2013-14 NBA Playoffs ***1st Round*** In-Game

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close call at the end there but you can't call CP3 for that. but when blake dipped his shoulder i thought that was offensive. oh well on to game 4.
Jesus I've watched maybe 4 minutes of this game between 1st and 2nd half and nothing but Williams bitching. Back to St Louis/Chi series, much better theater
I believe the rulebook specifically states that's not traveling in the playoffs for large market teams. Gotta read up
Refs dictated this game from the start. You can look at the fouls and they seem even. But Calling 2 early bullshit fouls on Jonny V ruined Torontos chances
You can find something to bitch about but that second foul was a foul on Val. And Dwill is only being that way because Lowry is being a little bitch. Scratching and shit. Please.
I saw the hard foul by Lowry, typical playoff shit, the Williams charge at him like a punk. Shoulda been a T, seen enough, it's not worth watching. Blues/Hawks been everything u could want in a series in any sport so far, 3 out of 4 games OT, one 3OT. Shouldn't have changed the channel in the first place.
Everyone knows the biggest the advantage the Raptors had in this series was down low. And the refs made sure that was non existant. I rarely watch the NBA because its so biased to the big teams and players its an embarassement. Williams gets fouled and charges Lowry. Give me a break, it was a fucking normal foul and you try acting like a tough guy. A bunch of pussies and whiners.
I mean you can play the conspiracy angle card all you want. I get it. Don't bet the sport if you think it's fixed. That's all I'm going to say.
Playoff hockey so different. Either of these teams can legitimately win it all, can't say that about any first round series in the hoops
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