$2 Billion for Clippers

It's not possible for the many reasons that have been laid out in this thread, and the number of people who live in LA and have told you why. The fact that you still think it's possible after this thread is getting to be embarrassing imo.

It was nice that you didn't reply to my post which pointed out what you actually said first though (and admit you were wrong about what you first posted), and just continued with this outlandish notion that the Clippers can one day take over LA from the Lakers.

I didn't respond b/c I had already paraphrased my thought that you and many others took out of context. Which is one of the favorite past times in CTG. I paraphrased my thought to say that they were enjoying a market LAL created.

My disagreeing with people who live in LA is not embarrassing to me. And I don't really care that if you're embarrassed for me either lol. There hasn't been any situation like this in the modern era. There is no finite piece of data that points to the idea that the Lakers will always encompass the hearts and minds of basketball fans in the state even after their team has sucked for a decade and another team that plays in the same area has won championships. The timeline of 5 years too soon? Perhaps...but the delta between the two franchises market share could close considerably.
You are still at it in here?

Ivy, if the nets win a championship in Brooklyn will they then take the place of the Kincks as the major team in NYC?

When the Angels won the WS did they become the team in LA since the Dodgers haven't won since 88?
the Nets don't enjoy a prime location in Manhattan...they have been identified with New Jersey for years as well... Not to mention the Nets have the worst contracts in the league and the Barclay's center is probably worth a tiny fraction of the Garden.

I cant compare baseball teams, and I don't know much about the Dodgers following or history.
Who knows what these franchises are really worth, though the so called "experts" all say he overpaid.

I don't think anyone is going to disagree that there aren't great revenue streams available. Who knows whats the future holds with streaming( potentially it could be huge), and we already know the Clippers are due a nice TV deal coming up.

I think the long term demise of the Lakers is a little overblown. The overall hatred for the Lakers is clouding some people's thoughts. In 2005 this team was bad , not 2014 bad but bad. 3 seasons later they are in the title game. This is still the Lakers, and while the current CBA places restrictions on the team it is one of only a handful of franchises that will do what it takes to win ( they will pay into the luxury tax). I'm assuming the players will opt out of this CBA when they can in two years, and my guess with the way these owners are throwing around money for teams the salary cap will increase. That helps the Lakers. Also I could see maximum contracts going away in some degree, that would obviously help the Lakers( maximum contracts are stupid IMO, but thats another debate).

Lets also not act like the Clippers are serious title contenders right now, they aren't. I've said this before, but I just have a hard time believing they are gaining much of any of the market in LA by making it to the Western conference semis

Clippers could and probably would gain some market share over the Lakers if teams continue in the same direction for the next couple of years, but supplant them in any reasonable time frame ( next 10 years) no way.

Also, the profitably for the Lakers is better for any reasonable timeframe (id say at least 10 years). I think you could argue much better. They have a TV deal that Clippers can't touch.

Also Phil Anshutz *(sp?) owns about 30% of the Lakers( I may have this wrong but Buss agreed to sell him this percentage in order to have 25 years rent free or something like that). His company (Aeg) owns Staples. So Lakers are essentially rent free , while the CLIPS are paying tenants.There are 9 years left on that deal for the Clippers

So much better TV deal and much better Arena deal. That isn't going to change anytime soon

Now there are rumors floating around that Phil Anshutz, who owns the Kings is selling the team along with Staples. Ballmer is rumored to be the interested buyer. Phil came out last week and denied he was selling the Kings. That would certainly change things a bit if Ballmer was able to gain ownership of Staples
Unbelievable that this purchase price doesn't include any actual property besides a training facility. When the Dodgers were purchased for 2.15 billion, the stadium and land were also acquired.

Anyone know how a purchase of this magnitude, involving no property, would effect the surrounding residential areas to Staples Center? I have a small 4-unit apartment in the area that I'm willing to unload if Ballmer is willing to buy. Haha. It's shot up about 20% again in the last year.

I would say you own a very valuable piece of real estate, haha.
Sterling has paid his lawyers 6 figures to hire PI's to get dirt on all NBA owners, David Stern and Adam Silver...

This is gonna be fun!!! GO STERLING GO!!!
Can't wait to see what he finds on Cuban, that will be interesting. But you know one of these owners has some back room hooker whipping him while he's in leather, bound to be......
love it, he gets paid $2bil and use that money to then fuck the NBA.

Except he's not getting the $2 Billion because he's trying to fuck with the NBA, and the sale isn't going to go through until he stops doing what he's doing currently.

It would make more sense, I guess, if he did just take the money...and then fuck with the NBA and expose whatever his private investigators find out.
yea. I would have done that. sell it, collect. then get the PI's involved. He said he wouldnt sue, and he's not...just expose this fukn league.
Have to come back to this thread again about the Clippers and Lakers discussion (not really a discussion, more like 1 opinion vs the truth)...

The Lakers profited $100.1 Million last season, and that was AFTER giving up $49 Million to the NBA revenue sharing.

The Clippers were not even in the top 8 (all the article on Grantland listed), which means they profited less than $15-$20 Million or so, if that (the Thunder are 5th at $29M in profit).

So, the Lakers made probably close to 10x (and at least 5x) what the Clippers made in 2013-14....a year in which the Lakers were fucking atrocious and the Clippers were a title contender.
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Lareux could you please post the link ? I would love to see the entire list but couldn't find it.

They don't have the entire list, just the top 8 teams. I have been searching for the full list everywhere, but haven't found it as of yet.

Here's the Grantland article where I got the info from...


The list of the top 8 is in the bullet points below the article about how inept the Nets are.
Good memory from Larry here.

Tonight was the perhaps last home game of this 'era' of Clippers basketball so a fitting time to bump.
Good memory from Larry here.

Tonight was the perhaps last home game of this 'era' of Clippers basketball so a fitting time to bump.

What? You mean the Clippers haven't taken over LA? Get the fuck outta here. No kidding?
Fortunately for Ballmer last I saw he's worth about $30 billy :hypnosis:

That'll be about $29 billion when he decides to sell the Clippers for a loss. What a joke of a franchise the Clippers are.