then any day for me...

I'd prefer 2 DL spots but idc that much
Prob. I dont have time for this shit but I like interacting we ith you guys.
Yeah I'm gonna go play one or two small events before the main, then play the main...

little one drop prob, and then main
I feel that anyone who's been playing in this league before has the right to veto any increase in buy in. If some people cant go higher, it's not fair to say get out of the league you've been playing in...if Hbomb wants to keep it @ 100...I vote we keep it @ 100...

Faz, if you wanna start a highrollers league, I'd deff be in...im sure there are a few more guys around here that would play in it too.

If this is confirmed, I'll send you the $100 after I read someone confirm that we're keeping it @ 100 for hbomb and potentially others as well
Why the fuck would I want to play high rollers league? Im pissing my money away here-

I dont even draft a team-

But an extra $50 isnt that much-
update, given that people responded to various questions (but not all or dont care)

pretty sure I messaged bjorks to see if he was still nterested, havent heard back

1) people up for increasing buy in - perhaps $125 is the happy medium
2) 2 dl spots
3) 4 moves
4) Id rather do the draft earlier than the 20th if OM cant make it. after the 25th (maybe the 26th) wont really work bc we got mardi gras down here =)
March 17th (st pattys day but do people actually go out on that day, especially since it's a Monday) or 18th would be ideal but I can make the 23rd work if that works for everyone else.
i'm cool with whatever the price is...

but i do wanna say again, that if even one guy doesn't wanna increase...i think we should keep it as is...obv im not the final say but i think it's only fair....idk maybe he's cool with 125 though anyways?
I'm good with $125, but not any higher. Ordinarily, I'd be the first one to agree to higher stakes, but I just bought a new house, haven't sold my old one yet and I'm dropping 50k on a wedding this summer, so even though it's only a few bucks, trying to be financially responsible considering the circumstances. You guys wanna push it to $200 per, I'm more than fine with that next season; but 125 is my max this year. Hope everyone is good with that.
I'm good with $125, but not any higher. Ordinarily, I'd be the first one to agree to higher stakes, but I just bought a new house, haven't sold my old one yet and I'm dropping 50k on a wedding this summer, so even though it's only a few bucks, trying to be financially responsible considering the circumstances. You guys wanna push it to $200 per, I'm more than fine with that next season; but 125 is my max this year. Hope everyone is good with that.

$125 should be the most if people really want to move it up. We did raise the price last year if I recall from $75 to $100. I think that's right. I don't have a problem with $125 and I would be fine with $100 as well, since I'm in both leagues.

Lets up buyin.....im in vegas that week but ill auto.

Don't know if you've seen it but you can now draft inside of the yahoo fantasy app on your ipad. It actually works right now. Could make it easier for people to draft away from the computer.
Just playing a little matchmaker, but we got these three knocking on the door on the CTG-1 waiting list, perhaps there's a fit in here somewhere ...

Wait list:
1. bjorks
2. FootballNut
3. gyno
In. Faz text me about payments or send a pm and I'll look at that tomorrow. Not allowed to go on ctg while I am stuck on cage at work
is bossup, misschung?

sorry. i dont know these things, very much out of the CTG loop nowadays.

I can send an invite, just PM me your email address and I'll get you the invite.
Faz, I'm running out....are you thebank in both leagues i'm in or just this one? 125 for this one correct?

If it's 225 total i'll just send you toniight when i check this
Smoke's the keymaster for Leaguesafe in CTG1, Ivy. We had a bad experience once with cash and checks.
kk can you link me to the leaguesafe thing, i know i used it once but i'm fuzzy...and i guess ill send 125 to faz on paypal then...when it's confirmed that's what it is
yeah. were at 12. we can figure out the buy in and all. Im fine with whatever. if multiple people dont want to up it then we should just keep it as is.
Send $100 now if ya want and if we up it u can send remaining balance-

Im in for whatever-
1) renew
2) Chickencoups
3) Baton Rouge Bombers
4) born losers
5) wreck

6) Grind (PAID)
7) DeFaz (PAID)

8) guaranteeed
9) theHbomb (Hot Dog)
10) ivyinbarondise (billivytothewall)
11) orangemonk
general update

since we have someone opposed to upping the buy-in lets keep $100
I've believe its about 3 for 2 dl sports, 2 for 1 dl spot.
most everyone wants to keep 4 adds a week.
draft time seems to work for all except 1 so far.

defaz doesnt care about anything.
general update

since we have someone opposed to upping the buy-in lets keep $100
I've believe its about 3 for 2 dl sports, 2 for 1 dl spot.
most everyone wants to keep 4 adds a week.
draft time seems to work for all except 1 so far.

defaz doesnt care about anything.

4 adds isn't going to change, that's fine.

adding 1 DL spot after 3 years (?) is a reasonable inclusion, right? it's essentially insurance from injuries. It's ok to limit moves per week when people waste them but to tether someone with carrying an injured player because of bad luck isn't fair or competitive. Because one dead spot on you roster wasted with a DL injury can make that a possibly unfair advantage for the other team.

Didn't some team have 4 or 5 guys on the DL at one point last year? That sucks for that team. Adding one more DL slot is not necessarily an advantage for someone in that position but it's better to carry 1 less dead weight for a few weeks.