2013-14 NBA Playoffs ***1st Round*** In-Game

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I'm really trying to be unbiased. That first foul on Val was clearly wrong. It was a mistake since they didn't see Garnett push him. It happens.
Great goal

The Nets and Wiz can win it all? That would be a major setback for the NBA for quality of product, similar to what college hoops has gone thru. What a shitshow that would be.
The absurd thing with the NBA is "star calls". It's a joke. You call the rule book, not the name on the player's jersey. If star calls existed in Test Cricket, you might as well do away with the sport, it'd be a sham from beginning to end.
There are a lot more quality teams in hockey, probly because games are built to be close, but yes most years there are several teams that can win it all, like football and baseball. 3, maybe 4 teams can win it in the NBA every year. Just eliminate the first round and the product would be so much more entertaining but obv that wouldn't happen

And the first round just drags on way too long. Better when it was 5 games, the cream can rise in 5 games
They are two completely different sports. I don't even know what we are trying to argue about. I understand you guys love your pucks. I was never brought up with hockey so it's not my thing. At all. It's like a niche sport in my area. Nobody talks about the rangers or devils at work. It's not water cooler talk. So to me it's no where near as the other sports. Nothing against you guys. Playoff hockey is very exciting for sure. But I can't watch it unless I have money on it.
I didn't know shit about hockey til I was out of college. Went to one playoff game and was hooked. Been to many Suns playoff games and they are fun but nothing like the SC playoffs
Sundays game is going to be interesting. Still don't see the raptors winning in Brooklyn. Too young. They took a lot of dumb shots in the 1h. Should have been up at half IMO
Ironic that betting percentages and fading public plays is exactly a conspiracy. Just stay selective in your theories.
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